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Carpe Diem

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Everything posted by Carpe Diem

  1. Thanks Woodsman. Sounds like a good idea. Might keep the bait away from the smaller fish. Think i know what a roe bag is. Remember hearing you can use old stockings. Is this true?
  2. Wow, amazing fish!!!! Have enjoyed reading your reports Mepps. Grew up in London, but wasn't aware there was anything other than carp, or sunfish in the Thames. Glad i caught this post. Live in Hamilton but will be spending time in London over the summer. Want to fish the Thames. (i'm a newbie) Thing is though, reading this reminded me how good the location along the river is, should you want to hide from the law. Being a girl not sure if i would feel safe down there by myself, being so isolated, and close to downtown. What do you think? How many other anglers are usually around down there during the day?? Different on weekends?? Also, bought two of your trusty Mepps Aglia #4 .Got the idea from you. Who knew it came in so many different colors though??? What color do you prefer? Thanks.
  3. Not sure but that could be the Thames River. St. Mary's is close to London, on the way to Stratford if i remember correctly. Nice fish Marko.
  4. Thanks for the tips. Have a shrimp ring in the freezer that i've lost interest in. Maybe the catfish will enjoy it. Saw someone catch a catfish out of Hamilton Harbour. They were taking it home to eat, said it was good on the BBQ. No problems if they want to eat it, but they had a young daughter. Maybe 6 or 7 years old. Yikes!! If you were from around here you would know that isn't a good idea.
  5. This may sound like a stupid question, but do you cook the chicken livers, or do the catfish prefer them raw? Raw, but a little rotten from exposure to the sun as already suggested? Thanks.
  6. Good to know. Thanks Photoz. Actually read that it was safe practice to do so in the book i mentioned in my introduction to the board. (Complete Idiot's Guide to Fishing Basics) Will do my best to not have to cut the line then. Am now convinced of the beauty of the hair rig. Nice how something so simple can be so useful, in more ways than one. Although the tying of them is not so simple. Practice, practice, practice. Picked up the Shimano Sedona 4000 you recommended to me. The guys at Fishing World said that was indeed a good call, for a general "all purpose" reel for a beginner like me. Thanks for the hot tip!!!!!!!
  7. Visited Calgary last summer. If you move to Alberta it seems you have to be prepared to buy. There is very little rental property and no rent control. There was a man on the front page of the newspaper because his rent went from $800.00 a month to $2000.00 overnight, and to make matters worse he was an old age pensioner. His biggest problem was nowhere to move to. My cousin bought a house that cost him close to $700,000 for 3 bedrooms, and virtually no yard. Lots of work out there, and higher wages than Ontario, but given the cost of living it probably works out about even.
  8. There was something on a news broadcast in London (On.) a couple weeks back. A guy had submitted a camera phone video he shot of a supposed brown cougar, in his neighbor's driveway, across the street in town. The news story only caught my attention because much to my surprise (and disbelief), i had seen what looked like a cougar, lying on the side of the road, on the 403, on my way from Hamilton to London. Thought at the time when i spotted it, nah, it couldn't be. There aren't any cougars in Ontario. Honest. Not telling a fish story.!!!!
  9. Thanks CLofchik and fishboy, for the heads up. Actually ride my bike by there often, and it is quite close to home for me. Will give it a try and report back. Still can't help but be a little nervous about actually landing one. Afraid i will hurt the fish. Maybe if i get lucky enough to catch one, and experience "technical" difficulties will just cut the line. Have read that is okay to do, that the hook eventually disintegrates, not harming the fish. Actually less anxious about hurting human patients than the non-human kind.
  10. So, you toss a bunch of chicken livers in the channel, do you attach some to the end of the line or the hook?? Can i use the same hooks i used for the carp? Is there a lure the catfish go for, or is the chicken liver enough???? Maybe i'll just experiment and see how it goes. Thanks Goran for your help.
  11. Do you mind me asking in what general vicinity do you do that???? Not married to carp fishing. Going to Port Dover to fish off the pier in a couple weeks. Have a 7 ft. rod that a friend advised me on as an "all purpose" kind of choice, so i can give a few things a try. Thanks Uncle Buck. PS. not asking you to hook-up and teach me.(unless you want to, or don't mind) Just curious. That is shore fishing, right?
