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About keram

  • Birthday 08/26/1956

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  1. I did. Somebody is comming next Thursday, but they told me that my findings are 99.99% impossible. This is a reason why I'm looking for some advice
  2. The toilet is not my concern. It is practically not used, so I did not change it yet. The other 3 in the house use 1gal/flush
  3. Is it possible that water meter register higher water usage then actual? O.K. Let me explain. Today I had a phone call from my water company to check my water meter reading, because my usage was somewhat higher then normal. I’ve checked it and is really, really HIGHER then normal. There is no leak (leak indicator is not moving ). So I did experiment. I would like to follow my way of reasoning, because I could be wrong. My meter counts cubic meters of water, one full turn of the dial is 100 litres. There is a toilet close to the meter. I’ve flushed toilet 8 times (closing the supply valve each time) to get full turn of the dial (100 litres). Math is pretty simple 100/8=12.5 litres = 3.17 gal Now I’ve used jug from windshield washer fluid ( 1 gal or 3.78 l) and I needed only two gallons of water to fill the tank to the same level. So, my 2 gal of water shows as 3.17 gal on the meter. Another thing. I’ve filled the same jug twice ( approx 7.5 litres), my meter registered 10 litres of usage. I know that defective meter shows lower usage ( due to wear & tear) but higher. Please share any ideas In mean time I will start looking for the in ground pool on my property I’m sure it is not in a living room.
  4. I do it every year for as long as I can remember Some of them
  5. some info about woods for smoking here: http://bbq.about.com/cs/cookingtips/a/aa051097_2.htm?rd=1
  6. I have no idea what it is. At a first glance I think that questioning of former M. Jackson's plastic surgeon is in order.
  7. I have no idea, but in my opinion it looks ........"vegetarian"
  8. Could you please translate this to English
  9. http://network.nationalpost.com/NP/blogs/t...-fishermen.aspx
  10. FYI
  11. Paint job is only small part of the equation, but still important. Much more important is the action of the lure and weather you can replicate it consistently. I'm following the work of this guy for at least three years now and in my opinion his job is worth every penny. Some time ago I've tried to replicate his ideas ( after about 1 year of learning ). These are my attempts Like I've said before. Paint job is only part of this. I've used "rattle cans". It is not bad, but nothing to compare with his job. Interesting thing is that two of the lures from pictures did O.K. (in regards to action ), one of them was like piece of 2X4 and one ( which I try to replicate unsuccessfully - 23 times already) has an action called "hunting" in lure builders community.. From one point of view is worthless ( I cannot replicate it), from another is priceless ( my piont of view ). O.k enough for now. If somebody wants to make a living of it PM me. I have a lots of info for free
  12. I strongly suggest....... Keep your job
  13. I had a good laugh looking at this. In PDF format there is about 200 pages with 51 names on page. Due to limited time I've checked only few pages from top ( alphabetical order by last name). I've found few position ( very demanding, time consuming, stressfull...... just the worst government jobs you can imagine) for little bit short (in total) of 1,000,000.00 $ . I do not know how we can survive without them? Ajax Public Library NIE GEOFFREY Chief Librarian/Executive Officer $127,859.64 $23.65 City of Barrie BOYD MONA Parks Horticultural Co-ordinator $107,776.66 $293.96 City of Barrie DAVIS AL Director, Library Services $113,409.25 $470.25 City of Brampton RAINEY MIKE Technical Stage Hand $133,080.99 $396.28 City of Brampton SADIQ AFTAB Data Base Administrator, Oracle $104,782.15 $578.16 City of Brampton - Public Library Board KOSTIAK ADELE Chief Executive Officer $149,307.1 $1,506.50 City of Greater Sudbury HENDERSON RONALD Director, Citizen Services $115,561.39 $4,865.49
  14. And a little bit of humor about it http://borepatch.blogspot.com/2009/11/what...un-climate.html
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