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Posts posted by Christopheraaron

  1. if you dont get what im saying then you havnt been to bronte - to see the people that dont speak english, running through the water with nets, or flossing fish - filleting them and leaving piles of dead fish on the trails........ this is a food thing! Im not making excuses im replying to the OP complaint of no MNR - there is a reason why they dont go to certain spots........cause they dont want to get clubd in the head by some foreigner trying to put food on the table! Its the same thing as cops busting people for speeding instead of busting all the crack dealing gun slingers! Its a safety thing...........I have NEVER once seen a CO at bronte, petrocan or the bridges! As for the guys who claim the only reason theyre in the run tribs is for suckers...... nice try! When you cant fish the tribs, go get carp off the piers, suckers are a waste of time, unless of coarse your scouting and hoping for the odd bow to take worm lol


    Again being a foreigner doesn't excuse you from our rules, it would be better if they were doing it for fun, keeping fish hurts the ecosystem more! as for the suckers, definitely not a waste of time, great fighters and are way more fun than carp!whistling.gif

  2. Hmm this seems shady to me....... a ton of sucker fishing eh. I dont know one guy who fishes a pin, or spin for bows who TARGETS suckers...... are you telling me that if you nailed a bow, or a brown you wouldnt reel it in?


    Now I can agree with you about the cutting a hole in the fish for roe, that is brutality at its best......But Its rather convenient that this has been posted right after the lad who posted his bass! Ill tell ya man, I agree with you when it comes to poaching etc...... but sometimes you have to mind your own business..... are you a cop? are you a part of the ministry? As for the ministry there is a reason why they dont go to certain places where poaching is considered an everyday thing..... its because some cultures dont understand our laws and to them fish is food....... now have you ever tried to take food from a hungry dog? Not a pretty sight.... and its for this reason many COs dont go to these places........ why endanger themselves...if this wasnt the case they would be down at bronte all the time! Moving forward I see the ministry everywhere I go, and im out 5 days a week at least....... I have seen them at credit, bronte, hamilton harbour (laselle, pier 8, valley inn) Brantfords wilkes dam just to name a few............. You need to relax a little! Next your going to be asking people for the license lol





    Don't agree with the bass thing, but the sucker thing is legit, he's given me lots of info on suckers and keeps updating the conditions for me. I'm not sure what on earth you're thinking telling people to let it go! The COs need to know about these things, poachers can't be tolerated! mad.gif

  3. I don't know the areas too well before this forum I would do 5 hours of general fishing research a night, I like questions so keep them coming, I would fish the don I think, many people will disagree but I think that 1 there are less anglers 2 more access with walking trails, and 3 it's calmer. I'm all up for meeting up, maybe in the next few weekends sometime.

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