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Wes Bender

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Everything posted by Wes Bender

  1. Over a year ago I started making fishing floats for fun. I avoided actually selling them until about November when demand became too much. Here are a few samples of what I have created and have been shipping coast to coast on both side of the border. Visit my site for more designs and purchase details. www.superiorfloats.com I do custom work as well. Thanks for looking. Wes
  2. very much so. All hooked in the jaw and release unharmed. We have some good size restrictions up here that prevent the killing of brookies this size. We are allowed none under 22" for brookies in the Nippy as well as coasters in superior and any trib up to first barrier to migration. They could have been 24" and they still would have been release. Way too valuable a fish to eat or hang on the wall. You want to eat trout, bonk a laker from any lake but Superior and you have some good eating.
  3. Holy cow, that is a horse Dan. HA! I can't even imagine the scrap it put up. Since we are posting coasters here are a few from yesterday. These were caught while stripping flies in the surf of Lake Superior. 21" 17" 18"
  4. Dr. Cook's 14.5 lb'er would have been more like 17 to 20 lbs if it was weighed officially that day. He had to walk back out from a 2 week camping trip and the fish was very badly decomposed when it was brought in for weighing. At least that is what I keep reading. Still, a 14.5 lb'er would be an awesome sight. I was aww struck being in the presence of 6 and 7 lb'er this summer. I never caught them.
  5. A worm under a float is always a good bet. Chuck a couple cleo's as well. They usually produce larger fish for me. I have never fished boulivard though so I can't say any of this will work there. But in general, they are a good bet.
  6. The fish in Boulivard are the brood stock from the hatchery. They aren't very pretty nor would that be any good to eat. The Current River up from the Boulivard is an excellent place for brookies in town. McVickar Creek also has brook trout. Park at Centennial and start there. As far as out of town. As Jet mentioned, anywhere creek/river between TBay and Nipigon do hold brook trout.
  7. Thanks guys. Hey Dan, we should get out one of these days. If not for fishing then maybe some photo fun. Wes
  8. Took my dad and bro out today for our annual fathers day outing. Fishing was slow. We worked for the few meals we brought home then we went and hit the bass. It wasn't crazy action but we managed over 20 for the day. I think only 3 or 4 under 17 in. All carbon copy 17 1/2 to 18 1/2 in smallies. Man was it hot out there though. The highlight of the day was this loon. He got between us and an island and would not leave. We figured was protecting his brood. He tried to lead us away from the island. And of course , like a tool, I followed. Then he got out of good camera range so I went back to the island thinking he would come back. He did and got within 6 feet of us. What a magnificent and majestic bird. I have always been fascinated with them and could never get a real good shot until today.
  9. I have been in IT since 2003. I did 11 years on the roof before that. I have been working steady since I graduated and no end in sight. But, I decided to compete in the latest fire fighter recruitment competition this past Jan. I had 2 weeks of training before hand. Since I am an ice climber my base fitness is not too bad. 380 wrote the test. 109 scored high enough to get invited to physical 1. If you pass #1 you get a 15 minute rest then move on the Physical #2. I seemed to get better and faster with each event. Something like 35 passed #2 myself included, and were eligible for the interview selection. This is where I crapped the bed. I have fire fighter friends and I still didn't get an interview. I don't have any other license other than G. plus no previous fire fighter training. I have high angle rescue training, and Wilderness Advanced First Aid. I guess other suggestions by others like Class "A" license and the right course will help. I bet knowing the chief is going to be your ace in hand. I found out later that 8 were hired in the latest round. Oh well, I should be in better shape next time and blow the doors off that place. Maybe I will at least get an interview.
  10. Hey Rick, were you getting the E18 error? That is a lens error. I haven't checked if it is covered by Canon yet. As of last year it wasn't covered. Mine is still under warranty so I am not worried. I will send it away when I have a window of being too busy for photography. Check the canon site for recall. I just check the site for any recall on the A70 I bought moons ago. There was an issue with my CCD and guess what, they fixed it for free. It cost me shipping 1 way. Woohoo, because I loved that little camera. FYI Best Buy and Future Shop are the same company. So if your tring to stick it to 'The Man' avoid Best Buy as well. If you just sticking it to the FS brand, then all the power to you. Your not alone. haha
  11. My wife and I went fishing camping along the northwest shore of Lake Superior. East of Nipigon. We were looking for the early run Pinks and Coho. The water in the tribs is still too low so we changed tactic and went surf casting for Coaster Brook Trout. I have never targeted nor caught a 'Coaster' Brook Trout before so I thought this would be fun.
  12. http://www.seineriverlodge.com/ Located between Atikokan and Fort Frances off Hwy 11. I was there for a week and enjoyed the place. Unfortunately I was working in the area so I never had time to fish. They have tent camping, cabins, and boat rentals. Access to 5 lakes without getting out of your boat, boat caches in, I think 5 other lakes. Walleye, Small Mouth, Lake trout, Pike I hope this helps Wes
  13. 18 inch smallie caught on a leech pattern. Too bad the fishing wasn't as hot as 2 weeks ago when we boated 50 or so mostly larger than 17 inch. Photo credit goes to my wife.
  14. Thanks Dan. That would be awesome. I have a few sites I want to shoot so we should make plans. Maybe we should get a day of fishing in as well.
  15. Thanks everyone.
  16. very nice shots!
  17. We had a few storms blow through here in TBay yesterday. Here is a shot of a plane tring to out run it at around 5:30. And a shot from my porch before the down pour. We had another blow in around 10:30 or so. I didn't have my camera with me. Too bad because those clouds with the moon in the background were awesome.
  18. I was staying at the Seine River Lodge for a few weeks while working in the area. Here are a couple photos from the lodge. Not the cabin we stayed in. Enjoy
  19. Wes Bender


    Wicked shots Dan. My favourite is the first shot. Very clean and surreal looking. We'll have to get out one of these days.
  20. I have used the Banjo minnow at the edge of weed lines for walleye. We hammered them. Not sure if it was the bait or the lake but every fish was close to or over 2 lbs. We must have caught over 20 in a couple hours.
  21. I really like bird shots. And these are no exception. They are fantastic.
  22. Very nice.
  23. I too, like the stairs. very cool! Looks like a scene right out of Lord of the Rings.
  24. This is Biff. Biff likes bathtime. A shot from under the Balmoral Street bridge (TBay). A shot of the underside of the Balmoral Street Bridge (TBay). Wes
  25. Very nice. The colours are fantastic.
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