  12. Kudos to all you who tie their own hair rigs!! Photoz says it is simple, but respectfully disagree. Find starting IV's easier.
  13. Thank you so much Steve. Learned a lot from you, and enjoyed your company very much. It was so kind of you to make the trip into Hamilton, and stick around as long as you did. That was a lifetime supply of maize you brought me!!! (and wouldn't take any money for) Lexie appreciated being allowed to join us onshore. She has been passed out since we got home, but it's no wonder. She isn't the only one sleep deprived though. Used a brand new clock/radio alarm for the first time last night. Was afraid of sleeping through it, so had the volume cranked up. For some reason during the night, every time Lexie went near the dresser the alarm was sitting on, it went off. When it legitimately went off at 4:15 i was still awake. Should i apologize to the neighbours?? Well at least to my room-mate. Thanks again You sir, are an officer, and a gentleman. PS. what Steve didn't mention is the other fellow there told us he caught 22 fish in the past 3 days. Sorry John if i brought bad luck. It was nice meeting you too. And as far as never casting ANYTHING before.............................. have to admit to casting a couple times before, many, many, moons ago. Just couldn't remember how. You know how that goes right? The mind is the first to go.
  14. You throw a rocks???? I'm calling P3TA. Glad i asked then. Won't bother bringing the bread. Too bad, i have a freezer full. Was kind of saving it because i thought people used it for carp bait.
  15. Have driven the Canadian route as far as Regina. You are smart to plan ahead and get tips before leaving. Got stuck on the highway late one night searching for a place to sleep. Was scarey enough at night, but even worse in the morning when i could actually see where my Mum and i ended up. Will reply more when i have the time. When are you leaving?
  16. Only in America!!! Lived in the USA for 2 years. Used to think to myself if you can't buy "it" here in America, then "they" just don't make it. Anywhere. Thought at the time that was a good thing, by the way. Wouldn't want to start any international incidents!!!! Lived in New Orleans actually. A fantastic city filled with wonderful, welcoming people. What happened there after Hurricane Katrina, (and what continues to Not happen) is just wrong. When i lived there, any excuse to have a "Festival" was a good one. Now people are lucky to have a roof over their heads.
  17. I'll be there, or i'll be square. My friends think i've lost it. Everyone kinda knows ya gotta get up early for fishing, but 4am????? Can't talk one of them into joining us. Will eat my Wheaties before setting out Photoz. We rode our bikes down there today. No anglers around but it was already 11am. A sweet family of swans. Mum, Dad, and 3 babes. Bringing bread to feed them. Is this okay, or will that interfere with fishing by attracting them over? I dunno.
  18. Ya know what, that sounds like fun. Just may do that. Thanks TbayBoy. Did i read that correctly? Water socks??
  19. Humor me please. Can those fish be caught from shore, or do you actually have to wade in??? So far my only experience is fishing from shore. Don't live far from the Grand. Thanks.
  20. Amazing video. Are you a professional film maker??? My friends and i used to rent a cottage in Port Dover, the first week in Sept. every summer, and every year i thought about moving there. Love Port Dover. Your video made me want to be there all over again. Thanks.
  21. Thank you all. Have already returned the fancy hook remover. Wasn't all that keen on it anyway. Should have trusted my instincts, and taken my friend's advice. Simple is usually the way to go with most things it seems. Thanks to Photoz, i will soon have my own supply of maize.
  22. Thank you CCMT. Will definitely do that. It would indeed be an honor to fish with you . You missed this thread??? Hmmmmmmmm. You were out fishing perhaps. (LOL)
  23. Thanks for the info MJL. Thought if i undercooked the corn on the cob it would be tough like maize. Will just feed the corn to my room-mate instead, or maybe treat the gobies to a meal.
  24. Definitely addicting fishergirl72!!!! While replying to a PM i got from a member, the pot of water i was boiling to cook my bait (corn on the cob) boiled dry. OOP's. Went fishing as a little girl with my brother too.(on the Thames River in London) Closest i got to the fish was carrying the gear, and running our bikes up and down the hill. Now he has a boat, and fishes most weekends but no women allowed, especially related ones. He guards fishing info from me like it's a national security issue. Maybe he fears being out fished by his sister????? Calling Dr. Phil. Just makes me more determined to learn though. You are so right. There is soooo much to learn. Nice hearing from you fishergirl72.
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