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Posts posted by jedimaster

  1. this stuff always comes up for tracker boats yet for some reason people still buy trackers... Honestly people would be so much better off with a used lund or used princecraft than a new tracker. Love my SV16 2000 doesn't leak a drop and is rock solid. Bets of luck dude, I hope you get your boat fixed.


    Umm I didn't manage to go through every page but what every happened?

  2. What? Paint sticks not fancy enough for you?

    I have 4 southbend rods, 3 normal crappy tire ones and one fancier one with a yellow tip and all have worked very well. Not an issue with any of them. Not sure if I would want to spedn fiddy bucks on an ice rod.

  3. You could even be in second last and lap the guy in last place...It happens.



    For the second question to even exist,You would have to be in first and put the last place a lap down.

    So they are wrong with there question.

  4. Not alot of places to work for in small towns when all the local shops lay off and close up the doors you gotta work somewhere. I know in keswick allot of local stores have been hit pretty hard by wallmart opening up.

  5. I am also a member. The reason? I don't have time to push my complaints to support the hoby we all share in the pollitical arena. Hunting an Angling has a bad image in the public and without any voice the MnR, and P3TA types would have fishing and Hunting banned altogether. Everything needs balance. I feel that my meager donation to OFAH every year provides some sort of balance to OFAH.

    Do I agree with everything that the OFAH does? No.

    Do I agree with everything the MnR does? No.

    Do I agree with everything that P3TA does? no.

    Do I agree with everything that the Goubernment does? No.


    I feel like I have the brain power to be able to pick and choose what I believe is right. Thats why i choose to support many organizations. Not just one.


    Its funny this came up, I sent a letter to the Minister of the Environment for Ontario, regarding the OFAH. Asking that if it would be possible to investigate the feasability of having an option donation box on the Fishing and hunting tags to have money go directly to the preservation of our fisheries, and not into a coffer fund like the rest of our license fees. Or perhaps publish what portion of the license goes to the preservation of our fisheries and hunting grounds....


    This was the response.







    Thank you for your e-mail of January 11, 2011 regarding funding for Conservation Authorities and their activities.


    While your comments are appreciated, we must advise you that Conservation Authorities are established under the Conservation Authorities Act (1946) which is administered by Lands and Waters Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR).


    The MNR provides transfer payments to Conservation Authorities for provincially mandated programs delivered by the Conservation Authorities which include: flood, drought and erosion operations (e.g. flood control, water conservation methods, erosion control, flood forecasting and warning, ice management, hazard prevention and watershed management). The MNR also administers annual provincial capital transfer payments to Conservation Authorities for repairs, maintenance and studies associated with existing CA owned water control structures. Local partners, including municipal and regional authorities, may also contribute funding for specific cultural or educational activities at these sites. More information is available on the Conservation Ontario web site at http://conservation-ontario.on.ca/ and the MNR web site at www.ontario.ca/mnr.


    We hope you find this helpful.

  6. Well, with 42 games in the book on this 82 game season and the leafs are slightly better than last year.... Great....


    At 41 games they had 38 points, If they carry on this waffle sucking play they will end up with around 76 points. Last year they finished with 74 points.

    Mind you the last week they have played very solid hockey. Lets hope this continues for a few more weeks and they may be able to get themselves into a play hunt....

    Just fo fun sake, I'll add a poll about the current streak.

  7. As for the comment of putting one across your bow its just a figure of speach for a warning shot. Clearly you are the type of person to only see back and white and not the multitude of greys out in the real world, so there is realy not much to debate with you. Even when you clearly have some to learn about hunting regulations.


    As for agun only being used for one thing that is clearly not the case. A gun is not always used as a means to "Eliminate" a target. In fact many firearms are designed to do just the opposite.


    In the case of me "putting one across your bow" if you were trespassing on my property and wouldn't leave, and there was a long history of you coming back and the police were doing nothing about it, its very possible that you would get a warning shot across your bow so to speak.


    Like everyone in the real world everyone needs to weigh the consiquinces out with what they do, and going to jail or being fined way just be one of those. Just like these two loser poachers that should also be put in jail/fined whatever...


    As for your little analogy of bank robbers being charged for trespassing? That makes no sense at all. They would be charged with what they did. A guy robs a bank he gets charged for theft. A guy trespasses and gets charged for trespassing, a guy uses a weapon and he should also be charged for the appropriate crime. Just because I have no sympathy for the Tresspassers doesn't mean I think the guy with the gun shouldn't be charged. Just because someone does something illegal doesn't mean a person can't feel sympathy for them.


    I think you need to take a step back into the world of reality where crap happens. When it does there are consiquences, and you have to face up to that. Just like this guy that is facing up for shooting at those two guys, and just like those two guys should also face up to what they did. Although it appears they will get off breaking the law.


    I still feel sympathetic towards the guy with the gun and I have no sympathy for the two idiot poachers, getting peppered with a few pellets.


    There are plenty of people that get, charged, fined, convicted, jailed etc... that many people feels smpathy for but not for the accused. For example, a crook breaks into you house and is raping your wife, you get into a fight and grab a baseball bat and beat him in the head. The cops show up with you and your wife covered in blood, the guy goes to the hospital and you away in hand cuffs awaiting your bail hearing. I would have much sympathy for you as you get charged for aggrivated assult, and hopefully the other guy would also be charged.

  8. Agreed on the legend front with the motors, make sure you compare apples to apples. And with boats build quality is something that is quantifiable over time. Look at the resale value of a Lund or princecraft over the resale value of a Legend. Its very likely you will not own the boat forever so make sure you have something left thats able to be sold.

    I am not knocking Legend btw. This goes for a few other brands, but the above guy mentioned legend. :)

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