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Everything posted by beerman

  1. Wow, nice report. Alot of those pictures bring back memories.. We booked yesterday lodge with cochrane air next year. We are going the 2nd week of june.. Cannot wait!!!!
  2. Did you fly in with cochrane air services?
  3. Wow, nice pictures... Question, what fly in service did you use??
  4. Well, I am a Network Admin for a company in pittsburgh, pa.. Love the job, hate the traffic... PA has the worst roads and they work on the damn things 356 days a year?? Something is wrong here, isn,t it???
  5. Stoty, I too have been down that road. It was about 6 years ago. I have 2 children . I knew our relationship was over for atleast a year before we divorsed. I tried to stick it out for the kids. Wow, that was very hard. But it ended. It was hard the first 3 months or so, but time moves on and you will too.. I get my kids every weekend. I coach my sons baseball team, so I see him 2-3 days a week. We never went to court for child custody. If I want my kids, all I do is call. We were bitter towards each other after our divorse, but now we are civil . Its not worth it... I am actually a happy single man right now...... Good luck and the Pens will see your wings nextt year.... peace
  6. Wow, I never saw that.. Maybe cause I am from the burgh?? Oh well, hope to see a great game tonight...
  7. I don,t think you are right stoty.. The games are all sold out. 1,000 tickets went on sale yesterday and they sold them in 3 minutes. First come, first serve... And they were all standing room only seats.. I actually could of went to game 5 in detroit. They had over 5,000 seats left. Not good..
  8. Hi guys, I am from pittsburgh and I live 20 minutes from the city. The city is going nuts right now. Geez, I cannot even concentrate on work.. A few things, its been a great ride. Great games and fun stuff to watch. The wings have looked really great in all the games. I think right now though the Penguins will take over. Its just a gut feeling.. I will be at the game tonight, with the other 18,000 pens fans.. Its a white out and the Igloo will rock.. One thing I did notice is, the Pittsburgh crowd is WAYYYYYYYYYYYY more into it than the detroit fans.. I thought detroit was hockeytown??? GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PENS
  9. Edgar was nice. But you are right about the weather. We had snow, sleet, rain and sun all in the same week.. The lake is mostly shallow, with sand bars and drop offs. YOU MUST BE CAREFULL running your boat.. Its scary.. The fishing was good, not like we are used to, but that was due to the weather.. Therew were 5 of us, and we caught about 1500 walleye, and some pike.. I posted pictures in my photo album on this site.. We are going to netogami lake..
  10. I made a photo album with a few more pictures.. I will scan some more from my 35 mm pictures. Thats where all the fish pictures are at.. dude
  11. Ok , I know you forgot about me, but I did not foget you guys. I finally found a few minutes to post a few pictures of my annual fly in trip with cochrane air services. Ok, here it goes.. The first picture is taken from the balcony of our hotel in North Bay. We made it a 2 day drive up to cochrane due to my uncles age. We drank alot of pops from that balcony that night. You know, it was due to the excitement of a week in the great north, fishing, drinking, and eating.. It was about 90 degrees that night. Well we slept like babies after that night. Got up, and drove the rest of the way to cochrane , ontario. We arrived at the Best Western in cochrane around 2:30 pm. It was freekin cold. About 50 degrees. We checked in and ran into Italo, from canadian sportsfishing. Very nice man. He was going into Kesagami that day. He said they were supposed to have been in there alreay, but they were backed up flying????? I was like, of poop.. We had a great dinner that night, and a good sleep. Woke up at 5 am saturday, and met Mark around 6. We were in the air by 8:30 am. Awesome flight, as we flew in the turbo outter. They had to rent out Hearst Air outter, because people have been stuck in the bush for over 3 days due to the weather.. OUCH. Here is a picture of us loading up this AWESOME airplane... The next picture is a picture of Kesagami. Edgar is about 3 km from Kesagami. We could hear the boats all week.. LOL Wow, i used up my Max upload space??? What can i do to post the rest?? Damn
