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Everything posted by aznphil

  1. Screw that man...........
  2. newest generation honda pilot...there are used ones just coming off lease...
  3. wow just wow... i am always aware of the other boats in my vicinity, kinda like defensive driving, everyone's an idiot until proven otherwise. In fact i DID GET RUN OVER last summer on stoney lake...by a bayliner...check out my post: http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=70992&hl=finatic&do=findComment&comment=801928 a little late in the season but just a reminder to all the boaters to DRIVE RESPONSIBLY...
  4. not halibutron but nearby, i checked everywhere but shallow on lake of bays yesterday, and was fishing 12-6pm so that didn't help the odds at all. I did mark balls of bait, very small (baitfish), some on offshore breaks in 30+ft, some on top of 20 ft along wind blown shoreline, all sorts of activity on a shoreline bluff dropping to 100ft, but didn't mark any "fish" per say...needless to say was a very nice day to skunk, I certainly enjoyed the weather at least...63.5F
  5. i would think bass would still be in more relatively shallower feeding areas as opposed to the deeper summer/wintertime haunts, or at least in transition to do so. Enjoying the last of the warm surface temps and the forage that follow it. Does that make sense? Also I have read that areas/techniques successful in the spring/opener can also be true come fall time, can anyone comment?
  6. thanks rrrrroy!!!!!
  7. Hi all, looking to see if the public launch in Dwight is still operational? Are there parking for trailers nearby? THANKS Fin
  8. HI OFNERS!! quick question: can one park his boat and trailer on a car campsite? Is it wise to do so? I'm thinking to park my boat at a Provincial Park campsite for a night, then take it to a lake the next day. Thoughts? THANKS!! Fin
  9. damn my next boat is a 21footer for sure should be a step up from my current 16'
  10. i dunno how u guys got out yesterday w. the winds...
  11. sweet pro v...super clean congrats on the find. I was always skeptical about 90's rigs but yours couldve fooled me.
  12. wow u can catch some fish!! subscribed
  13. Hi, just wondering if there are any tools/resoucres that will help me calculate the route distance when planning a trip through the waterways. Kinda like google map but on the water. I guess i could plug in some waypoints on my chartplotter to see the total distance but anything I can plan while at home/office? That's right at the office lol
  14. yes pp slick may be more limp / prone to tangle but people have highlighted the advantage in casting range...i noticed i needed to adjust my techniques a little as well / be a little more attentive to line management. As said the advantage far outweighs its nuisances...for certain techniques...for other applications there may be no difference using slick vs other braid. I have 10lb, 20lb, sad they don't have anything under 10lb...i instead use 8lb 832 which suffices
  15. thanks to everyones responses and jimmer for the heads up on the tourney...got me thinking of other spots now but it'll just be a brief outing w. the fam... My plan was to launch from bridge opposite side of the park early w. the wife, then relax/bbq at Emily, maybe evening launch from the park or depending on fishing conditions lol I'm hoping to be on to fish early enough so i'm off the water by the time the tourney ppl blast off...sounds ambitious right lol All in all I think the plan sounds good, don't it?
  16. thanks for the reply, on their phone they open the gates at 8am, so unless they leave the gates open during open season...i would think only campers are allowed in and out during closed hours and they have a different vehicle pass (not a day pass)... Nevertheless there's several launches in the area, I'll drop by later at Emily and ask just to be sure.
  17. Hi guys, I plan to launch at Emily this weekend, can I launch before the park's opening hours, has anyone had this experience? Anyone happen to fish in that area recently, how its it been? thanks in advance Gunna be a busy weekend so PLAY SAFE =)
  18. hells no. And get a 80lb trolling motor w. 60".
  19. just wanted to keep this updated for people like myself going through the same pain: http://www.boatsmartexam.com/blog/post.cfm/boat-registration-process-ontario The Small Vessel Regulations require that all pleasure craft of all sizes equipped with one or more primary propulsion motors of 10 hp (7.5 KW) or more must be licensed, unless they are registered. Boat Registration Process in Ontario February 2, 2012 · 9 Comments Licensing your Boat A Pleasure Craft License is the set of ID numbers displayed on your boat which can be used by Search and Rescue personnel to identify your vessel. A Pleasure Craft License is different than a Vessel Registration, which provides proof of ownership (legal title), a unique name and official number for your boat and the right to use your boat as security for a marine mortgage. The Small Vessel Regulations require that all pleasure craft of all sizes equipped with one or more primary propulsion motors of 10 hp (7.5 KW) or more must be licensed, unless they are registered. The regulation applies to all boats mostly operated or kept in Canada. You can obtain a 10 year license for free from Service Canada. You must renew the license after the 10 year period has expired. If your boat is already licensed, you should make sure that it is in your name and that your contact information is up-to-date. 
Transferring Ownership of your Boat 
It is mandatory to report a change of name and address to the Service Canada Pleasure Craft Licensing Centre. If selling a pleasure craft, you must transfer ownership by signing the reverse side of your vessel license and providing it to the purchaser. The purchaser is obligated to complete and sign the reverse side of the vessel license and submit it to Service Canada for transfer within 90 days. An owner may operate the pleasure craft for 90 days after the date of change of name or address, if documents establishing the date of change of name or address are on board. Owner information must be kept up-to-date, including name and address changes. Registering your Boat in Ontario There are costs involved in registering your vessel, but if you plan to operate your boat in international waters registering you vessel provides the benefit of proof of ownership, in addition to the benefits noted above. In order to register your boat you will be required to select at least 3 names for your vessel (of which one will be approved), pay a registration fee, complete an application for registry, produce evidence of ownership/title and statement of qualification for vessel registration, as well as have your vessel measured for tonnage.
  20. once again, thanks all for pointing me in the right direction.
  21. bill you always on top of things..appreciate the swift replies. 60" really?! Many I see are in the 40-50" range, I like to fish shallow ~1ft of water, would I run into problems with 60"? I understand the deeper the more stable during wind/waves... here's minn kotas' recommendations, I just wanted to hear some real life experiences: Bow to Waterline Recommended Shaft Length 0”-10” 36" 16-22" 42-45" 22”-28” 48”-52 28”-34” 54”-62 I'd like to add...is anyone selling a used one? Preferably >55lb
  22. hi, what would be the trolling motor shaft length for a typical Lund/Legend 16' deep V, your basic bench or flat bottom hull? thanks in advance
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