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About cthewrld

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  1. The whole concept is ridiculous. I fish at my cottage. I always leave my fishing license there when I come home. I also tow my boat for repairs etc. Unless I am mistaken, there is no obligation on my part, when not fishing, to actually have the license with me. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  2. I have been there many times. They are a legitimate gallery, and framing store. They are quite well known in the area. Michael
  3. I'm up in the Huntsville area. Black flies good, mosquito's really bad.
  4. If the lake is relatively clear, I stick to any "natural" colour. That could be green, pumpkin, black etc. In muddy waters I tend to use bright colours. One thing is for sure ,,,, it is a great way to catch bass.
  5. I was in the pharmaceutical business for 29 years, working in the sales area. I worked my way up to the executive ranks, and then at the ripe old age of 49(last year), a major heart attack ended my career. I'm amazed at how quickly the whole thing came to an end. Whatever you do, enjoy yourself! The good part ...... I can now fish whenever I want to.
  6. Just to be clear ..... on the Lowrance 522 the chart speed default is set to maximum. I find that it works quite well at that setting. The sensitivity and ping speed should be manually adjusted depending on the fishing conditions.
  7. Baysville & Huntsville area both had black flies out in large numbers over the last several days.
  8. A buddy took me Steelhead fishing on Wednesday and I am happy to say that I have lost my steelhead virginity. I have spent years fishing on lakes and have never had the desire or taken the chance to do any river fishing. Needless to say, I had a great time. The weather was beautiful, the river was great and the fish were biting. It took a while to get the hang of drift fishing, but once I figured it out, I was hooked (pun intended). Here is one shot from the day.
  9. The luck of the draw. A week earlier when I was out with Bob we had about 4 layers of clothes on as well as gloves and hats. The wind was howling, and the walleye weren't biting. Should have waited a week!
  10. She will be back at work before you know it. Probably with a raise and a promotion that she deserves. Nothing like a little publicity!
  11. I can tell you one place not to play ....... Royal Links. I played there a few years ago and found it to be nothing special, hard to get to and way too expensive. I played the course at the Wynn hotel a few years ago as well and thoroughly enjoyed it. It is practically on the strip and it is a good track.
  12. Fishing with Bob is a great time. I was out with him last week .... froze our butts off ......... caught more smallmouth than walleye ........ but still had a great time! I hope to go out again when the weather is a little warmer!
  13. I kept mine in a cold environment over the winter and it seems to be fine. The colour is quite normal.
  14. Anytime that you want to cover a lot of water quickly is when I use them. I fish them on a baitcasting setup, usually with 10 pound fluorocarbon.
  15. green pumpkin senko either texas or wacky rigged.
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