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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Thanks so much everyone!! Yeah for sure Lew!!!
  2. Wow what a journey it has been. I want to wish all a very big and warm thank you for all the support, encouragement and positive vibes. It made my ride a lot smoother and for that I thank OFC. I had my last shake on Tuesday May 21st. So good to be free of the shakes and back to food again. I continue with 4 meals a day at 300 calories until June 21 or for ever if I wish. I am still losing weight due to me excercise. I weigh 196 now and I am 3 lbsaway from 90. My goal now is to hit the century mark and that is only 13 lbs away LOL. Truth be told it will be the hardest weight to lose throughout the entire duration of the diet. So the first picture is how all of you who knew the old me remember me by. The second picture is of a guy who morphed out of the first picture and threw away all the excess garbage physical and emotional. Thanks Folks. Maybe I will revive this post next summer and post a 1 yr after photo.
  3. Thanks there is a bit of sudbury wolf in him.
  4. Milo says Hi to the OFC gang. He is a rescue dog and is a sable shepherd with mum being a cross between a golden retriever and border collie so it should be interesting how he turns out. He is 7 weeks old.
  5. Nice stuff Gino!! Yeah you need to know the "path" into the open part of the lake from the dam or you will get smacked. How were the bugs and how was the boat traffic for opener?
  6. 201.4 pounds this morning. Still in size 34. Total weight loss to date is 80.4 pounds. Tomorrow commence two 300 calorie meals a day along with two shakes. 8 more weeks to go.
  7. Thanks everyone!! Mike thanks buddy and apologise to Danna eh lol!!!
  8. Thanks all!! As I stated before I will need to rebalance the boat. LOL
  9. Week 12 complete!!! 212 lbs from 283 in January. On four shakes a day I lost 71 lbs. Truly amazing stuff!! I started wearing a size 46 and I am now trying on size 36 which I may add are loose Tomorrow begins with a new chapter in this journey. We start replacing one shake a day with a meal, 300 cals mind you, for the week. Next week its two 300 cal meals and two shakes and so on until May 15th where I am off of shakes for good. The remaining 6 weeks will be 1200 calories a day eating four meals. I will post the very first picture I took of myself and one from today.
  10. Now if you want excitement then go fishing for 25lb Salmon over the next couple of weeks with a 12lb mono 7ft rod with a blue white 7" stick bait and hang on to your line Baby because she is gonna run. There is no thrill greater than hooking into a king with heavy walleye gear and fighting it to the boat. These fish DO not tire out like a muskie.
  11. Well Said Rich and I am a musky guy. Yup the fish is a tough one to catch but so are other species and this year I intend to go back to my other favs Walleye and Bass. May 24 Norht Bay for some fresh Walleye!!
  12. Way to go Family guy. Yes this is the solution for me. There will be no other diets in the future as this lifestyle change is permanent for me. My past history of being a sports fanatic is rearing it's ugly head. I am already booked for indoor ball hockey through the summer inside an arena and I have signed up for hockey next fall and that will be 3 times a week at a minimum. Add to that weight lifting - walking/ running and you have quite the excercise program. My fitness particpation will be way higher than the average 54 yr olds excercise regime.
  13. I want to 'weight' until April 16th, two more weeks and I will post a picture.
  14. You are so right Lew. People are walking past me at work now not realizing it was me. Kinda weird at times. But BOY do I FEEL GOOD!!
  15. WEEK 10 complete!! Hard to believe that I have been at this for 10 weeks already, wow it has just flown by. Walleye/Pickerel opener is just around the corner followed by MUSKIE!! C'mon June 1st!!, need to get over to Chris's house and have a guide replaced on my walleye rod. I dropped 6 lbs over the last week bringing my YTD totals to 61 lbs lost. Now I am on week 11 and then finishing the 4 shake a day portion on April 16th. April 17th will be my first meal for us and I am so looking forward to it. My Bariatric doctor has commented that he is revising my goal weight loss from 80 lbs to 100 lbs. As it stands now I weigh 218 lbs in the morning on my digital scale. I have 18 lbs to go to achieve my goal weight of 200lbs and it looks like I will achieve this weight before the end of April. This will leave me two more months of dieting to lose the remaining 20 lbs to achieve the 100 pound mark. I could end up at 180 lbs which I have not seen since I was 19 years old and could climb a tree without even thinking about it. I sit here and just shake my head looking at the potential numbers that I could reach. I used to take a chair out and place it next to the truck to stand on and then step on the tailgate to get into the box. This past weekend I unloaded a cord of hardwood and basically placed my foot on the tailgate and lifted myslelf onto it. Peter
  16. LOL Roy yeah not quite 'svelte' yet. Yup \i will post the first and last pic when I finish the shake portion of the diet. Thanks Trev and Blizz!! NAW, I am considering going to value village if I have to buy a few things to get me through. There is also the option of my kids clothes lol I never thought that I would fit into my 22 yrs olds clothes.
  17. Paul ( Mercman) I read your comment and way to go on the 45 lbs weight loss and not smoking for Ten weeks!!! Oh man that is awesome!! Week 9 complete. 5 lb loss over the last week bringing the total to 55 lbs. I set a goal on January 22nd to lose 54 lbs. by my 54th birthday this Thursday. Well I BEAT IT!! All health indicators are green or better. Now the doctor is discussing the potential of me losing 100 lbs by the time I end this "diet" on June 15th. Have to tell you that it is getting boring. Losing weight every week. It is becoming like groundhog day for me. I want to move on to the next phase which is drinking it up and partying!!! LOL JK. On April 23rd we will replace one shake a day with one 300 calorie meal a day, our choice of mealtime but their choice of what we get to eat. This pattern continues for the week and then the next week we remove 2 shakes and replace with 2 meals a day and so on until May 15th. Come May 15th we will be on 4 meals a day consisting of 300 calories a meal. This will bring our total caloric intake up from 900 calories to 1200 calories. We continue see the team until the end which is June 16th. From there it is maintenance once a month for a couple of years. I hope that all that are dieting are seeing results and are sticking to it because the results are so worth it.
  18. Way to go RT!!! good job man. Lew thanks and thanks to Diane.
  19. Week 8 complete All is going well and we are being prepared to go on soild food again. I still have 4 weeks to go on the shakes so solid food is still a dream. Good news on the weight loss front. Today marks the day that I officially lost 50 LBS !!! Amazing that it all happened in 8 weeks. Its looking more and more like I will lose 80 lbs that I originally thought that I would lose. I have gone from a tight 44 to a 38 and that is it for the clothes. Once the 38's start getting loose there will be a shopping spree and oh its my birthday on the 28th! Maybe I will lose 54 lbs for my 54th birthday!!! Anyways thanks for following and supporting my journey it has been a blast to say the least. I will go out this weekend and buy an 8'6'' st croix Premiere extra heavy split grip as my gift to myself for losing 50 lbs!! Until next week!! Peter
  20. Squid


    Very cool pictures Lew!
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