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jimmy v

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Everything posted by jimmy v

  1. Took a drive up north last night,fished Thornbury then Meaford for a couple hours each.Hooked 2 at the Beaver and 3 in Meaford.Fish are bright but not very large(5-8 pounds) and fought well. .The fish at the Sound seemed larger last time I was there.There certainly aren`t many fish around yet but even seeing a few is very encouraging. At both places it was typical salmon activity-a few splashing around,then a couple quick hits,then all quiet for the longest time.Decision time-grind it out or move on - I chose to move on,last nite it was the right decision,often times better to grind it out till their next active time.Salmon in harbors or lower ends can really be moody!Anyway it was good to get out.
  2. I`ve found that lakers show a preference towards chartreuse/green tones as well as a good silver finished lure,both trolling or jigging,Good Luck!
  3. Spent a couple of days down at Port Bruce walleye fishing.Lots of eyes,3 distinct year classes-(1-2 pounders,4-5 pounders and some 9-10 pounders).Got to get out to 67 feet of water-it`s a long way(17 miles) but they were there in great numbers! Down 50-60 feet,riggers and dipsies were best.Spoons and ripplin redfins worked the best.Darker colors right away,then brighter colors started to go.Fish seem to be heading southwest in a hurry! Also a few salmon have moved into the harbor at Owen Sound,defintely not many-casted for 4 hours,saw 4 jump ended up landing 1 about 11 pounds.Heading to Lake O for salmon this week as they are staging at most ports.
  4. Just listened to Guitar Town-Steve Earle.
  5. The ponds at Bloomingdale will be perfect for the youngster!
  6. Great report Mike! A buddy of mine went earlier this year and also had a great time!
  7. When Owen Sound was on it was glow cleos , ping-a-tees or flutter spoons. On Lake O piers I use the glow cleos and rattle traps alot.It definitely is more of a timing thing than lure selection as the early arrivals are much more aggresive.They are already getting a few out east off some pierheads.
  8. Hi,my name is Jimmy V, I have been reading the board for many years and feel it is time to be a member.I am originally from the niagara area moved to K-W 31 years ago.I grew up fishing in niagara when we had to put the 14 footer in the back of the truck and drive it down the old road at queenston to launch as there was no launch at that time.You could fish at the bottom of the falls and walk right to the hydro dams fromupriver or downriver.you can imagine how good and UNCROWDED the fishing was! We used to launch the boat to rig Lake O at Jordan harbor on the south side of the QEW at Campbells Marina.It was a big deal to catch walleye in Lake Erie at that time but the bass were always abundant and close to shore all year. Things change and the fishing oppurtunities are tremendous all across Ontario.From the K=W area we just get used to driving the 1.5 - 2 hours to fish almost all the great lakes and their tribs so there is always somewhere that is ON! I fish and hunt (waterfowl,deer) as much as I can.My wife understands my passion for the outdoors and has always supported my interests,yes I am very lucky.My kids are grown,I have just retired and can pursue my interests at will. I will try to have positive input on the board with reports,however my problem is my technological inadequciesLOL,this took me almost 5 minutes to do!! Anyways sorry for the long intro, happy to be a new member!
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