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Everything posted by KShea

  1. Were you fishing Erie or the Nile?? Thats a giant!
  2. If you want a slower presentation go with the Colorado blades ( the rounded ones ) if a quicker presentation use the willows. I like using Colorado with a dark skirt for pike around thus time of year on my lake they just eat'em up ( pardon the pun ) also Mike makes a good point about the stinger hook very good idea. They are for the most part pretty easy to use though there are so many ways to work them it can take awhile to mastern them all lol. Good luck in your new venture though fir some reason i don't think you'll need it.
  3. Walleye on Percy Boom ( Trent river ) ill be the guy in the old bass tracker if anyone is around.
  4. Have you tried one out?? I was going to get one but couldn't get past the round hand grip instead of the usual paddle, ended up with a pfleuger patriarch which is sweet. I did notice the grip on the 3000 is a lot bigger than on the 2500 its a big nobby thing, but i don't see that being a 40$ diff.
  5. Was wondering if anyone was fishing the Matagami walleye tourney the first weekend in June and needed another in their boat. My cousin has a cottage on the lake and has fished the tourney the last few years and I've been trying to get out to it but no luck yet. My boat isn't quite big enough. Not the best walleye guy but im a decent enough fisherman and can pick up pretty quick.
  6. I've caught a couple of what looks like these on the Trent and wad always curious as to what they were, guess now i know lol.
  7. So gearing up for walleye opener on the 12th and heading to my patents cottage on Percy Reach. They'very only had it a short time and will only be my second opener on it. Any suggestions?? I have 1 or 2 potential spots but seems like everyone knows them. The place is so shallow and weedy was hoping for some guidance lol. If anyone is going to be up that way stop by, its the third cottage from the launch. thanks in advance.
  8. A sad day indeed. and what's creepy is how many players from that 94 rams team have died freakish deaths, lightening , plane crashes etc . truly sad.
  9. Haha I like.the fact that there is a sense of humor on this site however there is an I M you could.send lol or better yet meet up go out for a day. Its.not my post but it is a question i have lol
  10. I second that lol i live in Cambridge to but have only managed pike and smallies in the grand and speed
  11. We've brought between 8 and 35 guys on our ice fishing trips to the waltonian and never had a problem with them. Theyre cottages sleep anywhere from 2 to 12 and owners are great. Ice fishing catches vary every year never been there once the ice is out but the pics look awesome. Restaurant with decent food and a bar on sight with a shuttle to town should have everything you need.
  12. Lol yeah there is always VEGAS. PS if you choose Vegas can you fit me in?? Lol
  13. The Trent system is good with a huge selection of fish and you never know what you'll get anything from panfish to musky but you should get something.
  14. I have a buddy that goes to Onaping every year around the first week in June and he raves about the fishing.
  15. You might want to look at the Waltonian on Nipissing . Karen the owner is very nice and helpful.We have been going ice fishing there for 15 years and though the fishing could be better at times the price and people are worth going back for. I know they do a fins and skins weekend in Sept. so she should have info on courses.Restaurant/bar on sight with decent food and a service that will take you in to see the local" dancers" if that's something some of the guys may want. Never taken the " bus " in but some of the younger guys in our group do on occasion lol. Best of luck.
  16. Lol the story is even longer than i wrote had gone to bass pro first to do a price match and get a rod at the same time but they tried to tell me the reel ( 9535x in the sail catalogue and 9535 at bps ) was different when they in fact were the same so I didn't buy either and went to sail and decided i was going to buy a bit nicer rod than first intended but had to wait for the cash. Will be fishing from a boat mostly casting and jigging , don't troll much ( especially the way you really should lol) and have no idea what 3waying is. like i said new to the Walleye game just want something multi purpose was looking at the st.croix rage in a 6'8 medium with a extra fast tip, so thinking something 6'6 to 6'8 medium or ml with a fast or ef tip just not sure if im thinking about third right lol
  17. Damn auto correct on my phone lol Stradic not Static and For not fir lol
  18. Hey guys new to the board here, first post but I thought i'd share a tidbit on the new patriarch if anyone is interested. Do most of my shopping at bass pro and sail but live in Cambridge so i like to do some research before the drive. Was looking for a new Walleye reel and was thinking of the static ci4, but looked at others like the patriarch as a backup. So Friday I drive to Sail ( they're prices were better then bass pro ) took a closer look at the static. Very nice but i couldn't get past the handle, its rounded instead of a paddle and couldn't get by it. So i looked at the patriarch and man it was nice. So I talked to the guy about reel.size as I wanted one comparable to the shimano 2500. With the Sail catalogue and the pfleuger website said that the 9535 had the same line capacity as a 2500 so I picked one up.and headed home. When i got home I started to admire this beauty and noticed it looked alto bigger than my other 2500's and upon further inspection ( the line rating on the reel itself is kind of hidden due to the design ) I noticed that the line capacity was significantly larger ( 200/8 compared to 140/8 ) which is closer to a 4000 series. Double checked pfleugers website and sail catalogue and they were both wrong. Returned the reel and exchanged it fir the 9530 ( a beauty ) so anyone looking at these reels make sure to double check the reel itself as there seems to be some mistaken info out there. On another note, just getting into Walleye, newer to Ontario and most of my gear is fir bass. Any recommendations on ONE rod to go with this reel to best go after these fish. Ill get others as i can afford them but one at a time for now lol. Any help would be great. I think trays enough rambling for a first post. Cheers
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