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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. I'm a little confused as to how someone's private travel itinerary is a matter of public record and allowed to fall under the Freedom of Information Act.


    shouldn't this request be flat out denied immediately?


    if they view it as a personal trip, yes absolutely. how with mike being who he is and what he does for a living, they could very well view it as a professional outting, and say that yes, this information needs to be released


    its a pretty crappy situation to be in.

  2. The sad reality is that most of us will be initially shocked and exclaim That is ridiculous!!! and then go about their day.As, lets face it, "After all, it does not affect me".



    does it effect most of us immediately, probably not, but in the future it may, some of us may go on that great camping trip to a national or provincial park, catch some great fish, then post about our experiences and us being the responsible ones, wanting to protect ecosystems, we leave the names of lakes out. then some jealous ass thinks to do something like this.


    now, someone like say Moosebunk, goes on one his great adventures, not on business, but for pleasure, or maybe he already has and is now thinking twice about posting it

  3. I'm not even certain this information would be subject to a freedom of information request due to privacy considerations. Does anyone know for sure the request was filed, or is it possible the guy who said it is all talk?


    yes, Mike recieved a 6 page letter from the MNR with his itinerary from Algonquin attached, he has to plead his case in why this information should not be released


    I talked to him via PM today, said to to tell them that this was a private family vacation that he had with his son that had nothing to do with work. if it was work related, it would be a different story, and hed almost be obligated to release the information to promote the guide/lodge.

  4. For those that aren't on facebook, Mike Borger recently recently went on a trip to Algonquin back lakes and caught some monster brookies with his son. He did not want to give out the location of the lakes in the videos and pictures he was posting. Fair enough, happens all the time. But now, some jealous idiot has taken it to the next level of stupid. They contacted the MNR requesting Mikes camp locations via the Freedom of Information Act. Algonquin does keep record of where you camp. If this goes through, those fishing trips to hidden lakes with monster fish, won't be so secret anymore. Absolute stupidity!


    Mikes facebook page






    Unfortunately, I am not sure if a verbal assault would qualify under the law. Just ignore them and I take out the hearing aids, don't engage them and they'll move on for a more cooperative target.


    the protesters confronted them, and restricted their reasonable enjoyment by stealing their catch

  6. I've got 2 percent battery life on the iPad here, and no volume, so I only kind of saw the first minute but for what is worth, the world needs soft hearted peeps too. I'd never leave a fish to bounce around on the asphalt in front of kids I don't know. A lot of fisherman are just as crazed and belligerent as P3TA folk. I'll come back for the hate and to listen to the video once I got some headphones and battery juice.


    yea, you really gotta watch with the volume on to get full brunt of it. yea, the maybe could have been in a bucket, or on a stringer, or dispatched right away, still not an excuse for what these people did to those fisherman

  7. Schools out, so I finally get to spend my Mondays off to fish with my daughter! First trip, we headed out to Scugog with a bucket of worms and a loyal friend.


    After a frustrating 30 minutes of fish peeling worms off of hooks, and me realizing I left the smaller hook at home, I decided break into my fly box, tied a black wooley bugger under the float, and tipped with a very small piece of worm, the results were immediate success.


    The first fish had the pups attention as he wondered what the heck just came out of his giant swimming pool, and why was it moving...



    From there, my daughter stole the show!





    After getting over her initial fear, she made some new 'friends' ;)






    And to top off the day, she pulled this beauty out the pond! her first one and hopefully many more!





    Definitely not a bad way to spend a morning!

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