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Posts posted by jedimaster

  1. When your unknown backup to a backup goalie, let's in only one shootout goal the whole game something is working. It was a pretty decent game although labs was missed and it is apparent like everyone already knows we need a puck mover and a strong number 1 center I have hope for next year. Something I haven't had for a long time.

  2. I watch every game...and to say grabovski has to go is crazy. He is an offense first player no doubt, but. On a team that is in the bottom 5 in goals for to be in the top 20 in goals and leadin the team in goals, as well is. +7 is pretty good in my books. He plays with heart, doesn't back down. Gets backup. And puta the puck in the net. We have bigger fish to fry like kessle a -21. I don't think anyone is giving the con smythe to grabo but he is not the problem with the leafs.

  3. advance the timing before the test if its an older car it'll run hot for the test and help to lower the hydro's for the test and it'll get the cat nice and hot.

    Also I have heard of people taking a cat converter off the car and soaking it with carb cleaner and smacking the hell out of it and shaking it around to clean off the carbon deposits. I would think doing this same procedure with seafoam would also work well, or even clr

  4. The leafs got worse today...however thats today. If the leafs miss the playoffs we know they will..and they dont do this deal kaberle walks and the leafs get nothing. To get a prospect and a late first rounder is great imo. Kab was a great defensemen for the leafs but he is honestly no better than a top 50 in the league. He looked good and logged minutes on the leafs cause we sucked. In boston he is about 3rd or 4th best.

    Burke said in the press conference that he wants to deal the two late first rounders for a player, and then for a better pick. I am betting he gets a player, and I would think if he is able to deal jiggy he may also go.


    The cap space in the summer resigns a few leafs, and picks up whatever they don't get in the next two weeks, a Center, a solid healthy backup goalie if monster caan't play, or a puck moving defenseman. We all know they need those three. Obviously Reimer is top dog next next. Monster is a big ? and Jiggy will walk if he is healthy or retire if he is not.


    I am not sure who all the UFA's are this year, but a big shot puck mover or a solid center would be great at 5-7mil a year.


    Next year brayden schen and kadre play center on line 2 and 3 with Joe biting at there heals. They still need that center...



    Gonna edit in some of the UFAs for 2011 - Some of these guys would look great in blue and white.

    Brad Richards








    Miko Koivu

  5. So the leafs a get a number 1 from Boston and joe coldbourne


    He sounds like he could work out well to be a centre of kessle on the second line. Fast, big, pass first.

    If the leafs can get dione straightened out, Reimer develops well, monster as a number 2, deal jiggy for another draft pick or something, I think next year is gonna be real interesting.

    I think this deal is more than what could be expected from Kaberle. Hats off to Burke on this one. I have always liked Kaberle but to get a number 1 and a top center prospect is great.


    Here is a little bio of him



  6. you need your H1 license and you have to take the course associated. You are far better off just getting your full gun linces and gun hunting permit, You can always not use a gun. The full combo is done over a weekend, then you will need to go take the turkey course, by a tag and find a place to hide.

  7. yah was lucky it didn't burst, the guy in the bed across from me had his burst, they are cleaning out his wounds hourly. The infection was pretty bad though so i gotta stay on the iv antibiotics for a while i think. i am hoping to get some solid food. I would kill for a nicely breaded fried in butter walleye fillet right about now. I think it takes a few months before ou fully regain your ab strength. Even thought they ony did they puncture three holes thing my abs are pretty sore.

  8. Well I have been in the hospital for 3 days now, my appendix apparently was dead for some time now and it got gangrene. Now I am on a steady iv of antibiotics, morphine, jello and sponge baths.


    To anyone that has had this surgery done I feel for yah.. To anyone that hasnt don't ignore stomach pains. Go get it checked out. I thought it was just a stomach bug for a few days until it turned really painful. To the point wherei could barely drive, stand sit or walk. So I got my ass dragged into rhe emerg and within 30 minutes of being seen by a doctor I was out cold with my guts hanging out...

    If i caught it earlier I woulda likely been out already. Now I am just praying I can fart. :) 3 days and counting of jello and chicken broth is not sittin well with me.


    Have a good one folks and make sure you don't ignore barfing mixed with severe stomach pains.




    "would you like to wash yourself up or shall I have some nurses give you a sponge bath"


    ummm is that serious question?

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