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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. Wolly buggers, Mudler minnows, Mickey finn, Allys shrimp and a few black patterns. black seemed to work last year with some yellow and orange in it.


    i would add in some elk/deer hair caddis flies, and maybe some hares ear, pheasant tail and prince nymphs, and i think you're pretty set.


    I just read an article in Ontario Out of Doors mag this week about keeping things simple with fly fishing, the guy talks about ditching the vest, and just bringing what you actually need and not what you think you might need, 2 boxes of flies, a set of pliers/forceps, scissors/nippers, a few small split shot, extra tippet and leader material and that was about it.


    It made a lot of sense to me, I mean if you bring 20 fly boxes for a day trip, you're just looking for a rough day, with constant reties.


    Thanks Norm, turns out it was my Adblock causing the problems like others have mentioned. I used my wife's tablet this morning and was able to log onto OFC and read this post.


    Interesting as I installed Adblock a month ago and it's been working great until yesterday when I couldn't open the posts here, yet everything works fine on all the other sites I visit.


    Disabled Adblock for this page and we're good to go.

    yep, same thing, worked perfect the day before yesterday, so something has either changed with adblock, or this site.

  3. I posted this picture here 2 years ago Gerritt, it's an elk I spotted in a field on hwy 28 just north of # 7


    Their beautiful animals and it's good to hear their spreading out.





    i know that animal! and that field! was on my home from near wiarton,and took hw 9 across instead of going down to the 401, remember watching this guy chasing the cows around!

  4. I still have 2 yrs left on my 3 year license with conservation fishing on it. We're now fishing lake O and would like to keep a few more fish. Is it possible to pay the difference to "upgrade" to sportsman license?



    call the mnr or services ontario on that one

  5. A dam up by Kendal blew out 35 years ago causing a 10 ft wall of water to hit Port Hope. The same spring rain took out the Van Stone dam in Bowmanville.


    Also soured the river of any silt. Witch lead to the greatest steelheading ever. The late eighty's.




    that was also due to the construction of the fish ladder that gave the fish access to much better spawning grounds, and reproduction numbers tripled. the early 70s had runs similar to what we're seeing now. the late 70's have runs above what we have now, the early 80's it spikes to around 15-20,000, and maxes out in the late 80s at 25000

  6. Warm weather, plus super thick ice, lots of snow, water levels would rose pretty quickly, and the force of that water would have been more than enough to break that ice up, but it clogged up like a toilet with half a roll of TP in it

  7. It's from a family member I don't haggle. This year was tough just to get our hands on some stockers we had to travel from dunnville to st Jacobs , we ended up killing a cow that was only a year and a half old to put meet in the freezer. Might as well be veal. Still had the steaks cut inch and a half thick and boy are they good.



    Yea, would have been on the small side, but depending on how it was fed, would still taste just as good as a full grown steer! inch and half is little thick for my preference, I like inch to inch and quarter, however, the thicker steaks do cook up a little easier

  8. I am just going to talk to our local butcher shop today about ordering some more pork bellies and a spring lamb. He trims the pork bellies nice and square for me and cuts them into about 3 lb slabs which is the perfect size for me to handle for making my bacon. Last year the lamb cost me $4.10 a lb cut and wrapped. I'll probably order about 9 lbs of pork bellies (not sure what the current price will be) (enough for one batch of bacon) and one or two lambs (they won't be ready for a couple of months because I insist on Ontario lamb) but I'll get my order in now. Since you are OFC do you want to quote me on it? You can PM if you prefer!


    TBH, we won't be able to come close to that price for lamb. it would around $6-$7/lb from us. However, since you're in Lindsay, give Little Britain Meat packers a call, who we buy our lamb from, they might be able to get you a better price buying direct from them. Its fresh Ontario lamb, and they have it all the time, we get an order every week from them. its some of the best lamb i've seen.


    Pork bellies, I'm not 100% sure of off the top of my head, just because we don't sell a whole lot of it, Im thinking its around 12.10/kg, I will find out 100% tomorrow for you though

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