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Posts posted by Hooked

  1. Probably no fishing, but gonna take the family to a local conservation area where they will be playing Spiderman 3 on a 40'x40' inflatable screen. Impressive picture and sound, should be fun for all. Any of you in the Hamilton area should check it out, Saturday night at Christie Conservation Area.

  2. It is really hard to find a server issue that only affects certain computers...very hard. This issue is cross-browser and affects only about 3% of users. We know it is because some computers are running something slightly different like maybe older java or something...

    But everything we coded and everything we bought should be degradable to about 2001.

    Knowing that people can use a different computer in the same house and have different results is baffling. I could not come up with a single thing that can create this which is why I gave up and passed it on to the experts. So far they are stumped too.

    If I could get the error here it would help alot, but its running fine for me.

    Anyone withthe problem and some web experience that can copy me any java errors or even the page source code I would appreciate it.


    I'll see what I can do Rick. I did notice a strange line of code on the page today, in which I'll see if I can recreate it Thursday and copy you on it. I upgraded to IE7 at work, no change. Fuzz. Even when the boards default skin changed back to normal. I edited my controls to view 20 posts per page....no change. Hmmm. Admit it Rick, you love these kind of issues. :angel:

  3. At home, the new skin loads fine....however, at work, I have to use IE and I can't reply to a thread or send a PM. Not to mind, I only see the first 4 threads on Genereal Discussion, as well, when I enter a thread I can only view 2 replies to it? No scroll option. Haven't had time to troubleshoot but appears to not be loading properly? Must need an update somewhere? I'll have to check it out Wednesday when I get time.

  4. I have caught several in the Grand River by Wilkes Dam. Also caught a fairly big one in BOQ one summer, probably just over a pound. Thought it was a rainbow at first with all the jumping it did. I found there tongue to be interesting, they have 2 teeth on them, qutie cool.

  5. You definately want something with a nice drag. Personally, I'm gonna be picking up an Okuma Epixor ($70)for the same use as you will be using it for. Check out the size of the drag washers on it, much larger than other reels. My second selection would be a Daiwa, however, the 4000 series on them are quite bulky and heavy. The 4000 series for Shimano are a better fit for chucking spoons, at least in my opinion. And the Pflueger President is a solid pick as well, not to keen on the Supreme though.

  6. Heard great things about both rods. But going by some of the people that have owned a Gloomis, nothing better. You might also wanna check out a Shimano Calcutta rod. Slated for saltwater small game, but a phenominal rod for freshwater, ultra sensitive. My dad picked one of those up this past winter and stated its as good as any gloomis rod he has. Either way, I think you'll be happy.

  7. Very nice report Aaron. That camping spot looked ideal, definately something I wouldn't mind doing this summer. Boy, quite the dark head on that ski, and a big one at that. I hear ya on fishing the slop, I'm more of an open water, weed edge fisherman, but I too have difficulty fishing the thick stuff. Its too bad, cuz lots of big boys to be had in there. Good stuff.

  8. I was at Chapters last week with my son and I started reading the June-July In-Fisherman mag. Excellent article on how an onshore wind can improve your catches and why. I believe the article is called 'The Stability Zone -- Finding Great Lakes Salmon & Trout' by Mark Chmura. Funny thing is, not that long after reading that article, I'm reading how bly is slaying trout from shore. Think I"m gonna have to get out there too. Too bad bly's and ccmt's onshore wind is my offshore wind. :mellow:

  9. Anyone here have any experience camping at Crotch Lake? I was thinking of bringing my wife and son up there since I heard some good things about it. Will be pitching a tent and looking to rent a boat if I don't have my canoe by then. As well, how long would it take to get there from Hamilton?

  10. i know rods can REALLY shyrocket in price, some of them are incredibly expensive!

    now lets be honest...

    Is there really a big difference in a $30 rod and a $150 rod??

    if so, what is it?


    I think the biggest difference is sensivity, next the weight, and the sheer quality of components used and engineering of them. So there is a difference.

  11. Ok guys, now I've seen it all! Haha, you guys kill me. Noddin head. I think if it swims, be afraid, be very afraid of the bly and ccmt connection. Nice going. Remember the wind direction for future catches. I recall Speil telling me how important that is for trout and salmon, even in the summer cuz it'll bring em in. You two rock! Keep it up!

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