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Everything posted by Bigworm

  1. Thanks
  2. Hey Guys, When my old man passed away, I found this at his place. He was a collecter of German paraphernalia. Anyone know anything about this peice and its value? On the base of the blade is 2358 with the letter "c" under it and on the other side is 44 CRS. At the end of the handle are 2 stamps one I believe reads W?A519. The other one I would need a magnify glass to see. Thanks in advance for any replies. Mark
  3. Was that over Belleville way?
  4. Fished all day down by the Hay Bay launch. Lots of guys, very few fish. Talked to a group of 10 guys, they got 3 for the day. Saw one other guy come in with a 18" and a half a pail of perch. The foot of snow that fell throughout the day didn't help lake travel either. Anyone else have any better luck down that way? Mark
  5. Hi, I know that you are only allowed one rod West of Glenora during the soft water. How about ice fishing? Thanks for the advice
  6. Just saw this, thought I'd pass it on to board members. I already have one http://hamilton.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-ATVs-snowmobiles-other-Jiffy-8-Ice-Auger-Gas-W0QQAdIdZ250475284
  7. The fishing is tough and the fish are few and far between. You can spend a whole day with not even a hit. There are much better options.
  8. Just got back from the cottage 15min north of Carnarvon. No one was on the following lakes. Hall, Kushog, Kabakwa, Boshkung. The ice is not safe yet. My lake is quite a bit smaller and it has 7 " but alot of slush/wet spots. There is 1 1/2 feet of snow. Mark
  9. Nice job! I count 9, lots of meat in the freezer. Where does he hunt?
  10. Too warm yet! Maybe towards the end of the week when it cools down a bit. Haven't had a buck come in to the grunt tube or rattles yet this year and that is strange for me. Mark
  11. Looking at property in the area. Was wondering if this lake holds any fish. Thanks, Mark
  12. Hi, Fished Vernon for a few days this past weekend. Got this beauty just before dark on a 5" Chugbug. Mark
  13. Here's Rylie waiting for anything flying to come remotely close to gun range. Mark
  14. Hi All, Is there a public access to this lake? Thanks, Mark
  15. For all of you that said keep it I feel sorry for you!
  16. There's always one that has to spoil it!
  17. 33 and change.
  18. Hi, What effect will the heavy rain from last night have on the fishing in the Grand this week. Will it be better or worse? Thanks, Mark
  19. Was out at Morgan's on Saturday morning. Only managed 4 perch in 4 hours. 2 dozen boats and I think we were doing the best. Mark
  20. 144 inches....that's not very deep?????
  21. I usually fish tips of islands and drops usually between 24-28 feet. A yellow jig head and worm off the bottom always get 90% of our fish. They are light hitters so you will need to "sweep" your rod to hook set instead of "snap" it like with bass. You will probably get a couple pike and cats as well. Don't be afraid to cook up the cats, they are tasty. Good luck! Mark
  22. Fished everywhere today from 9-1, no fish marked, no fish caught and nobody catching.
  23. Thinking of taking a drive up to Port Dover on Sun. Any word on the fishing would be greatful. Thanks, Mark
  24. Hey Gerritt, Long time! I have always owned Broil King and never had issues. The Broil King Sovereign is a real nice unit. Mark
  25. Jay, Go to 17 it's closer.
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