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About wgk36

  • Birthday 12/06/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    St-Hubert, QC
  • Interests
    Fishing, Camping, Computers, and tinkering around the house

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  1. not sure. The dealer put it in. I'll have to check tonight.
  2. This happens when the main engine is not running. I only realize the fuse is burnt when I go to starty the engine, and all electrical is dead.
  3. I had a battery isolator installed in May by my dealer. They aren't very popular in Qubec. Most people opt for selector switches (A, and handle the task manually. I recently noticed that when my trolling motor battery drains 100%, the 15A fuse on the main engine burns. The dealer checked the isolator and all the connections. He says that everyhting is o.k. For the time being, I'm carrying extra fuses and keeping a close eye on the battery level. Any suggestions what could be causing my troubles? Thanks
  4. Hey MIke, Pass my best wishes and hope for a speedy recovery along to Ryan. I'm really glad that we was wearing his helmet and didn't suffer more serious injuries. I'll miss watching him outfish you for the next while LOL.
  5. I have a 50lb Minn Kota V2 with auto pilot. It makes boat handling much easier in windy conditions or while soloing. It gives me time to do other things (ie. landing fish, changing lures, etc). I wouldn't get a troling motor without it.
  6. Great report Mike. It could only be better if we were both holding lakers. Maybe Next year.... Congrats on the new species.
  7. I haven't checked the ON regs in a while. Around Montreal alot target bass, pike and walleye. These open their respective dates in late spring until March 31st. Therefore, someone fishing today would be in season (2008 - 2009). They only become OOS on April 1, 2009
  8. Got the entire family setup last year. I had one in the past, but never renewed it. It's alot easier now that any passport holder can be your guarantor. I think that everyone should have one, for tose last minute trips.
  9. Thanks Roy. Nice approach...I feel kind of dumb not thinking of it myself
  10. Hi all, I'm looking to book a BOQ weekend in late May. I might stay at Foster's Fishing Centre in a rented trailer. There aren't any pics on their website, so I thought I would ask my OFC buddies. Has anyone stayed there before? What are the trailers like (old/new)? What are the dock's and launch like? Is the service good? Would you recommend it? Thanks alot for the input. GlennK
  11. Got mine a few years ago when I bought my 12' tinny. I downloaded the study guide (Free of charge) online. You pay $50.00 when you write. My son (12 at the time) got his last year so that he could start driving. I made him read the guide twice before writting the exam. He passed first time. It cost $45.00 because I found a coupon. It's amazing what you can find when you google. I've been checked once (while anchored) . My insurance also wanted it when I bought the new boat this year.
  12. Beer of choice: Out - whatever they are serving , at home - Blue After supper: amerreto on ice
  13. Great report Mike. You guys (especially Ryan) had a great year in the new boat. Looking forward to many outsting with you next year. Ice fishing is only a couple of months away
  14. Excelent report and nice pics. It is always a pleasure fishing with you. I hope that I can put you on the fish next year. Try not to shed any tears when you store the boat this week. I'll pass by your place tonight.
  15. nice report Shawn, and excellent pics. I had a great weekend with you and the guys. Looking forward to next year.
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