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Posts posted by Harrison

  1. Don't bother trying to pick them up yourself, I watered my lawn at night for 3 hours straight the other night, when I went out to pick them up I saw nothing and when I started digging the ground was dry about 3 inches down!


    Isn't that supposed to be 7.6 cm to our youngsters today? :)

  2. That is awesome Phil, if you haven't shipped it yet, I'd be more then happy to bring it with me on Friday. I'll ask Ryan for some stickers for you as well and bring them back. Ryan Can I get some stickers for Phil and eTackle? ;)


    Already picked up and on route Will, thanks for the offer though. However, there is a couple other "thing" that wouldn't fit. If your around let me know, plus have something for ya too. ;)

  3. Things way ahead this year Chris including weird weed growth that we are not used to seeing. Find some water that you like to fish that is clean they'll be loaded. Fish it like it is mid August.


    Some of the early weedbeds I like to fish on Rice are alreay "Mung" and the fish have moved off.

  4. I've owned Oakleys, H2O optics, Bluewaters, Maui Jims, Costa del mars, Revos, and most recently Numas (which are now in Rice Lake between Grasshopper and Margarets if you feel lucky :) )


    My favs were the Revos, hands down. Clear, crisp, no eye strain at all. But Pricy and quite fragile, busted them up in one year. 2nd would be Numas, for the moola it has a solid lens that are clear/chrisp and solid. Bluewaters a close second, money is right and they are solid.


    I am terribly tough on glasses, no idea why, but I am clumbsy.


    I am replacing my Numas with Numas.

  5. Sorry Craig but there not part of my group. I hang out with people who are clean, respectful of others, and would never participate in this type of behavior. Not sure what group you hang out with. :whistling:


    You should see who Craig hangs out with. Especially his past chums. All loogans. Craig should read more on the internet and get really knowledgable about fishing. ;)

  6. I could use some stickers too guys. I can send some out with my packages. ;)


    Cancer hits really close to home for me. When I add up all cancer and the "scares" that turn out to be benign in my family and friends the numbers really add up.


    I actually have a form of pre-cancer that was helped along by many hours in the boat without sunscreen or other protection over the years.


    WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN AND COVER UP. Tans are not cool.

  7. It's Friday afternoon, some light humour. My fave - Node.


    Newfie Medical Dictionary




    The study of paintings




    Back door to cafeteria




    What doctors do when patients die




    What you be, after you be eight


    Caesarean Section


    A neighbourhood in Rome


    Cat scan


    Searching for Kitty




    Made eye contact with her




    A sheep dog




    A punctuation mark




    To live long




    Not a friend




    Quicker than someone else




    A small lie




    Distinguished, well known


    Labour Pain


    Getting hurt at work


    Medical Staff


    A Doctor's cane




    A higher offer




    Rates of Pay for Working at Night,

    Normally more money than Days




    I knew it




    A person who has fainted




    Second cousin to Elvis


    Post Operative


    A letter carrier


    Recovery Room


    Place to do upholstery




    Nearly killed him




    Hiding something




    Roman Emperor




    A small table


    Terminal Illness


    Getting sick at the airport




    One plus one more




    Opposite of you're out

  8. Have a look at Grohman knives out of Nova Scotia. They're pretty much all I use for hunting and fishing now. I really like the fillet knives. http://www.grohmannknives.com/index2.html


    Huge fan of the Russels. Have the fillet, skinner and bird, my fav is the bird knife. Sure quality is very important but so is feel. I use the bird knife on Moose, Deer, etc. Fits nice in your hand and easy to use, you can palm it. Fillets fish well too. One knife I always have with me.

  9. Two guys heading towards to the Pickering Nuke plant out flow in February with a south wind in a Canoe. Felt obligated to make sure they made it past the cross current chop, thankfully they stopped before it or we would of been put in danger as well.


    I deserve the award too Staffman.. A severe storm came up on us in a T in Simcoe a few years ago and we were at the top end of the lake. We had almost won the T the day before and had another great bag that day that could win. We tried to run back to cooks for the weigh in right in the centere of this flash storm. We saw other boats running behind the islands to ride it out. I had never seen Lady Simcoe so mean, nor have a since! The waves were huge, that's fine we are used to that, the worst part is they were so close together. Impossible to navigate in a 20 foot boat. You would crest one and the one behind would slam you and so on.


    We made it half way and turned back to hide behind Thorah. We almost didn't make it. Water was up over the seats with both bilges at capacity. Trolling motor busted, both windsheilds busted and our egos. We put oursleves and possibly other anglers in danger that were watching us. Unfortunately a couple folks did lose their lives that day.


    It is ok to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them.

  10. No Phil, it def wasn't me, as I have respect for ALL other boaters...unlike a lot of other people out there.

    But... on the note of losing stuff... if anyone hooks into an HD JVC video camera ON a tripod on Rice Lake, please return it to me! LMAO!


    My joke was made before the buzzing of boats was mentioned here, it was in regards to the plastics blowing out of the boat. Which I have done many times I might add. Lake Simcoe has a lot of my gear, including hats, glasses, phone and a ring ;):)

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