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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. Thats why I have picture n picture, fishing on the big one and porn on the little one. No need to watch softcore nonsense.
  2. I think you used to have to let them know, but not any more. You just need to bring the title for both along with a reciept for both, pay your taxes and off you go.
  3. Have a safe trip..too bad you weren't going through virginia we coulda follow eachother down. I am going tomorow as well.
  4. It says its 210 km's longer going that way. Its pretty far to kingston from where I am I think thats the difference. There is a route thats really short but I think it will be slow it looks like it goes through a bunch of dinky little towns.
  5. I am gonna be on the other side of Richmond so I think t will be faster to go through Pittsburgh PA and down from there. I have driven to Pits many times for hockey and am familiar with the hotels and route.Pretty Much I 90 to I-79 to I 64 then a bit of jogging from there. If it sucks out I'll try the route up through washington. I got pounded going through washington one time as well. Traffic killed me in GTA at 5pm on a monday. I figure I should be long through buffallo by 8am and well past Pittsburgh before lunch. At least thats the plan, I am hoping th eborder isn't too busy. I was also thinking about taking 81 all the way down as the place I am going to is near 81 and I have to cross it eventually anyway. How long does it take to get to 81 from the kawarthas? I have never crossed where you mention.
  6. Gotta love those russian scam artists. I am also getting some prime florida real estate from the same guy.
  7. Yah got a good deal, well we will see, I have actually a few backup boats on the way back if the one I am going for isn't all its cracked up to be. My gps hooks up to my laptop and it talks to me to keep me company. I'll post a little teaser picture to see if you guys can all guess the make, model year and price.
  8. Thanks sent them both a pm, anyone else know the best way in case they don't get my message before friday?
  9. No Defense No Playoffs
  10. Well with my boat sold, I am leaving for virginia on Friday to get my new boat. Well not new but new to me. Pics once I get back. Anywho. Just wondering if anyon ehere has made the trip down and what route they took? This will be a non stop mission. Eat when I get gas, sleep down there and come back the next day.
  11. If you can actually access the gortex material from the inside you can just use a piece of tarp and marine goop. I did that on my Browning Scent lock pants. I ripped them deer hunting last year on a nail on the tree stand.
  12. Well it seemed like the leafs of every year to me. Both games they had good spurts and weak D. They have always been able to be dominant over one or two periods but they have never been able to keep good teams down and out of a close game. I don't want to sound like a hater, as I bleed blue and white. but man it sure seems like year after year they give up for half the game winning or losing.
  13. Use the superglue drop on the end of you half of the key, just don't too much on or the whole thing will get stuck. I have done this before.
  14. The leafs will go no where remember this thread they will again be battling for the LAST playoff spot. I mean make a big trade for a goalie and bench him the first game? How retarded. Better to save him the preasure and put him in his first game against the Sens on the road where he will get completly shell shocked. The leafs made no improvement in there biggest flaw from the last 5 years. No defense. They have good offensive defensemen but only 1 good defensive defensemen. It showed game after game last year and already crept up in the pre season and now in regular season. I am calling the leafs to finish no better than 7th. likely 10th. Hopefuly at least 8th. The unfortunate side is I will end up watching or listenening to most of the 82 games again this year in agony.
