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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. Thats about 24 beers per year. I am always trying to improve my fuel economy.
  2. A recent study found that the average Canadian walks about 900 miles a year. Another study found that Canadians drink an average of 22 gallons of beer a year. That means, on average, Canadians get about 41 miles per gallon.
  3. For bigger spinner baits in the musky size, I much prefer to have the twisted eyelet style rather than the open bend.
  4. Oh yah and next time bring your Punt Gun.
  5. You have a pm, by the way congrats on the hunt. I can't wait to get out and shoot my new goose/rabbit gun. HOping to get out this week. I feel a sniffle comming on.
  6. Hey Entropy, were you guys ducking on Scogug? I have a field location to go to but would like to hit the water. I was thinking of trying the top of the H near that crappy launch think thats a decent spot to try?
  7. Smacked a 42 musky this past weekend with a big spinnerbait from lebaron's no name, 9.99 worked awesome. will be buying more before the box is empty. It was a Purple and Black one.
  8. Dito as everyone above I thjink you have pretty much all your gonna get. OMC = Garbage Mercruiser much better, and more power/reliability in the price range your looking at. The one thing people are missing here is a 16 foot alluminum with a 50 or 60hp OB is a great fishing rig no doubt, but try finding one in decent condition for the price he is looking at. My only thing is that in the sub 5k market a late to mid 80's bowrider is likely gonna be in better shape as far as the outboard goes. You may want to consider just buying a brand new or near new 25hp OB and buying a poopty old 14foot alluminum then in a few years get a new 16 foot alluminum. . My boat is a bigger boat better for trollling, or casting from the front. The rear has a casting deck and I have fished with a partner in a few Derbies with no complaints from the guy n the rear. If you do get a bowrider in the early to mid 80's its definatly gonna be deeper than mine. The picture is a bit decieving. My 6 year daughter has no problem fishing from the back. Yes you don't want to drive around all day with the motor trimmed right up if you can help it. Not only can it wear the gimbal and Ujoints, but if your that shallow you will be sucking up dirt and crud into the water pump. When you get shallow switch to your bow mount trolling motor thats what its for. When I launch mine I hop on the trolling motor and drive away from the dock and start the engine away from the dock. Get a bow mount trolling motor for whatever you buy. They are great when your fishing in any type of boat. If you want to go with an OB there are plenty of mid 80's Bowriders available with OB's instead or IO's. You should be ok towing a 17 foot fiberglass check your manual for weight ratings, you may have issues on wet or gravel ramps though without a 4x4. Front wheel drive is actually better to get out of the water than rear wheel drive. Since the front wheels rarely get wet, and if they do your screwed anyway. One thing to keep in mind. Alluminum boat are like Diapers. Everyone starts out in them and everyone ends up in them in the end. Fiberglass boats are fun and look better, but alluminums are just plain better for most types of fishing and are far easier to launch and draft much shallower
  9. Polliwogg, just make sure you use the proper tin gaskets, alternator, carb and starter, don't want anything to go boom. I am fully in agreement that older IO are cheaper to replace and maintain than older OB's, new I would go with OB, more than 10 years old IO every time for me. I can't even count the number of times I see guys at the dock cranking and cracnking to get there OB's started. I just put it in the water put the trolling motor down drift away from the dock, turn the key and blast it.
  10. Nice fish, I had a few work friends on in the boat this weekend and we landed a 42 incher on a spinner trolling. As I turned around to grab the camera it jumped off the boat so no picture. They are starting to fatten up now. Shoot me a PM we can trade a few spots to try out.
  11. Not sure about the trade, but to my understanding the Honda 4 storke outboards are the best of the 4 stroke world.
  12. If anyone related to Ken Danby passes by here, my condolences, beautiful work. He certainly passed on in a wonderful place.
  13. Saw this on another forum others here may visit, but figured I would pass it on anyway. Turn your speakers on, its pretty funny(nothing obscene, but may offend) http://www.ergonica.net/fishin_aint_so_bad.htm
  14. I am selling my 88 Glastron 17.5 foot. The only bad thing about it is when your fishing shallow water. I have a trolling motor on the front and can get pretty shallow, but the hull drafts about a a foot and a half, I want to get into the foot of water type stuff so I am getting a bass boat. Gas mileage is awesome on Mercruiser 4 cylinder IO's.90 bucks will last 2 or 3 weekends of fishing and tubing. Try that with a 140hp outboard. You need a big vehicle. I used to tow mine with my V6 Minivan but if it wasn't a concrete pad I couldn't get it out of the water. Now I have a DOdge Durango and have no issues getting it in or out of the water. If you fishing lakes that are regularly in the 2-5 fow then you may want to go for an alluminum OB or Bass boat OB. Mine will troll hapily at 2-3mph and goes 35mph fully loaded with 4 adults and a full tank of gas with a 17 pitch prop. If you throw a rod in an Outboard it will cost you as much toi replace an OB as it will to replace an IO. Winterization needs to be done earlier as you have to worry about freezing the block. Thats about it. Like I said if you fishing really really shallow get an OB if you fishing in November and December get an OB. but IMHO an IO in the price range your looking at will be a far better engine reliability wise than an OB. I would much rather have a later 80's mercruiser than a late 80's Merc OB. Good luck.
