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About fish_finder

  • Birthday 10/30/1979

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  1. I'll share my favourite trophy trout fly. I've been using the same pattern for a few years now. Big browns, brookies and bows all like to kill it for trespassing. Sometimes they like yellow, sometimes white, sometimes brown, sometimes black..... Its called the sex dungeon, originally tied by a fella from the midwest. Goes by the name Kelly Galloup.
  2. Thermacell. I've been using one for years, and anyone that fishes/camps/hikes with me on a regular basis gets one for their birthday, xmas, etc. from me. They won't work as well if its too windy, but the wind usually knocks the bugs down anyways.
  3. All of that lovely stuff you spray on your lovely 'lawns' drips straight into the water you love to fish. Just saying....this is a fishing forum and everyone is giving advice on how it use/'import' this crap....and then folks will turn around and whoo and haaa about why the fishing sucks...everywhere. It might not kill the fish directly, but it'll either kill what they eat, or what they eat eats. If you want a shnazzy lawn, maybe consider that you'll have to put some work into keeping it nicely groomed. Otheriwse, dig up your friggin lawn and grow a bunch of stuff you can eat beside your catch.
  4. I quit cold turkey last october using an e-cig.
  5. First year doing this on my own. I've spent time on other farms with buckets, but this is a first for me. 15 taps this year to start. So far about 20 gallons of sap in my tank. First boil will be this weekend. Today was the best flow yet. I'm just outside of Elora.
  6. They used to sell the dvds and blurays right off the IF4 website but there wasn't enough interest to carry on. Most of the films are available either in DVD/Bluray format or for streaming/On Demand on the film makers websites. Just search the film maker and video name and google and you should be able to find them. For anyone interested, the one we had in the festival in 2012 is free to view on youtube:
  7. As long as folks RSVP, there are seats. That's why I say PM me so you can get a seat reserved for a youth if you have an adult ticket. Right now, there are plenty of seats still available. Trailers for the films can be viewed on the homepage of the IF4 website: http://flyfilmfest.com/IF4/ List of films: Feature Films “Unbroken” – Camille Egdorf “Stream Fishing Addiction” – H20 Media “Landed” – IF4 Original Film “Mending the Line” – Uncage the Soul Productions “Destination Spain – Director’s Cut” – VPMH Short Films “Swing North” – Burl Productions “Arctic Silver” – Kokkaffe Media “Change of Pace” – SOS Fly Fishing & More!
  8. Getting the word out for Kim about the free seats for youth. Kim's a good buddy of mine.
  9. Should be a good one this year! If anyone is considering going and has a teenager or younger son or daughter they'd like to bring, they can get in FREE with a paid adult ticket. Shoot me a PM for details if that sort of thing interests you! Dave
  10. If you want something very similar to the BF ATs, General Grabber AT2 are excellent. Nearly identical tread pattern to the BFs and priced about the same as the wranglers. I have these tires on my truck and love them. http://www.generaltire.ca/productdetails.php?id=grabberat2
  11. I'll second tamar. I do two trips a year, summer and winter. Bruce is great. You'll catch ling all night if you want to. I can give a couple of tips on where to look for pickeral around there provided you are mobile on the ice.
  12. And I'm sure one of them will take the award this year. Once In A Blue Moon won the award in 2009. Different films every year.
  13. I see what you're getting at, but the award it won was for being voted as best film in the Drake Magazine Fly Fishing Film Competition...
  14. Doesn't deserve a film making award? I'm gonna guess you watched it with your eyes closed..... That was a breakthrough film as far as fly fishing, and fishing films in general goes. Seemed fitting that the Fly Fishing Film Tour would give them the award.
  15. From the CBC - Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admitted Tuesday he has smoked crack cocaine "in one of my drunken stupors." Ford made the shocking statement Tuesday at Toronto City Hall in a scrum with reporters. “Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine,” Ford said. “But, no — do I? Am I an addict, no? Have I tried it? Um, probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately about a year ago.” The mayor suggested that he hadn’t been lying when reporters previously asked him about the tape. “So, I wasn’t lying. You didn’t ask the correct questions,” Ford said. “No I’m not an addict and no, I do not do drugs. I made mistakes in the past and all I can do is apologize, but it is what it is and I can’t change the past.” "Yes, I've made mistakes, all I can do now is apologize and move on," the mayor said. "I can apologize to my family, my friends, my colleagues and the people of this great city." Last week, Toronto's police chief said authorities had recovered a video of the mayor with images that corresponded with media reports about him appearing to smoke crack cocaine. Ford repeated a call for the tape to be released on Tuesday. "I don't even recall there being a tape or a video and I know that. So I want to see the state that I was in. I wasn't lying," he told reporters. Ford's admission comes after months of speculation that began in May of this year when reports surfaced that a video exists that shows the mayor smoking what appears to be crack cocaine. Ford, 44, was elected as the mayor of Toronto three years ago. He still has another year to go in his current term. During his time as mayor, Ford has consistently drawn headlines both for his work at city hall and his life outside of it. Earlier this year, the Toronto Star and the U.S. gossip website Gawker each reported that someone had been shopping a video of the mayor using crack cocaine. Ford denied both the video’s existence and using crack cocaine. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/mayor-rob-ford-yes-i-have-smoked-crack-cocaine-1.2415533
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