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Posts posted by Squid

  1. Yesterday was a very melancholy day in the Rajewski household. Our dear friend/brother Ben was laid to rest after 15 glorious years of friendship and laughter that was evident to the very end. He touched hundreds of people’s lives during his time with us and he was by far the best dog (friend) that we ever owned. Kind, gentle and calm to a fault. I recall when Ben was 3 a woman approached us and stated that Ben was very well behaved and calm for a 8 yr old dog. She was shocked when we informed her that he was only 3 years old. His greatest passion was chilling out. More of a speed bump than a dog. He guarded our family with ferocity if there was a stranger at the door so he was no push over, unless you threw him a rib bone.


    Rest in peace Ben, chase those squirrels in dog heaven and have lots of fun with your friends that passed before you.



  2. The launch at Bronte isn't the same for sure. I have been lucky so far with no vandalism, but have heard many horror stories the past couple years. They are at it again this year, as a piece of wood with nails sticking up was left at the dock area with intent to injure. It's getting worse. I use the Bronte ramp all the time because I live close by, and I take my wife and 2-year-old there at times. I can't imagine my son stepping on someone's booby trap and putting a spike through his foot, or worse, tripping and getting it in his eye or head. This crap has to stop. If you see anything suspicious, or have vandalism to your truck or trailer, file a report to the police. The more complaints the police receive, they may do something. Report every incident people. This isn't going away until someone gets caught.


    The boaters hate the anglers launching in the morning with a passion. They are responsible for the security guys now hired to reroute anglers in the morning around the speed bumps that make trailer noise. The vandalism and intent to injure is more than likely angry boater/s, as this makes the most sense; however, no accusations can be made until someone gets caught red handed. The past 6 years or so has been a nightmare to launch at Bronte. Boy do I miss the old days at Bronte hassle-free. We used to drive straight to the launch and line up in a straight line on the left, launch and park. No rerouting around the main lane into the parking lot, no hassles. The only noise I can ever remember is trailers squeeking over the speed bumps and outboards starting at the ramp. It's a public boat ramp, what did the boaters along the lane expect when they got a slip? We have been launching our boats to go salmon fishing in the early morning for as long as I can remember, which is over 30 years.


    I believe it's only going to get worse until most anglers don't launch at Bronte anymore. Rates will keep going up and vandalism and intent to injure will rise. Keep your eyes open people. The truth is, wealthy boaters are taking over Bronte and anglers bother them.


    The launch in Oakville is also $17. Now Bronte Outdoors is gone and so is the GOSD weigh-in for Bronte. You will need to weigh your fish at Port Credit or Fisherman's Pier now. I miss the old Bronte with the weigh-in for the Star derby at the Home Hardware. Different user groups seemed to get along back then.



    Well said Aaron. I was going to get back into fishing for Salmon but for that price and the potential hassle no thanks. I can always launch out of Lasalle ou under the skyway.

  3. It has been a major problem with the marina folks,the launch and parking is owned by the city but the Marina folks believe that they own the land. The security would not even let us park down by the launch early in the morning. We had to park up at the grass parking. FF I believe that Lasalle is still free and there is the launch under the skyway which is 10-12 $ not sure though.

  4. Boy was I shocked today to find out that the parking at the Bronte Launch went from 5$ dollars last year to a whopping 17$ this year. Quite high for a municipal launch IMO. Must be a plan to limit the amount of fishermen that disturb the big boats docked at the harbor.

  5. Hey!! I thought that it was against the rules to post political threads on the board. Welcome to the tea party folks. Don't complain when you have to wait to go and see your doctors unless they work in the prison system or fly fighter jets. HMMM we need more hospitals and road work oh wait no we don't we need guns planes and prisons screw the old people that need to get to a hospital.Gays are out, drug injection sites are out, abortion centres out shall I go on!! What a bunch of fools for voting in the cons. Enjoy!!! the next four year folks. :asshatg:

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