Wow this may sound a little stupid, and I don't know if this question was ever asked before, but last night I was at a fiends house enjoying a few drinks, when the topic of ice fishing came up, now my buddy is a really smart guy, and I don't know if it was the alcohol talking but, we must of argued for about 2 hours. Too make a long story short, my buddy said " during ice fishing season your aloud to use 2 rods" Whick I agree with. BUT than he went on to say " SINCE THE ICE I ALL GONE ON THE LAKE HE COULD STILL USE 2 RODS IN OPEN WATER" Now I'm pretty sure your only aloud 1 rod in most areas and I know 2 rod are aloud during ice fishing. So WHO is right.
SORRY for the ramble but its driving me crazy.
Fish Tank