  15. Yep been there done that. Like I said many types of stores have monopolies and us Canadians will just take it becasue thats what we do. In fact most Canadians will try and justify that they are getting ripped off.
  16. Big ones get big from onece being little ones. Only a small percentage of little ones get to be big ones. Take away a bunch of little ones and you takes away a bunch of big ones. If anyone here thinks that the Bucketer's or Glad Baggers is specifically targeting Perch, Rock Bass and Sunfish your nieve, They will catch and keep anything and everything they hook. Just look in one of those buckets from time to time. I have personally seen many oos fish and many small largies and and even a few pike. Do you keep your 1 pound largies? Do you keep you 5 pound Largies? Not likely why defend someone keeping a half dozen .5 pound largies?
  17. 1812
  18. I generally term a loser in a war as follows. If an invading Country leaves they lose. If a defending country gets assimilated they lose. Like when Canada and the US had a war Canada Won.
  19. Thats exactly the thing. Canadians don't care if they get ripped off. Companies in Canada(and I being one of them), will get as much as they possibly can. The competition isn't here like it is in the US. Every business owner will blame taxes, shipping duty, brokerage etc... but the fact is there is a significantly higher profit margin in Canada than the US. If a supplier is selling one item at 100 dollars that they imported from the US when the dollars was worth 70 cents, and sells new stocked idential item now that its even they are profiting an extra 30 percent. You can't blame Duty or shipping or health care charges or whatever, it was there before when the dollar sucked the same as it is now. Will we get things for the same price as the same store in the US. Likely not, but you won't ever catch me shed a tear for any Business that says it can't lower prices to reflect the dollar. They are liers. Plain and simple. Just like the car companies. They will charge us more up here because we will pay more. Thats why I buy big ticket stuff from the states. You want my money in Canada set prices so they are fair. I have enough junk as it is that I don't mind waiting an extra week or two to get it.
  20. I have heard it will take as much as 2 years to prices to start dropping in retail locations and in places where there is a monopoly there will not every be a price drop to match the Looney's value. I think we should all arrange a boycot of Bass Pro to get them to price match dollar for dollar on the US pricing. An example. Bass Pro Bionic Blade Rod Regular 99.00 cdn and on sale for 69.99 at Bas pro in the US 54.00 Regular price. assuming they make a 30 percent markup on the 54 dollar rod in the US Thats a Profit of 16.20 at the retail store int eh US Thats a Profit of 61.20 at the Canadian store for a rod that costs us 99.00 That is one Major markup. there is NO possible way that it costs 61.20 to ship that rod across to canada. I just randomly picked an item its the same for everything they stock. Bass Pro doesn't care if they make fewer sales up here they make 3 times the profit per item than they do in the US. If you think thats bad look at your New car you just bought.
  21. Maybe its the White part of the White bucket that people don't like. What if we called it a blacket bucketers or yellowbucketers or red bucketers. Maybe just call them bucketers? Or maybe call them the same as what we call people with boats that don't release the little ones? Harvesters Fishermen and Fisherwoman release more than they keep, and have some concept of the EcoSystem. Certainly everyone is not David Suzuki but at least understand that if you harvest hundredsof little ones there will be no big ones that spawn and eventually no more fish to catch. Stay within the laws and use common sense. Push the MnR and your local MPP to make a change in the fishing laws. But whatever you do. Don't call these people that take home 100 small fish in a bucket fisherman. They are not in my eyes.
  22. Here is a snippet from the MnR Website.... A licence is required to: stock fish into Ontario waters ship or transport live fish other than bait-fish taken from a waterbody; transfer and deposit fish taken from one waterbody into another; import leeches into Ontario for use as bait. Only the holder of a commercial bait licence may bring live leeches into Ontario for use as bait.
  23. It is 100 percent Illegal to transport live gamefish in Canada without a special permit. You catch a Bass put it in your livewell and foget to kill it and empty your live well you are breaking the law. There was a really really long thread about this topic on the other forum a while back. To my recolection MnR rules state your not allowed to transport live gamefish(baitfish are fine as are other fish not classified as either). Department of Fisheries and Oceans require an inspection or something like that, and a special permit to keep native fish like a zoo permit. So if you can transport your pet Rocky the rock bass to your house while its dead or get it there without transporting it than I think your ok. So perhaps pay a stork to carry it in its mouth and drop it in your fish tank.
  24. Yes you pay GST and PST
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