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Posts posted by Christopheraaron

  1. I think I have recommended the rod on every forum I'm a part of now and I'll do it again, the 2wt butterstick is an amazing rod, I've handled 14" brookies on it no problem and can chuck and duck trout streamers all day with it if need be. It's an amazing dry fly rod, because it's fibreglass even if you try to smack the line down on the water you'll get a gentler presentation than any 4wt can give you. If you ever want to test cast mine let me know!

  2. If you are looking for these reels on Ebay, also look at the Shimano Scorpion 1501. It is the Japanese version of the curado and there are a few of them for under $100.00 right now.


    For me, I had never used a baitcaster before 2009 so all of my experience is with the newer versions. For palmability, I have never really found one that was uncomfortable.


    At the moment, my favorite reel in the lower price range is the Curado I. It holds a ton of liine but isn't terribly large for what you get.

    I'll take a look at those scorpions. It's not so much the capacity that I like in the curado but I actually like the bigger low profile reels, not sure why but I like how they fit in my hands. I find with the new small reels I'm really wrapping my hand around them and I end up with a cramped hand after a while.

  3. Thanks guys, I'll try to get in touch with Peterborough today.


    My favorite baitcaster is the chronarch, if you find one of those at a good price jump on it.

    Is there a specific model that you like? My favourite part about the 201b is the size, I'm not a fan of these small reels that just don't fit in your hand as nicely.

  4. Ok, so I have a couple of questions. Last year I bought a Curado 201b from a board member, I absolutely love the reel but at some point when fishing it the tension knob fell off without me noticing and I'm now having some backlash issues. I know that not all tension knobs are the same size and since I haven't been able to track down parts for the reel I was wondering if any other Shimano caps may fit?


    My other question is what reel would you most closely compare the 201b to? Ideally I'd like to get another couple of these reels but since they don't pop up too often are there any other reels similar in performance, price and size?




  5. Ya I know what you know. Keep majoring in minor things.

    At the request of a mod I wasn't going to post this but since you don't seem to care I'll put it up incase anyone else is curious as to the differences between the two.



    Keep in mind this is a generalization for the bugs we as fishermen are concerned with in this area, as some of these traits don't carry over (remember there are over 3000 species of mayfly in the world)

  6. ya walleyes don't care witch way there wings are going. They are choking on the nymphs. Earlier this week on a lake north of Lindsay the hatch was crazy.


    3 different looking hatches, the light tan color, one with a dark body and darker wings then a few almost black. At one point we were in 30 ft of water with what looked like weeds coming 10 ft off bottom. It was the nymphs swimming up, took about 15 minutes until the surface was covered in cases.


    The walleyes were catchable 2 hard snaps and catch the bucktail high and hold it there was good for 25-30.


    Yesterday on walleye meca small hatch all tan colored ones traditional hard snap hit bottom was good for same numbers.

    The point of my question was to try to determine if the trout streams up there might be hosting a major hatch. I don't doubt the walleye don't care, but there certainly is a major difference between these bugs.


    Nice fish there Chris!

  7. Technically you are correct and you need a microscope and a reason to find the difference. For fishing purpose just go with stone fly.


    I've tried lot's of patterns for walleye with limit success.


    Always do better with adjusting my cadenza.

    Mayflies and stoneflies are actually extremely easy to tell apart from each other, and subspecies (at least the ones we care about) aren't hard to differentiate between either. Mayflies all have upright wings, stoneflies however have overlapping wings that cover the body. Mayflies are also the only one of the two (to my knowledge) that you will find in lakes.

  8. What a difference! I remember a field trip in school way way back when to the observatory and it seemed like a long ride in the country on the school bus from east end T.O. Also, I seem to recall the observatory having said it would cease operations at one time - due to "light pollution" caused by urban sprawl. That too was many years ago, the late 80's or early 90's. Wonder if that's a reality now?



    Very cool pictures Joey! Michael, I don't believe they really use it anymore, it's more of an education centre now.

  9. " For example, the emergence of one species of Hexagenia was recorded on Doppler weather radar along the shores of Lake Erie.[3] "





    Years ago on a trip to Pointe au Baril there was a mayfly hatch going on, they were everywhere and rafts of them floating on the surface of the water with fish rolling on them constantly. It was our worst trip ever, the fish seemed to be gorging o them to the exclusion of everything else.


    Maybe a fly rod and wet flies? Match the hatch?

    Unlikely that there are hexes around this early, my guess would be brown drakes but I could be wrong. I'd jig a small tube or slowly swim a soft hackle near bottom if you wanted to match it. Got any close up pics of them?

  10. Yes Chris, his name is Barack Hussein Obama, and he was a 1 term Jr. Senator from Illinois when elected President, can't get much more of Muslim sounding, I should have said sounding name, you're right. A Jr. Senator has zero experience in the scheme of national politics in the US.

    You do have a point about limited experience, but his name shouldn't mean anything in an election.

  11. What happened there? Sorry another question.


    Just get out and vote. Almost every time there is a democratic election here or down south the margin is 2% or less between victory and defeat. The most important vote for these politicos is from the person that doesn't vote by many means, declined ballot, spoiled ballot or not showing up at all. Like I always say a black man won a US election that had a Muslim name and zero political experience compared to both those he beat, not once but twice! How? By getting 2% of those that don't vote to vote for him. There is no way 2% of Republicans suddenly thought it was time for a Black President, and a Democrat at that! It was the 2% made up as first time voters, students and those that felt they were always too stupid, frightened or poor to make a difference.

    A muslim name and zero political experience???

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