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Everything posted by BradMc76

  1. Hey there. Just giving my little report on what happened today. So, myself and my friend Bob, we hit the Grand River in York about 5:30 am. Fished a good while, but didn't hook a thing. I was getting frustrated, because I've never hit anything on the Grand River. Anyway, at about 7:30, we decided it was time to try a different spot. We got back in the car, and headed down a lonely road. We spotted a guy standing in the water, flipping something....yellow. After a bit more of a tour, we headed back to find a way to talk to that guy. His name was Brady, and he was quite a decent fellow. I had my waders on, and trudged up to him. On my way there, he picked up 2 pretty little bass. I introduced myself to him, and asked what he was throwing. He said "Jig head with a Mr. Twisty." I replied, "Pretend I'm new. What's a Mr. Twisty?" He says to me "I'll do you one better, I'll give you one." And then he proceeds to set up a yellow jig head, and a clear yellow grub. I thank him, we chat, and we go our separate ways. I go back to Bob to tell her what was said.....WHAM! I hit a fish. I got the camera out, but he was too slippery. So I explain the setup to her, and she doesn't have any in her kit. So I lend her mine, while I go back to the car and grab what I have that is close. There she is, using my setup. Anyway, about an hour in, after catching a couple of tiny guys, I landed this puppy. I'm not sure what it is. Any help? Then, a dry spell. About 1 1/2 hours of not doing much but watching other people catch. There were a total of 5 of us in this little stretch. Brady, kind man that he is, says he's doing pretty good up where he is, and for Bob and I to come up there. We didn't want to crowd, but he was leaving, so we meander our way over. Brady and his friend are on the way out of the water, packing it in for the morning. Then....WHAM!!!! Caught a snag. But, wait! The snag is moving! Holy Halibut! I hooked a...a...MONSTER! I've NEVER fought with anything this big before. I'm actually watching the fish RUN! And it's taking drag! That's NEVER happened to me before. Okay, Brad, calm down, it's not that big. It's just feisty. I pull, reel, pull and see this thing jump out of the water. Oh.....My.....Lord. I've hooked the Grand River Monster. I can't believe I'm seeing this on the end of my line. Bob is watching with glee as I act like grade 5 boy after his first kiss. "Oh wow, crap, holy jeez, wow, ahhhh, it's moving, wow, it's huge, what???? wow!!!!" Finally it gets tired and comes to me. I look eye to.....maw with this beast caught on my hook. "Stick your thumb in it's mouth, and lift it up for a pic. Don't lift with the line." "But...it's huge. It'll eat me!" I laugh. Finally, I get the courage to put my thumb into a large mouth. Something I've never really willingly done before. Using more strength than I've ever used lifting a fish before, I pick this sucker out of the water. Well, it didn't like that! It started to twitch, and I freaked out!!!! After being made fun of getting the hook out, I stand, proud as punch, with the largest fish I have ever caught. I'm not lying when I say it was about 13" and about 2 lbs. Small to some, I know, but this is quite a step up from 4" perch and rock bass. Bob says it's one of the largest Smallmouth Bass she's ever seen. I just call it the reason I picked up a rod 5 years ago. And that's my story. We packed it in not too long after, and headed for lunch. I'm home now, and wanted to inform you folks about it. After 4 years of hearing rumours that there are apparently fish in the Grand River, I've finally dispelled them, and had the best time I've ever had standing in waist deep water. Of course, it's not even 1 pm yet. There's still tonight to fish....and I've got a new weapon! Oh, and we found this thing lying on a log in the middle of the river. We think it is...was a catfish. Big one, too.
  2. Nice looking fish. For the noobs (like me) could you let me know what kind of fish they are, and other neat things? (Like where to catch lovelies like that, what a Larry is, and what lures/rod/gear to use)
  3. I am still blown away by those suckers. Just....wow
  4. Okay, so it's small (my thumbaside) but that is the biggest Largemouth Bass I have ever caught!!!
  5. Is it real?
  6. Any kind of big fish. And a real bass. All I've caught so far is Rock Bass, Sunfish, Carp, Catfish and Goby. I want to do some real fishing! Large and Smallies weighing OVER 2 pounds, Musky, Pike, Walleye, Trout, anything pic worthy. And, I want to one day catch BIG fish. Like Florida big fish. I want to catch a fish as big as me! Hell, my ultimate goal is to land a Great White!
  7. Holy cow! That would be awesome! Congrats, guys.
  8. Great catch! I'm happy for ya , bud. (How do you get the pics so big?)
  9. I did, sir, and sent one with much enthusiasm. COOL! Granted it was about 2 inches long, and weighed about 4 ounces, lol. Well, start small, right?
  10. I'm hoping for no hockey. As someone who runs poker tournaments, it blew up in 05 when the last strike was on, and my job went wild. I could use another year of good turnouts, lol. It's not for money, but for points, like any kind of bowling/darts league. You don't have to know poker or be good at it, because we are a training league. All we ask is that people purchase from the establishment (restaurant) so you're not loitering. We were getting up to 50 people a night at each of our different locations the last time the strike went on, and I wouldn't mind those numbers again.
  11. And this little cutie.
  12. Hey guys. Not a great day for me today. I hit Pier 4 with my new 2" Power Bait Yellow Grubs, worms, and my old faithful, Gulp Alive Chartruse. Didn't really hit much. This little guy was the first hit of the day. I'm pretty sure it was a smallie. Any ideas? (Sorry for the bad pic, too much glare on the fish) Then Mr. Rock Bass
  13. Nice. I'm heading up there about that time on Monday morning. Thanks for the info of the lure, as well. I'm always into learning something new.
  14. Alice Cooper-Ghouls Gone Wild. Well, as I was typing this, song changed. Dissident Agressor - Slayer
  15. Well, if you look like your profile pic, I'll definetly notice ya, lol
  16. I was just discussing that today. As much as I'd love to catch big fish, and REAL bass, I'm just happy to be fishing. Whenever anything hits my line, it's a great feeling.
  17. So, went out today, and hit a few. Used worms, mainly. Of course, did some Goby hunting beforehand. Took out about 5. Here are some shots:
  18. I would love to. I'm busy Friday, until late at night, and I work Saturday until evening.
  19. Hey, I'm not new to fishing, but I am certainly not all that knowledgable. Is anyone interested in fishing with a noob? I'm out for all the knowledge and interest I can get. I have a lot of gear, but no boat. Um, if anyone is interested, PM me, and we can exchange info and the like!
  20. Jen that is a splendid idea. I am going to try and do that.
  21. Wow. Very nice. I can't wait to catch something like that. Fight must have been great.
  22. Okay, so it's NOT a bass, but a sunfish called a Rock Bass? This is going to take a while to learn. I could use an idea on this kind of stuff.... and lure sizes. Upsize my lure? Bigger? I need actual visual comparisons. Tonight, I am heading down to fisherman's pier to try that Salmon thing. Anyone heading that way? Can I borrow your net?
  23. Wow, that is amazing. Just up on the Grand? What time did you get there? What were you using? Great pics, and that must have been a beautiful morning.
  24. Um.....where is that?
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