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Everything posted by beerman

  1. I am getting a little worried about all this snow, winter talk.. I am going on a fly in on may 30th, with cochrane air.. I HOPE THE FREEKIN LAKE IS THAWED OUT. Also, I hope the water will warm up before we get into the bush... GEEZ, This weather sucks!!
  2. I agree Moose. Nothing compares to play off hockey, except that 25 lb pike on the end of your line... Hockey playoffs are the best...
  3. beerman


    Where you going in cochrane?? I am leaving may 30th, for cochrane air services..
  4. I love hockey and I watch most games, no matter who plays. The Pens are young, and that may turn out to be a good thing. They don,t have much experience in the play offs at all, which may be a good thing to. I am happy with the year they had, no matter if they win another game or not.. I am also happy they are staying in the city.. Its been a great year here in pittsburgh, no mattter who wins this series.. PS..I also LOVE canada, which I will be comming up fishing may 30th, cochrane , ontario... I go every year, great country, great people, and AWESOME beer!!
  5. Hey everyone, I live in Pittsburgh, Pa. The city is going crazy for the PENS.. I called for play-off tickets 3 weeks ago, first 2 rounds sold out.. The fans will have what they call a black out, everyone will be wearing black!! I did get tickets for my son and I, but I had to pay...... Anyways, Its gonna be a great series.... I say Pens in 7!!! Peace
  6. Good Morning everyone,.. Just realized, 57 days till my fly-in trip with cochrane air services??
  7. I will be leaving may 31, for the drive up to cochrane ontario.. This will be my 20th trip with cochrane air services. We are flying into Edgar Lake, June 2nd.. We are making it a 2 day drive, due to my uncle, he cannot handle 17 hours in a car in one day. I will post a report, with pictures, when i get home.. I absolutely LOVE it up there!!!
  8. Hi, well I have been going on fly in lakes for 20 or more years. The first time I went with Sudbary Aviation. One word describes them, BAD experience!! 2nd trip was with Air Ivanhoe. Great accomodations, fishing was o.k... After Air Ivanhoe, its been Cochrane Air Services for the last 18 years. The best! Fishing at cochrane is second to none!! I average between 800-1000 fish in a week. And thats no lie. So far I have caught 5 pike over 20lbs. And 2 walleye that were around 10 lbs.. Fish consistnecy, its non stop action. Its really unreal, unless you have been there. I try and explain to my friends, and its tough. We get flown in saturday, and by thursday, your arms are so tired from catching fish.. Utilities??? Well, the camps are nice, but no running water on any of the camps. Boats, motors, etc are great. Hey, we go up there to fish, it doesn,t bother us about the running water at all.. Water quality is good. We do take in our own drinking water.. Courtesy is awesome. Mark is great.. Experience, well its all been great, but cochrane is like a second home to me.. Love the country.. I have never had a bad experience in 18 years. Never. ...
  9. I thought you only needed passports if you are flying into canada??
  10. We will be staying there for one night, may 31, and leaving the next day for cochrane..
  11. Wow.. thanks I am sure to use these in june.. Plus I will post my first report on here.
  12. Ok, I need a little help here. I am heading to cochrane on my annual fly in fishing trip june 1st, and i need your help. Usually when we go, we make the beer batter and grilled walleye fillets. I want to do something different this year, I would like a different walleye recipe for each day we are there. So i need 7 different recipes. On the old message boards, I read about barbeque walleye, with bacon, not sure???? Thanks for the help...
  13. Try Cochrane Air services, the best around!
  14. Thanks moose, damn your lucky ... Maybe you can come into edgar and have a few cold ones when i get there?? LOL
  15. wow, awesome!! Question moose, do people ice fish Edgar lake??
  16. Moose, you are one lucky man.. I absolutely love it up there. Come thursday, everyone in our party starts getting depressed, because we know its almost time to go.. We also take alot of extra gear, food, beer, etc... Mark will fly it in at a certain fee.. I am really excited about this year though. Edgar lake seems like it is double the flight as the other lakes we went to. And moose, you are correct, you are not permitted to portage to kesagami from edgar. I talked to mark about it, he said we can,t and the fishing is just as good on edgar.... One lake that had trophy fish was twopeak.. The four of us each caught 2 walleye over 9 pounds... PS..JoeK, We catch most of our fish in the shallows, even walleye. I am talking 4-10 feet of water.. Never really fish the deep stuff, no need to. But it depends when you go. Early June, the walleye are in the shallows as are the pike.. One thing, fish the shoreline where the wind is beating on.. Also, take a few top water baits for pike. Lastyear, in yesterday lake, i caught 2 20 lbs, on top water bass spinner baits.. Freekin blast!!
  17. Hi guys, thanks for the response.. Yea, I have heard stories about edgar lake. We were getting ready to fly into yesterday lake with cochrane air and I was talking to a few old timers on the dock as we were loading up our gear. They have fished edgar 20 years now. The one guy said he would not go to another lake. They said rain, snow , sunny, etc. didn,t matter, caught fish all day!!
  18. Hi people, well we booked our annual fly in fishing trip in the great north. We go with cochrane air services. This will be my 20th trip with them, but first time in Edgar lake. The lake is right beside kesagami lake. Does anyone have any info on this lake?? thanks ps.we are flying in june 2nd.. Cannot wait..
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