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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. well you would sand them down, rather than turn them down on a lathe, you can also shape them using a sharp pocket knife.


    you can also buy corks in various diameters, you can also glue 2 or more corks together to make deeper/longer floats/tapers


    just an alternative to using wood and trying to shape it without a lathe

  2. That was a stinker last night. But enough about pitching, let's talk Pillar. He's played himself onto this team, so who goes down to the Queen City when Saunders returns? Hendricks? No loss there IMHO, he hasn't been great, in fact he hasn't even been good.



    Most likely Tolleson, they want a deep pen, its why they went with 8 relievers and Goins was the odd man out

  3. Sorry Bill, but I'm siding with Mike on this one, you'll have an easier time building line speed and punching out larger flies with a shorter rod then a longer. A long rod will give you more distance IF you're using a long line as well, but with a bass line or shooting head it will be a nice combo. There's a reason most bass specific rods are 7'11"-8'6".



    I think that because 7'11 is legal tournament length, so companies build lines for these style of rods with the shorter tapers

  4. they've looked good early before, i remember them being something 26-4 for the first 30 games, and then falling quick. it all depends how the starters hold up in the second half.


    Norris looked good through his first and second time through the lineup, the 3rd time through, the batters had him figured out, whether that plays out into the second half where batters figure him out on the 2nd time through, remains to be seen


    We'll see how Sanchez handles the O's tonight!

  5. I like how they make it out to be some sort of crime that it's not legal in Canada. The ONLY place a car like this would make sense is downtown Toronto, or some other large metropolis where you spend most of your time in a gridlock. It has a top speed of 40km/h, so it's basically the passenger car version of an e-bike. And we all hate e-bikes.


    Secondly, it's powered by dang' deep cycle lead-acid batteries and has a range of 64km (which is rumoured to be greatly exaggerated and actual numbers closer to 30km). The entire car is an engineering joke and was headed for failure before the first one rolled off the line.


    Thirdly, electricity in 90% of Canada is anything but clean. We still make power the same way we did 80yrs ago. Not to mention we pay some of the highest hydro rates in North America. To have this as a second car is just stupid. When you factor in insurance costs (some of the highest in North America), electricity rates (dido), and in the city you'll have to pay a monthly fee for parking the thing as a second car - because this CANNOT be your only vehicle, you will NEVER profit from owning this vehicle.



    80 years ago we were using turbines in the falls, and burning coal for hydro, coal fired plants are all but gone in favour of nuclear energy, and the turbines in the falls are no longer functioning.


    we are building solar fields and wind farms, but the unsightly nature, and possible health risks from them, is making is difficult to construct them

  6. poor Dickey,


    I cant lie when i say that Toronto has forgotten about how good Dickey really can be when he is on. 2 years ago he was the talk of the town, now no one pays him any mind. Rightfully so, yes he has had to slow starts 2 years in a row, but no one talks about the fact that after July the guy went something ridiculous like 8-2? (cant find exact stats)

    There is no denying that Dickey can pitch, its just about piecing it all together.


    Also games like yesterday did Dickey no favors...pitches into the 8th with 1 run and a 4 run lead and doesnt get the win, thats garbage.


    he pitched very well considering the weather wasn't ideal for a knuckleball. but yea, take a 3 run lead into the 8th, and your setup man and closer should be able to lock it down no problem Loup and Cecil dropped the ball on that one

  7. If there's anything at all to be read into after two games it's that the only guys worthwhile calling in from the bullpen are the 20-year-oldds! How about Osuna striking out A-Roid with the bases loaded?



    they have a huge advantage for the first half, because no one knows anything about them. they're true test will come in the second half of the season when teams have lots of video on them


    mind you, still won't help them hit that wicked change up

  8. If the farthest a player (1st baseman in this case) is needed to throw, is no greater than across the infield, then your arm does not need to be good. The player profile of a 1st baseman does not include strong arm. Arms of strength are for the pitcher, catcher and outfielder(but more so for centre and right field).



    i never said they needed to have strong arm, but you can't have someone who can't throw, you need someone who can make a quick accurate throw

  9. First base? Find a guy who can do anything but throw, when does a first baseman ever need to do that? Probably less than anyone else on the team. But I want the other four skills in abundance.



    first base is your cutoff guy for a throw to the plate from centre or right


    and happens on a force at first and you need to throw over to third for a runner trying to advance

  10. Keep in mind that teams will also move players to a possession that "suits" their batting ability. A catcher who really hits sometimes gets moved to 1st base, or the outfield, because catchers take such a beating that they play less games and have shorter careers. Lawrie had been moved around by both the Brewers and the Jays because he was very athletic (if somewhat raw) but really hasn't spent a lot of time in baseball terms learning a position.


    I like Lawrie, but i was also frustrated by his frequent bad at bats and injuries. On paper the Jays are better off now, in 5-7 years I guess we'll know.



    I can only think of one player that this happened to, Carlos Delgado


    but again, a players batting ability rarely has anything to do with what position they play. i mean they were scouted, drafted, and groomed to play that position. say for instance your second baseman becomes your leading HR hitter, a team isn't going to say, oh, thats not a power hitting position, so we're going to move you.


    try telling Cal Ripkin or Mike Piazza, who are in the top 50 of all time HR leaders, they aren't going to play SS or catcher cause they hit too many HR's

  11. 3rd base is a power hitting position, just like left field. For a 3rd baseman, I'll take a power hitter with an ok arm, good defence and moderate speed over the profile of Lawrie. It just doesn't make sense to have Lawrie at 3rd. And in his last days with the Jays they finally pushed him to 2nd base in an attempt to keep him on the roster. But he failed there too. Just way too many strikeouts. But if he actually could put 30-40HR and 80-100RBI on the board consistently, then his strikeout amounts would be acceptable.


    But enough of him, he's gone now which is a good thing.


    Ed Sprague was never a power hitter, and put up the same home run numbers Lawrie, with exception of 1996, where hit 36, but through his career, he 10-20 HR


    Pablo Sandoval, his best year he hit 25, other than that 10-20 HR seasons


    Wade Boggs had 2 seasons where he hit more than 10 homeruns.



    this idea that 3B has to be you power guy is just ludicris

  12. I can't stand Italo anyway. Seems very condescending. Always talking down to his wife and the guides. But I'm sure it's what Jesus would do...


    Anyway, I didn't see what happened after he kept that fish on shore for 5 minutes, but he is one of the few TV hosts that actually keeps some of the fish he catches. Not sure if that's what he did here.



    they put them back in the net, drop them in the water, then poke at the fish with the net til swims away

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