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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. CN will know exactly what chemical is in those cars, and those that need to know, know, those don't like the media and general public, don't.


    Kind of like the NHL with injuries, oh its an upper/lower body injury, no specifics

  2. Awesome! and my hometown as well, I have fished that marina many times in my youth, salmon, steelhead, garpike, pike and carp are all in there


    in the reporters defense, he did say carp rarely grow over 30lbs in Ontario

  3. Went over to the in-laws last night for a BBQ and some fireworks, first the BBQ, hooked up the new tank, went to fire it up and found a mouse nest inside with dog kibbles, cleaned it out and then this guy makes an appearance.




    Once we got that sorted and had some burgers and dogs grilled up, was time for the main event. about $700 worth of explosoves!




    Took just over an hour to get them all lit off.


    Followed up by a little fishing this morning where I managed to bring this guy to the boat



  4. I had one when i lived in an apartment for 2 years, they are big and take up a lot of floor space, need to make sure the hose intake and out flow fit tightly in the window.


    there is a drain bucket on the back that holds about 3-5 gallons of water that needs to be emptied once or twice a day, depending on how humid it is. there is an option on some to hook up a drain hose, but then you you need to run that out the window, or into a bucket

  5. Credit cards are the devil. If you need to put it on credit, you don't need it.





    Not necessarily, if you only buy stuff with credit which you were going to pay for cash anyway, and then pay it off right away, its a great way to build credit rating, its when you go over your expendable income when you get into trouble.


    for example, if you're buying something for $200, and have the cash readily available, then use your card, and pay it off immediately

  6. I have a jingle bell on a strap on my door and that is how my dog tells me it is time to go out. Fix a 1 inch or so bell small strap so it can be poked with his nose and ring and before you take him out ring the bell and then open the door and say good boy go pee or what ever you want to say.. After he pees give him a treat and bring him back in without any playing or wandering. If you want to go outside to play or anything else do not ring the bell just open the door and give him a different phrase. As time goes on he might pick up the habit of using the bell to alert you to other things like the food bowl is empty he wants a treat etc. it is a small price to pay for no scratches on the door and walls or worse missed trips to pee outside.






    thanks for that, will have to try that out.

  7. well if enough of the retriever in him comes out have fun keeping him out of the water. If my golden gets anywhere near it she is in it including diving out of the boat when pulling up to shore and sometimes out in the middle of the lake. She even cliff dives with the kids.



    That is awesome! Had him at Whitby beach last night for a walk, he was curious about the crashing waves, but didn't venture in

  8. You can get a pretty decent boat for $5000 on the used market, for instance, my dad just bought himself a 1990 Searay cutty cabin with 4.3l merc 24ft with trailer for $4000. Just saw a 20ft SeaRay bowrider with 4.3L merc for $4600


    If you have the cash on hand, do not finance, you'll end paying more in interest than anything else, plus, those monthly payments can be put towards gas, upgrades, fishing gear, so many possibilities

  9. this series although only 3 games, will have a huge impact on their season. You basically have to win it if you hope to have any chance.



    Only 3 games back, same as Baltimore right now, not like the Red Sox at 9 games back


    We must beat Tampa in this coming series though

  10. The Jays need a closer something fierce!


    If I had a time machine, I'd go back and ask Tom Henke (The Terminator) if I could borrow him for 3 months. I could put him back so as he wouldn't miss a game and we could rock the second half of this season. Didn't he have something close to 30 consecutive saves or something like that. Man that would be nice right now,. Why is it so hard to have all the pieces in place at the same time.



    They're in talks about getting Francisco Rodriguez

  11. And they say selling wildlife meat is illegal (unless the government does it).



    Its illegal for retail merchants to sell it, unless it has been farm raised and is identifiable as being farm raised, for instance, we sell, bison, elk, ostrich, camel, kangaroo, and a red deer cross.


    im not sure on private sales, but i think unless you're native, its illegal

  12. Last night's game was unbelievable. If there is any team out there that is actually looking forward to meeting the Jays right now, MLB should require that they first change their team name to 'Masochists'.



    That offensive line up and defense is insane. There really isn't a weak spot to pitch to in the order. If you're the opposing manager, pitch around the guys that are hot, and take your chance on the guy that isn't and hope he doesn't break out of his mini slump.


    The only weak point on that team is their pitching. The second half is where the cards will be played

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