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Everything posted by croixed

  1. Reminds me of the weekend. Seeing double!
  2. I agree with Mike Borger. Could not believe how easily the stuff breaks. Seems as if power pro and Sufix 832 are the big two.
  3. I suggest you go to a local tackle shop and pick the one that feels right to you. Its a great way to get a feel too of how different blanks are from one manufacturer to another.
  4. The Chronarch E is still a good reel, but in my opinion nowhere near as good as the previous version Chronarch D. Looks as though Shimano implemented cost cutting measures which translates to their most recent lineup of baitcasters. I know of many people who have turned away from Shimano with their changes to the Curado and Chronarch. I still find the Chronarch E a great reel, and have never had any problems with the durability and longevity of any Shimano reel I have owned.
  5. I'm in the market for a new spinning reel. Just wondering what everyone's opinion on them are. I have read that they are vastly improved over the previous version, and are similar in performance to last years Sustain. Thanks for your input!
  6. I've caught many walleye off the island drifting a spinner rig tipped with a minnow. Don't be afraid to huf the shoreline when doing so. I have noticed in the past couple of years my numbers have increased, but the size has decreased. I just catch and release due to the fishing pressure on the lake. Had some luck tossing spinnerbaits near any rocky shoreline for bass as well. I have not had too many calm days on Chesley, so I can't comment on any topwater presentation. As far as Silver Lake goes, I grew up having a family cottage on Silver Lake Crescent, and have spent many a days on the water. There is no boat launch on that lake. If you have a small enough boat, say a 12' or 14', you could put it in off of Silver Lake road. We used to take the motor off the 14' and just use the trolling motor. Most of the lake is relatively shallow, in the 2-4 foot range. It is mainly a sand bottom, and I highly recommend you do not fall out of the boat in certain areas of the lake, or you will just sink in the soft bottom. The only fishable areas on that lake is the perimiter, along the entire shoreline. There is bass, pike and sunfish. Being a fairly small lake, we always praticed catch and release. It is along the shoreline that there is any depth to be had. Even then, you might hit 8 feet pending on the water levels. Good luck, and hope this information is of some help.
  7. I currently own a Daiwa viento, a couple of fuegos, and a couple of millionaire z series reels. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the Daiwas. I just never had put the Shimano baitcast reels within the same price point as the Daiwas. I don't have any experience with the Team Daiwa advantage, or Zillion series reels, but I can imagine the quality is there as well. This is new to me stepping outside my "Daiwa comfort zone" I guess you can say. My experience with getting service done on some TD-X's I use to have was not the greatest. I sent a bunch of them to the "authorized" dealer we have in Ontario for an overhaul in the cleaning department, and a couple in need of some minor repair. When I got them back they were in worse shape then when I sent them out. A couple of them I ended up shipping to the states to get repaired. Again, thats just my personal experience. It could happen to anyone with any reel manufacturer. I do know my options for repair and/or warranty work are greater here with Shimano If needed. Now If someone has too much money on their hands, and would like to throw some my way I would gladly love to try those Daiwa Steez reels.
  8. Wow are those new Shimano Curado's and Chronarch's some sweet fish catching machines. Even the Citica I played with was exceptionally built for a modest price. I couldn't resist and have bought myself a new Curado. I was always dead set against Shimano, but I am leaning to the other side now. Is there a cure, or am I getting Shimamotitis!
  9. I was at Natural Sports in Kitchener on the weekend for their cent a yard for suffix line. While talking to the Suffix rep., he reminded me of how they are now part of the Rapala group. I believe Rapala owns Storm and Courtland as well. With the larger companies buying the smaller ones up: example Shimano purchasing G-loomis, Power Pro, or the pure fishing family, it makes me wonder. Is this good for the fishing industry, or will it come to the point where there are only 2-3 major players who will spend more time marketing than product research and development. Maybe it won't make any difference. Just wondering what everyones thoughts on the subject are.
  10. I have a variety of reels I use: 1. Daiwa Laguna's 2. Daiwa Crossfire's 3. Shimano Sedona's 4. Shimano Sahara's 5. Abu 100's All have held up quite fine in the cold weather
  11. We were targeting both panfish and pike. Ice thickness was 4" to 4 1/2" at best.
  12. Went out for the second straight day , with the same results. Notta thing. We moved around all over that lake and didn't even see a fish on the aqua-vu. I will be trying somewhere else next weekend. Still good to finally get out though.
  13. If it was a Chevy, it would have already started to rust! jk
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