  12. How do i attach pictures???
  13. Hey all, just wanted to give you a report from my annual fly in fishing trip with cochrane air services.. We left thursday, may 31, drove to north bay, and got a hotel at The Inn By The Bay. We hung out on the balcony and drank beer all night. Lots of fun.. Friday, June 1st we woke up at 6 AM, for our final 5 hours to get to cochrane, ontario. Stopped along the way for 2 lbs of leeches and a flat of crawlers, and food... Arrived at cochrane around 1 pm. Checked in at the Best Westen, and met Ittalo from canadian sportsfishhing. He was flying out to Kesagami on friday. We talked, very nice person... After lunch, went to see mark and fill out the the paper work, pay for the trip, etc.. Noticed that they had borrowed Hearst Outfitters Turbo Outter, due to the fact that cochrane could not fly for 3 days and people were still in the bush.. Mark said we would be going in the outter at 8:00 am saturday morning.. Awesome!! And thank god for that huge plane as we broke the record for going overweight..1400 lbs over.. LOL. Maybe it was the 25 cases of beer?? Went to dinner, and a small bar in cochrane, then to bed early.. Up saturday at 6:00 am to get flown into edgar lake.. Loaded the outter, and off we went. I will tell you one thing, that plane was freekin awesome!! Landed on Edgar around 9:30 am, unloaded and got camp situated, and then we were off to do some fishing! Second cast, my cousin lands a 25 inch walleye, right at the cabin. It was on.. We caught walleye every where we fished..We did not catched a walleye under 18 inches all week..The weather was warm the first day, then it rained on sunday. I knew a front was comming, and boy, did it.. Monday it snowed, and was 33 degree f....... Monday night was 26 f... But the fish didn,t stop hitting... It warmed up and then friday hit us.. WOW..We were the whole way up the northern end of the lake, when it started to lightning and thunder.. We went into shore to wait it out.. While on shore, I found an old trapppers cabin.Pretty neat.. After an hour, it looked clear, and we left for the cabin. While motoring to the cabin, the winds picked up bad, and I mean bad... Next thing it was sleet and hail, and some bad winds... It was scary, and cold.. And the sleet really hurt the face.. But we made it.. All I can say is we experienced every kind of weather canada could throw our way.. It was awesome! No bugs, lots of fish.. I will post more later, and some pictures!! I love the great north.. Till next year.. PS..Fish caught 1800 walleye, 2 24 lb. pike, and a ton of white fish!!! Only 2 cans of beer left over, ate fish everyday. Cabin, boats , motors, etc all top notch!! Even had a Sauna on the lake..
  14. I am heading up to cochrane, may 31.. Cannot wait. Flying into edgar lake, with cochrane air.. I will post a report when I get home...
  15. Thanks again moose.. I cannot wait to get up there and try for some trophy eyes and pike..
  16. Thanks Moose. Question?? Edgar is said to be 6-7 mile long. There has to be more rivers and creeks on that lake, right?? We fish alot for walleye. I suppose the walleye fishing on edgar is great.. Here is a top water lure I used on yesterday lake. Caught 15 pike in a row on these things.. Top water Lure
  17. I don,t see any pictures??
  18. So i suppose Edgar is like the fishing at kesagami?
  19. 400 is about right.. We usually have 6 guys, so we go in on the otter. This plane holds most everything we need, untill tuesday when they check on us.. Question about Edgar lake??? Are there any rivers to fish on this lake???
  20. We are going to edgar june 2nd, 20th time with mark and cochrane air.. I never fished that lake, but i have fished floodwood, twopeak, snare, and another lake on that river system. Good fishing every year. We take in alot of live bait, as i think it helps out alot.. BUY ROADRUNNER JIG HEADS... The blade helps out alot too on those jigs.. We always take more into the bush than we need. We plan a 7 day dinner plan. Steaks, chops, pasta, chicken, etc.. But we also eat fish everyday. This year I am going to make a different walleye dish everyday.... Take lots of beer. We take a depth finder for each boat, basically to find the depth.... You will get weighed before you fly in, but usuallly mark is pretty fare about it.. Take a good rain suit, bug nets(we have full bug suit , so you can wear shorts under the pants, coils for the camp, etc.. We take in all of our drinking water.. Basically we say" its a vacation, the h ell with the weight"...... You will have a great time, its addicting!!!! If you need any info, pm me.... PS...Rent a satellite phone, you never know what may happen.. 60 bucks for the full week is worth it....
  21. Roadrunner jigs , tipped with live bait.. Awesome bait..
  22. Do those bed nets work? Do you have a web site i can take a look at one of them? We never took bed nets, but I wish I would have. Damn mosquito,s buzz around you all night.. Please post a web site.......
  23. LOL Moose, Wanna here a funny story.. We were up at unknown lake, with cochrane. Four of us went to that lake. We caught alot of fish, as usual. My uncles buddy woke up one morning, still buzzin pretty good. He decided to go for a walk/jog , for what I have no idea?? Well he decided to wear shorts, bad move.. Next day, when he woke up, he had all these lumps on his legs.. He got the jiggers?? Have you ever heard of those bugs, they embed and burrry themselves under your skin??? He was not to happy the rest of the week.... PS..As far as the 3, 9lb walleye on twopeak, we did catch 3 of them.. We weigh all of the big fish we catch. And I was drinking whiskey at the time..
  24. Yes, take coils for the cabin, they are great.. The last few years the bugs have not been bad at all. Last year, in yesterday, we fished with shorts on most days.. I guess it depends on the weather... I cannot wait untill may 31.... Here We come Edgar lake...
  25. Wow, another party going with cocrane air services. I am going into Edgar, june 2nd.. I have flown with cocrane air 20 years now. I fished twopeak a few years ago. We caught 3, 9lb walleye on that lake. The cabin set up is really nice. Its right on the lake. Mark sent in a film crew, they interviewed us about all the logging activity, and how we felt about it. We fished twopeak , twice.. Both times were awesome!! You can call me, I can fill you in with some good info..... I am really getting excited about going to Edgar Lake.. Make sure you take live minnows and worms. We have 6 of us going this year, so we will load up on the live bait.. Last year, we went into yesterday lake, we took 120 dozen minnows, 2 lbs of leeches, and a flat of nightcrawlers.. All minnows were used, most of the nightcrawlers were used, and we only had a few leeches left... I would bet you i caught 1,000 walleye myself.. My uncle got a 12 lb eye in yesterday!! Man, I cannot wait to get up there!!! PS..If you need any info, lets talk..
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