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Posts posted by jedimaster

  1. Distilled water is captured steam. The steam is 100 percent pure H20.

    The junk left behind is all the calcium, salts etc...

    If you put boiled water in it all you have done is further concentrate the minerals.

    If your boiling your water your better off just dumping pure tap water in it.

    RO is Reverse Osmosis.

    I used to use that for my fish tank,

    RO is water that is forced through a filter at high preasure. This will also remove most of the junk similar to distilled but RO is not as clean as Distilled.

    Many people in the fish tank world consider RO as good as DI(Distilled).

    SOme of the more fanatical will use Distilled water and put it through an RO filter before filling there tanks with water.

    This is only common ammong saltwater fish folks. They then add minerals, salt etc....

  2. From what I was told there was lots of space left and Top Bass you can enter the day of at the launch.

    Not 100 percent sure if I will enter on Saturday but I am about 90 percent sure I will be out on the lake to see where people fish. I am new to scugog and wanted to see where everyone goes.

  3. Even at 90mph down the lake in a tourney I have never seen anyone wearing a helmet, life jacket yes, helmet never seen one. I mean lets all be realistic its fine to say this and that, but everyone knows darn well when the horn blows and the throttles get punched everyone is at full throttle for some time weather there boat tops at 30 50 60 70 or 90.

    Mine is in the 40 ish range, but many more are in the 60 - 70 range.

  4. Not considering safety of yourself and others is something seen at every single bass tournament I have ever been in.

    Every derby has a half the field tearing down the lake full throttle. Get there first and stay out there last.

    Thats why Bass boats are built for speed.

    Not saying its safe to drive 100+mph in a bass boat, but just that they do, and was wondering if anyone knew what the fastest is.

    I have been in an XB 2002 with a 175 and it did 80 no problem with two guys full tank of gas and fullt tourney load. Only boat faster down the lake happened to be a 300hp bullet, but we wern't full throttle and he jumped us off the line.


    The bullet hull weighs about 500 or 600 more pounds than the allison and the Allison's have a faster hull speed from what I have read. The Strokers also have a faster hull speed than the bullets.


    40mph is ok, 50 - 60 is good, 70 is as fast as you need to go to be in the first half dozen down the lake, anything over 90 is for bragging rights only. 100+ and you serisouly have a death wish.

  5. Well, after long while I am going to be hitting the bog tonight to try and hit some skies. I have a new prop I am going to be trying out and I figure heck I might as well give some skies a whirl for an hour or two. :)

    Anyone hit any skies lately on scugog and able/willing to offer some insight.. colors, depths, location etc....?

  6. Ok so after some chatting over some beers, I am trying to find the fastest production Bass boat.

    Now when I say production I mean from the factory, not a stripped down hull with a custum made Drag engine. I mean from the factory with factory options.

    Allison? Stroker? Bullet? They all claim to be the fastest in one article or another.

  7. still looking for fish, but you want want to launch at cesarea not in town, it'll be a rough ride getting through the weeds and your gonna want to go up top anyway. Try the river for bass thats what I have heard anyway. I haven't been up there though.

  8. hey great info, I was meaning the normal spinner baits that we all use for bass and pike. I have a bunch of worm harness spinners that I use with a lindy rig setup with a worm, Was hoping to try it with a leach but couldn't buy any.

    I heard and saw some people using spinnerbaits so I was just wondering how they did it. I know a guy on scugog had a big stringer full trolling a white spinner bait.


    What else do you guys tip a worm harness with other than worms? Normally I am a jig and minnow guy as well but when I am out camping I have a hard time keeping the minnows alive long enough to bother.

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