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Posts posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Tigers are probably less abundant than auroras.


    Ya, more reason to chase them though. Although I'd rather catch an aurora. Wouldn't just be fishing for the inches, just heard that they aren't too hard to catch and put up one heluva fight!

  2. I've been thinking of spending a little time this summer targeting splake up in algonquin because I know that there are a few lakes just off of 60 that have in the past been stocked. I could use a few pointers on tactics, depth, etc. Also, does anyone know if we're counting splake in the tournament this year? I am not sure if they are present in algonquin or anyplace nearby but info on tigertrout would also be appreciated.

  3. That is one of coolest gestures I have heard in a long time. Sorry if I affended anyone with the photo of the OOS fish that was not my intention. Anyway no harsh feelings toward anyone.


    Tight Lines and Happy Fishing to All



  4. Huge market. Turtles (Snappers and painted) and bull frogs.


    If you run into a rope tied off to wood or brush with a big siwash hook on the end of it. Chances are it is a turtle poacher rig. Report the area right away.


    Only reason I know this is I found some in the back of a Kawartha bay once in the spring. Yellow nylon rope painted black.


    Bring in big money in certain markets.


    Say, what do you use to unhook a turtle?

  5. There is an extensive and lucrative market for both Painted and Map turtles. I've seen some of these people at work at some of the ponds, armed with dipnets and coolers, combing the shoreline for small turtles. Have called the MNR a few times. Sadly, no one available, as the Niagara region cannot have 24/7 coverage with a 3 man team.


    That's really a shame.. there should be a volunteer org. kind of like neighbourhood watch.

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