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Everything posted by bigredfisher

  1. hi guys got a question. can you fish lake st john at night and if so what do u use to catch them thanks bigredfisher
  2. what do u use out there for bait thanks and how do i get there heading north on the 400 thanks bigredfisher
  3. any one know how kemplephelt bay is for smallies and or pike or lakers? i will be fishing out of a canoe for the one last time out? thanks darryl also what would some good baits be thanks bigredfisher
  4. here are some of the many eyes we caught this week
  5. hey i was thinkin about goin to quintee tonight and was lookin for ka partner sorry its last minute but i will be leaving around 8 tonight i will check my pms every half hour and i am from oshawa so i got no problem picking anyone up from the area. send me a pm if interested thanks bigredfisher
  6. the best thing that you can do is walk down to any river and watch what other people are doing, you will learn fast that way but be sure to check 1. how far away from the hook is their last shot 2. how many shot they have on their lead ( i like to run 2 small ones 3. the size of their float 4. amount of shot under their float 5. the weight of their float and remember you need different leads for different baits ie... roe i use a shorter lead and for pink worms i use a long lead. hope this helps !!!!!!! thanks bigredfisher
  7. here are a few pics of the many we got on the weekend. Hope you enjoy and many more to come i might be heading out torrmow moarning if anyone wants to come please feel free to pm me or call me at 905 436 0202 i will be up late dont be afraid to call. thanks bigredfisher and i had to add these
  8. hey guys went to hirks today in Courtice and i think that i would like to continue going there. Davy was very helpful and seemed to know his stuff, also there are alot of things there for my kind of fishing and if not he will order whatever i need. Also it is nearby all of the rivers (ie bowmanville, Wilie, ganny, oshawa,) and of course lake Ontario and the karwathas. you guys should come take a peak just at hwy 2 and Prestonville in courtice. It is a fantastic store, location and management.
  9. hi i am in can you send the details thanx bigredfisher
  10. hi guys i am looking to go to rice lake torrmow in hopes for walleye. Does anyone know how it has been lately and what depth/baits you are using. i am looking to be fishing the harwood side thanks bigredfisher also i will be in a canoe with an electric motor. what tips can you guys give me for this type of fishing thanks
  11. hi i have a canoe and a electric motor mabey we can get out for some walleye or possibly salmon i just got back from oshawa harbour and i was trolling around and lost 1 got 1 so let me know what you think i can pick ya up if you are from oshawa. my number is 905 436 02 02 thanks darryl if you get this message tonight dont be afraid to call i am up mabey we can go tonight
  12. hi i ran across this river yesterday it is called mad river the runs look amazing and something has to run it but what do any of you know what goes in there i did fish it for a little bit and caught a small native rainbow so i know that this river defanitly has some potential can you please telll me the history on this river thanks bigredfisher
  13. hi i am goin to port hope torrmow i am coming from alliston if anyone would like me to pick them up i will gladly pick ya up i wouldnt mind haveing a fishing partner for torrmow but i am sorry that i would like a chip in for gas as i cannot afford very much. please feel free to email me at [email protected] or pm me i am joping for some daytime and night time kings and i know a few spots that i hear there are some around so i am pretty sure i got a good chance. thanks bigredfisher
  14. hi i will take you, i was gonna go to port hope tonight give me a call at 705 434 9798 and anyone else who wants to come i dont mind let me know
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