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Posts posted by Squid

  1. Squid goes way back to an Ice fishing trip on lake Nippissing in Callander bay. I needed to relieve myself so went out of the hut and into the "heated" bathroom, warmest bathroom I have ever used while ice fishing. When I returned my buddies were all snickering and said that I had a fish on. Sure enough when I pulled the line in there was a squid at the end of the line, dead of course. I was like " nice try guys" and threw the squid on a plate and it began to leak ink so I tossed it out into the night. Next morning the hut owner comes by to collect the $$ for the weekend and my buddy is standing behind me telling the owner that I caught a fresh water squid!! The owner said no way it was probably a mud puppy!! I figure that at this point my buddy gave the owner several winks and the owner caught on. All of a sudden he says " well maybe it was!! there has not been on caught here in 100 yrs."!! I was like what the hell!! He asks me to show it to him. I grab the squid and sure enough the owner is praising the lord!! Jesus I can't believe it!! This is so rare!! We need a picture for the North Bay Nugget!! At this point I was totally confused. I have to say here that it is very difficult if not impossible to suck me into believing a prank like this. Anyways pictures were taken and one of the guys told me that there was a 500 dollar fin for keeping it so I tossed it down an ice fishing hole. I did no find out until the next day that it was all a joke.. :whistling::wallbash::asshat:

  2. All of the gimmicks for quitting smoking put Nicotine into your body. So you become addicted to the patches etc. Champix on the other hand blocks the nicotine receptors in the brain. It is covered on most company insurance plans so there is no cost to you. You will experience wildly vivid dreams and nausea for the first 2 weeks but after that it is smooth sailing. You have to stay on them for 3 months in order for all of the nicotine to flush out of your body. It worked for me too and it’s been 3 ½ years of no smoking for me. No cravings to boot!! :thumbsup_anim:

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