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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. That's what I was thinking just looking at all that water on Google Earth. Do you live in the area b-cdot? It really is an interesting area with all the fishing opportunity let alone real estate prices that echo prices here 10 years or more ago. A smallish place 2 bed 1 bath which is all we need and on a big lot that granted is a gut job for 130K. A 65X150 foot lot. Crazy mon. Lots that size in Hamilton don't exist and if you do find one it would be 250K or more just for the land.

    My brother bought a place in Corinna for under 200, its huge, and easily a 700+ house here, the back yard is about 60ft deep and 200ft across, corner lot in a cul de sac

  2. Wallaceburg is a great little town, your not far from Chatham or Sarnia, st Clair river offers great fishing for walleye, steelhead and salmon, musky, bass, like.


    I grew up in Sarnia, made many trips to Mitchell's bay. Got the biggest pike of my life from there, I was 10, saw it come up to the boat and freaked out, gave the rod to my dad lol. My first experience with a monster fish even though it was only around 30 inches

  3. For a vise I use the griffin mongoose. Great vise for around $150, and the jaws are interchangeable, mine came with a screw clamp, but it's literally a quarter turn to loosen up. They also have a clamp set of jaws as well.


    I started off with the cheap fly tying kit vise, and upgraded after a few weeks when the screw finally stripped

  4. A guy that used to mentor me at gagnons told me about a tyer in one of the clubs, he had lost the use of one arm, and was tying on #32 hooks........he would place the material with his teeth, then tie it with his good arm. I didn't complain about doing #18 hooks any longer

  5. Did anyone hear the rant by Michael Felder a Boston sports talk radio idiot about Roy Halliday's death? I couldn't believe what I was hearing, this guy has to be the biggest jack wad since I last listened to the guy that runs the country we border on.


    Guess what Michael Felger said today, "I'm sorry, I feel bad." But then said he meant much of what he said. Which part Duffus? Calling him a moron and he deserved it, and he was asking for it, what exactly? This guy must really hate his job and wants to get a real job where one has to work for a living. He will be fired in the next day or so, if he's not no one can.


    It's not letting me paste the link. Google it, you will be both amazed and appalled at the same time.


    that guy should be fired, period

  6. Cool thread....haha, get it, get it......


    That pink worm is very cool FloatnFly, would you be willing to share details? The pink chenille is fairly obvious but I'm curious about the black 'blob' on the shank of the hank and the wrap. Thanks.

    The 'blob' is a bead head, and it's just heals in place by extra thread wraps. Just adds a little weight to the fly and a bit of an attractant with the shiny bead

  7. i'll get the name off the head cement i use, it doesn't have that effect.


    Michaels will become your friend for supplies, foam, embroidery thread (the multi strand stuff) is awesome for woven flies, and you can get a unique look and colour combos


    your beads you're using are too big for those hooks, they should slide over the hook point and rest up against the hook eye, you shouldn't be able to pull or push them over the eye of the hook. hollow side of the bead faces towards the body of the fly


    this is a very easy pattern, and pretty deadly for salmon and fall steelhead, its basically floss, marabou and flashabou wrapped around a spey hook


    Woven fly using embroidery thread(weaving isn't hard, just a bunch of overhand knots)



    these are easy easy easy, and you know how good pink worms are



    The first fly i ever tied


  8. So I should trim the back hair back ?


    Been watching tons a videos this afternoon. I need to stock up. LOL


    I,ll leave this one as is. Going to use as it is, but will take your advice.


    Thanks FF

    Always trim from the stem side of the hair or feather, never touch the thin end, that's the part that gives you the movement. So measure what you need for the tail, pinch it at the spot, tie it on where you have pinched, trim the excess that's covering the hook shank


    Davie mcphail is good to watch, and also in the riffle.

  9. The best flies are usually a home made no name version, some can be quite deadly


    I don't whip finish my flies, I just do a knot, and a good coating of head cement.


    A few tips


    for the heads, should be the same size as the hook eye


    Tails usually no longer than the hook shank


    Hackle usually no longer than the hook gap

  10. i once misunderstood a customer when they asked for a 3lb piece of beef tenderloin, somehow i had gotten it into my head that they wanted it ground, so i went through the whole process of explaining the price, and they said they weren't worried, they knew how much it was, so i went off to the back, trimmed a piece up, then put it through the grinder.


    the look on their face when i brought out 3lbs of ground beef and was going to charge them $75/kg for it. boy, did i ever go into panic mode after that.....

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