  15. If you want you could run past them screwing "holy poop the MnR is hear everyone run for your lives!!!!"
  16. I dunno, there has to be something we can do to stem illegal poaching.....
  17. Just a side gripe here about this whole "Asian" thing. I think we all know that the problem is not with all of Asia. I know most white people can't see the difference between a Chinese, Japanese, Phillipeno, Vietnamese etc... but the problem here is Chinese people. Not Asian people. The regs are translated into Chinese, not into Asian. There is no language called Asian. I work with lots of Chinese people, and the general feeling from all of them is that they can't understand why Canada is so strict with laws about fish that we eat. I have been told by many that in china to fish all you need is a big treble hook and a rope, you throw it out and drag it in. That is what fishing is there. The culture Chinese people come from is very different and poverished compared to what is in Canada. That is why they are comming here. To get away from that. That is what they are used to when they come here. This doesn't make poaching or breakng the laws right or justified Does this mean I think only Chinese people poach fish? Certainly not. Does it mean I think all chinese people poach? Nope. . ...But I can't recall the last time I have heard of a Japanese person poaching like people complain about on here. The same goes for other Asian contries as well. I do know lots of Chinese people that fish legally and ethically, in fact many will never keep a fish. These lawbreakers need to be caught and punished legally. not beaten up. All that will serve is get you a fine and further seperate them from Canada. It won't scare them away back to China. Use your brain, try and talk with them. "Hey guys whats up... Gettin any bites?" Get into a friendly conversation and see what they are doing. If you can't do that or are scared to talk to a fishermen than just call the cops and walk away. I saw a guy once that had a meat grinder attached to a bucket and he was catching the fish and throwing them into the meat grinder right at the dock. I said to him, you know your not allowed to do that. I explained to him why and he put it away. Sure he may have pulled it back out after I left but it did get put away. Use your Brain not your Balls.
  18. OK, so I have been thinking about how to arrange something, and everyone knows that a single complaint and a single call to the MnR will never likely result in an arrest, charge or even the MnR leaving there office. What I am proposing is to have a pool of phone numbers similar to a no bus day at school when parents used to phone other parents. Designate 2 or 3 people as heads and each of them have a few phone numbers along with a list of 3 or 4 other numbers, each of those numbers will have 2 or 3 people's number and a few of those have a few more etc... Then when you see a fishing crime, phone the head number and that person passes the details to the others and so on and everyone individually phones the MnR and reports the incident, maybe a raft of 50 calls on an incident will cause the MnR to get up off there chair. Since one call doesn't seem to work. What do you guys think? This would give one phone number to distribute to everyone to start the chain of events.
  19. This is why I have been trying to organize people to have the MnR start a volunteer Reqruitment system for volunteer CO's. I am sure lots of people would happily volunteer there time under circumstances to help assist CO's. It is plainly obvious that the MnR will not have enough funding, but perhaps with a small squadrun of properly trained volunteer's we could make some headway. Give them minimal powers like give a fine, take picture have it noterized appear in court as a witness, direct line to CO's for dispatch etc... We have volunteer firefighters, police can deputize if need be why not CO's to help patrol the areas we fish. We take such pride in saying we want to conserve our fisheries this would be a chance to do it. As for beating someone up because they are breaking the law well thats just plain dumb. Now if the person was molesting some kid well thats another story. But illegally fishing? Give me a break, call the cops have a chat with them but use your brain. Especially with all the news about nipper tipping. Your just asking for a KKK hanging if you attack an asian fishermen if they are in the right or wrong.
  20. My canoe is at my parents house in Orangeville, my boat is a 17.5 foot bowrider, so it doesn't really fall into the small boat category. I could definatly take an afternoon off though. Gotta ask around maybe one of my neighbors has a canoe I could get my hands on.
  21. Any hints on where we can go for some decent duck action? This past weekend in the field wasa bust. We heard lots of guns but we saw nothing all day.
  22. When I first read the post that got the snow ball rolling I was flabergasted. I thought at first it was a joke. Its good to see that so many were offended so quickly by it and I don't hold anything against anyone for pulling the the thread, but I would have think an edit and lock would have been appropriate as well. Overall it really serves to show how many fishermen on this board have great attitudes.
  23. The gene pool got a little thin at the end... I wonder what the very last post was.
  24. I am very dissapointed that that thread got deleted. Even with that last barage of posts it had some extremely intering viewpoints and comments. Overall I think there is a very mature crowd here. I applaud those that shared there feelings on that topic.
  25. Don't you buy the big ones from montreal? lol yah yah too much beer not enough calculator. Missed a decimal 240 beers per person. That seems like alot. I wonder where they come up with that stat. I know I don't go through a 24 per month...Well at least not since I left college.
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