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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Actually not winning the cup is the definition of 'only so far'
  2. I don't know much about Vlasic but I am a huuuuge Fowler fan. If the leafs could ever get a D man like that without giving up one of the big 3 I'd be very happy.
  3. Ok. Let's not go crazy now. I honestly think one bug shutdown defender would make a huge difference on the Leafs blueline. Someone like how Jason Smith or Glen Wesley used to be. Problem is, I can't think of who that is in the modern NHL. I'm sure they are out there but the only players from other teams that get notice are puck moving, goal scoring defencemen. We don't need those.
  4. Ottawa played really well and the leafs defensive struggles caught up on them. Ottawa played better for at least 2 thirds of the game. Nothing more to say then that. Good win Sens. We'll be back.
  5. Let's nip this in the bud right now. Any method that catches fish is an expert level of fishing. If a kid with a hook and worm can outfish me using topwater or my buddy fly fishing, then the kid did the most expert level of fishing for that day because he knew what the fish would be interested in. I feel like after that it's just what you prefer using. My best example of this is for ice fishing I prefer active fishing over tip ups. There are days I see people catching way more fish on tip ups but I prefer reeling the fish in. But no one method is more expert then another. It's all just preference. Unless your method is to foul hook fish........ because that's illigal.
  6. Most Habs fans have already written them off. I'm just encouraging them to switch to blue and white whilst talking them off the ledge.
  7. If you get rid of Galchenyuk now you probably don't get much for him. Eeps. Nevermind. He makes $4.5 million a year. You're screwed.
  8. I think there are maybe 4 #1 D men in the league. There are 64 #2 and 3 that play on the first line. On the Fan they were talking to a former NHL'er and he was saying if you are the leafs you should gladly overpay for a top 2-3 defenseman. If it's a sure thing, you go for him, even if it costs you a few more prospects. He said Hammonic would have fit perfect. If Montreal is smart they trade price now when they get a Kings ransom and hold on to Golchenyuk until his value goes up.
  9. Don't worry MacElanny, you have the most explosive offence in the league in front of you. Another good W for the good guys.
  10. Matt is going to be like the guy in the Major Leagues movies. Hates the leafs then when they win the cup 'I told you they could do it! I was right all along!'
  11. Quick, someone reprogram Matt. He doesn't know what to talk about since the Leafs are doing so well he's even having trouble typing his lies. Marner is struggling out of the gate and all I've heard is support from the fans for him. The worst I have heard is Babcock is being to hard on him (Which is laughable). When you have this much talent, the weight doesn't rest on the shoulders of any one player. Now where is that phone call from Price to Lamorello begging for a trade out of Montreal?
  12. Orangeville usually has thick weeds straight through ice fishing season. No relief there.
  13. (I'm going to let my Millennial roots show for a second) Sounds a lot like doing an internship or a placement.
  14. Thanks. What time of year works well? (also since I have your attention) what time of year would you recommend for splake? Is it similar. Another lake I've wanted to hit up I might make some time for in November.
  15. It looks like, finally after years, this weekend I'm going to be able to hit up a fall brown trout hole I have had scouted for some time now on lake O. The only problem is, I have no idea what the buggers eat. It'll be a costal spot, no river or stream flow and I can't fly fish to save my life. Any advice on lures, colours or presentation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  16. And put another 2 points in the bank Leafs fans. Shut out the red hot Capitals. This team can do it all.
  17. The Leafs in the hall of fame would disagree with you. Now the Sens on the other hand. They had Allfredson? A mediocre player at best. Oh oh. And Daigle. He'll be remembered for a long time. But not for good reasons. (Although Nil No-goal-Apov may be taking his crown)
  18. I'm not even sure Karlson is even the best defenseman. I'd take Duncan Keith or Doughty any day.
  19. He has to. No one else (including people who live in Ottawa) care about the team.
  20. Hollywood is going to come knocking. They want the Maple Leafs to teach them how to create suspense with a happy ending.
  21. Yup. 3 wins out of 4 games. Sounds like a perfectly normal track to me. I mean, 61 wins this season is a little low, but we'll take it in Toronto. We're still rebuilding.
  22. But in the last 30 years have the leafs had a player like Matthews? (I'd accept the arguement that Sittler and McDonald > Matthews and Marner). I just hope management does right by the talent this time.
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