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Everything posted by muskiebobsr

  1. Bob I haven't had a chance to listen to your interview with Dave "Hoggie" Hoggard yet but I will this week. Leaving a week from Tuesday for a Muskie trip to Kentucky's Green River. Oh nice fish by the way. Bob
  2. For about 40 years I smoked 2 packs of Pall Mall; 6 Cigars and one of my pipes every day. One day I forgot my pack of Cigarettes and Lighter at the bowling alley. I said to Barb you know Hon. I think I'll quit. That was March the 3rd of 1976. Have not missed it at all except when I smell a good Cigar or a Rum Maple Pipe. Hang in you can do it. Bob Go Fishing
  3. OK .
  4. That Pike might be the one of of the New York Resevior.
  5. That Tiger Muskie is from 1919 caught by John .Knobla. I think that is the way it is spelled. 52 lbs something.
  6. Hey Gbay how many Muskie do you catch off that dock? Looks like a place I would love to fish at. Good Fishing All. Bob
  7. Any one going tomorrow? If you are and you plan on going to the Lansing Mi. fishing show I have some free passes for it. Stop by my table and pick up a couple. I also have some for the Grand Rapids show the following week. Good Fishing. Bob
  8. You better learn how to read. I didn't direct it at anybody I said we all have a right to opinion.. I don't agree with your opinion and don't agree with mine and that is fine. You don't feed me and I you so lets go fishing.
  9. I don't believe that the bleeding hearts have no idea of how wrong they are about not harvesting animals. If it wasn't for hunting there would be no Deer in the woods to look at for one example. In this day and age left alone they would stave themselves out of house and home so to speak. I'm to old for any of you to scare me out of my joy of being in the woods. I really don't care if I kill an animal any more but I wil die protecting my right to hunt for it. I fought a war to protect this right but also their right to complain. No ones says you have to hunt but leave the ones that enjoy it alone. This is the way I feel and I don't need to hear from any one how wrong this is, because I'm just as stubborn as you are. Take care. Good Fishing. Bob
  10. Very nice cat. I did hunt them a couple of times about 65 years ago. I still hunt but more with then camera the with the bow or gun. Got a black bear in 1961 with my bow that dressed at 415 lbs. The next day in the same area I shot a great 16 point buck. Not to change the subject but on opening day of the Trout season in Mi. the last Saturday in April of 1946 I caught a 7 1/4 pound Brown Trout on a streamer I tied myself. That same year on his fly rod my Dad on June the 20th the opening day of Bass season in Mi. then My Dad caught a 9 lb. 3 oz. Small Mouth in Little Fisher Lake. it is part of the Glenn Lake Chain. I think of these things ever now and then. Hope you all don't mind me rambling like this. Good Fishing. bob
  11. Don't know you but Happy Birthday anyhow. Have a Great one. Bob
  12. Just keep fishing it will happen you need to pay your due's you know. You new at the game should pick up a copy of my book Catching Musking and The Rules of Muskie Fishing. Even though I wrote it, I know it is a good book. It is all the different ways to catch Muskie and what with. LOL Bob Good Fishing.
  13. The biggest fish I have caught in St Clair was a 136 pound Sturgeon. The biggest Muskie I saw last year in the North Channel was nearly 60 inches. Had a client 2 years ago nailed a 57 inch fish on one of my Brunner Runner's. I caught one way back in 1947 that weighed 48.10. With the White Fish that came back to the lake last year we will have world class fish in the matter of no more than 5 years. A 46 1/2 inch fish was caught last year that weighed 36 1/2 pounds. That was a fat fish. A fellow caught a fish in November that was only 45 inches and it scaled at 31 pounds on the digital scale. It really was fat. Good Fishing. Bob P.S. I know you want to know what lures they caught them on. LOL
  14. Thanks Jed and Beans. This is a nice site. I have enjoyed reading it. Good fishing. Bob
  15. You wouldn't be my oldest Grandson so maybe you would. LOL
  16. You should join that site it really is great. Hoggie that runs the Radio Show is going to interview me for the March 23rd show. He is also going to interview Bob Devine. They is all kinds of neat stuff going on up there. What I like the best is it is directed to the kids. Bob
  17. Well Gb your close to the weight of the biggest . #7 Is longer than it looks
  18. catch-n.com
  19. I really don't know where to post this but here goes. I have posted photos of 22 Muskie on catch -n- forums and I'm giving away one of my books plus 2 of my buck tails. You have t0 guess the biggest by Lenght and Weight for the book. The smallest fish. First right pick gets a buck tail. The first right pick on the longest fish gets a buck tail. Good Luck. Bob
  20. The believer is a copy (Really a steal) of the Swimm Whizz. The first Whizzs were made of wood. I liked the straight Whizz mush more than the straight Believer but I caught more fish on the jointed Believer than on the Swimm Whizz. I used to have a wooden one hanging around the house. I'll see if I can find it and Post it here.
  21. I usually stay out of this type of forum but being one of the oldest here I think I have seen more changes then the rest of you. Dr Spock started the trend to kids with no respect for anything actually. I never beat one of my kids but they felt the sting of a good swat on the butt. The ruler from the teacher a couple of times taught be to open my mouth when I was suppose to not when I wanted to. I never had to get one of my kids out of Jail or a crack house. I think stern but fair is the way to go. The fellow that wanted to nail the priciple for swatting his kid on the butt is probably the reason his kid needed swating. Lol My thoughts on this and I have a right to my thoughts. The same as you do. Bob
  22. I know Gbaygiant. But God they are big. Bob Here are a couple of shots of Homers basement. Homer and Capt. Hank Bradley and I were fishing on Captain Don Millers boat in July of 1990 6 days before Homers 89th Birtday. We were taping a show for the Master Angler Show. (Oakland County Cable) Hank - Homer - I that day had combined 181 years of fishing Lake St Clair. Homer and I both put fish in the boat. Then we quit taping and told Hank he didn't have enough time on the water to rate being on the Show. He only had 58 years. LOL
  23. Thank You Sonny. I want to fish Clair for 100 years and this is # 78, only 22 more to go. It should be easy. I have 4 stents in my heart so it should pump for that long. Also if the old saying is true that the big guy gives you an extra day for ever day you fish I have it wrapped up for sure. Good Fishing . Bob
  24. HearingFish. The best way to catch a fish is Homer's way speed troll. The way to go for a lot of fish. Not the best way to catch a truely big fish though. Bob
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