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Posts posted by Christopheraaron

  1. What a great day you had. Too bad about the walleye. I had the same experience where I was fishing carp. This boat came along. They were obviously fishing for bass as they covered the shore throwing spinnerbaits. As they motored over my line one idiot looked at me and said " Carp" in an all knowing kind of way. I replied "Yup" and then said " I would probably be fishing for bass but the season doesn't open for another six or seven weeks." A few seconds later the idiot replied " Ya right " . They then sped off to go poach some where else.

    HPIM1311 (2) (600x446) (400x297).jpg

    HPIM1311 (400x271).jpg

    Anybody know these two?


    Just hope they aren't on this board.

  2. Wow man, you really gotta watch the games a bit closer. Rangers/Cap is now 3-2 in the series.


    I watch, and I know it's only 3-2 but I am just calling their playoff hopes dead!

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