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Posts posted by Squid

  1. There is a story, which I have had a very hard time confirming,that the MNR released 3000 or so muskies into Bronte years back. I can recall trolling in front of bronte in 30 feet of water down 15 on the riggers when all of a sudden I had a huge hit! The 4ft extension on my big jon down rigger went beserk on me. Huge pull and then nothing. Brought in the down rigger and the ball was missing along with my bait and line. Whatever it was was very big. It stripped the gears in my downrigging reel. Soem say that it was a tree or something but I was not down that far and a tree would not have pulled back a few times.

  2. You guys all have great points but since when do pple say there is no muskie in west arm, i caught one last year right behind honeymoon island ????? i think maybe you guys might not be looking in the right places. My unlce has lived here for years and catches them every spring off the dock....

    If you truly want a good concentration of good size muskie( between 40" to 50") my recomendation would be the veuve river , a lot of big muskie caught in this small river. I have 2 friends that fish this river regularly and they have both caught some over 50". I would say the french is good for muskie probly the average would be in the 40's . I've been fishing the area for about 10-12 years now and there is pletty of muskie up there just need to know were to find them...whistling.gif



    Fishingyoda, everyone was kidding about no fish anywhere....

  3. Even if there is flaming I would not shut it down. This issue is akin to enviromental terrorism in my humble opinion. The great lakes watershed is spending millions trying to keep the asian carp out of the lakes and then we have some ignorant folks dumping live fish into our ecosystem!! Please this needs discussion not censorship. It high time that the communities responsible for this stand up and go after their kin and educate-slap them into reality that this is not their home country where anything goes!! Does not matter where these folks are from, it applies to every nationality.

  4. I do not for the life of me understand why we would lock down this thread!! Political correctness on a fishing board!! guys give your heads a shake, we want to debate this in public!! Let the public read the comments and then start discussing it with their friends etc.. Have folks come on here and challenge us that is what is needed here not censorship!! People need to get pissed off no matter what the culture or nationality.

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