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Everything posted by jat

  1. Ebola fish!!!!!!!!
  2. just outside Toronto..........thanks
  3. I am making a pontoon system for a canoe and was wondering where I can buy for a good price, rectangular/square tubing (steel or aluminum) and cotter pins/fasteners to allow for telescoping arms within the main tubing support. I also need to find out where I can pick up some good pontoons as well...........any ideas? Thanks
  4. remember the poor folk fishing in their canoes (like me) we can't move out of the way so please don't blast by at 80 clicks right beside the canoe- we will surely be going for a swim and I don't like swimming..............
  5. So I am looking for one of the new Shimano reels and was wondering who has the best price......I remember there was some U.S. site that gave the best discounts...any tips.....thanks
  6. anyone else fish Meaford (by the rocks, thornbury) and what about the Pretty river...................Haven't gone out yet so the more info the better...thanks
  7. I was wondering if anyone went to the stretch of river in front of the legion hall? How was the weather and more importantly were they biting?
  8. Bernie..thanks for the info, I'm bringing it in to a shop today......
  9. clunk while I depress the brake pedal but its not constant, I also notice it intermittently while driving and I noticed oil leaking from the top area of my oil pan..................Bernie you by any chance a mechanic?
  10. sorry, Toronto.........
  11. I am having either brake, suspension or transmission problems right now with my Civic and was wondering if anyone knew of a good shop that charges fair prices? Thanks
  12. its for a civic 14 inch rim, I already have winter tires............
  13. I am looking into some reasonably priced tires that do well in dry and wet conditions. My last set of tires were Michelin Destiny (GARBAGE!!!) Anyone have any good picks? TIA
  14. anybody know if Lebaron or basspro sells quality jigs heads for tying up some of these?
  15. Fishing the jig relies on having most of the shot right under the float and then mending the line so you have absolutely no drag. The jig has to "float" in the current so that the marabou fans out and doesn't become depressed - that the secret.........easier said then done....lol
  16. I've been going up to Meaford the past few years and there are a few guys who are using a certain type of fly or jig. When they use these flies they clean up and everyone else is skunked. I seem to remember that they have some brown in them and that they are a wooly bugger variant or something else and as for the jigs, they are typical steelhead jigs but I have never been able to see them up close. If anyone goes up there can you give me some hints because I've been skunked for too long. Thanks
  17. Maps are good in that they give you a basic run down of depths, shoals, points, creeks etc. You then have to do some research on the body of water as to how fish relate to their structure, water temps, etc..... You can try to visit your local tackle shop cause they usually have maps that cover different water bodies...look them over and if you like it you buy it. Canadian tire usually has the fishing adventure backroads map books that cover lakes in specific regions like haliburton etc. Also the Ministry sells maps.
  18. a HMG graphite 8' Fenwick no.6 flyrod brand new never used - made in Canada with protective sleeve and accompanying aluminum tube for transport. Original lifetime warranty of course. It was purchased many years ago and put away in storage. Just curious.
  19. I guess lakers and splake behave the same way in the summer as well......................
  20. I will be fishing the Haliburton area this summer and with the stained water and the disappearing act that these fish do I was wondering what you guys suggest in terms of lures, techniques etc. I don't have a fish finder so I will be fishing blind. TIA
  21. so when is the no tax sale at Lebarons? Thanks
  22. what type of jig is that? A foxee minnow?
  23. you know what kills me is when I ask the MNR people about these stocked lakes and they don't even know where they are and of course they're not named on any google maps or fishing maps................what's the point of telling which lake is stocked?
  24. how accurate is it?
  25. Hey all, I found some lakes in the MNR regs that I want to try and they have their location in latitutde and Longitue but I don't know how to read this info to find out where the lake is. For example: (44º 59' N., 78º 10' W.) how the heck can I find where this is without a gps unit? Is there some way to google this location? Thanks
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