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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. Great pics....but home come there are none of you holding a fish????


    LOL, I caught a fish or 2 :whistling: I stopped taking pictures of my fish unless there is something remarkable about them. Unless it was the tourny most of the fish I caught never made it in the boat always tried to release them boat side.



    We missed you guys up there this year

  2. We are all back safe and sound.. Even after watching a min-van driving down the wrong way into on coming traffic.. Guess they missed the instruction when they explained how the passing lane works on one side of the road at a time up north. I Pitty the people who were doing the dodging on that one. I had one eye closed waiting and a prayer in motion until it was over. :stretcher:


    There was an issue catching fish at lakair? hummm must have missed the memo. :whistling:

    We averaged about 6 fish per outing.. All snot rockets but fun for people who are not picky about fishing just like the catching.




    There was one exception on our first night out, Dad hooked into this, I was too polite on Father's day weekend to kick him off my boat for the rest of the weekend so we let him stay. :worthy:




    26" 4.5lbs -- released


    Great to see everyone again, wish we made it over to more people but dart, poker and silly pops kept our family busy. ** and the flying bloodsuckers :wallbash:


    Always a great time at Lakair

  3. If fishing with Riggers, I found I was much more productive with a longer lead after the balls. Yes they would be attracted by the comotion of the balls going through the water but would come in look then leave. With the longer line out behind the balls the fish that came in and looked hung around then a few seconds later when the bait arrived they hit it.


    Lakers, a funny fish on Huron they are called boots cause no one wants them :dunno:

  4. LOL.. ok I was a little upset with a pike taking my nice walleye bait..


    That was the largest sheepshead I have ever seen taken on my boat.. and boy I was glad to see it leave. :D.


    Always a pleasure TbayBoy now if the weather would co-operate so I could get out again!!

  5. Motor out of commission and no kicker.All other fisherman where darn blind to distress calls.


    Been there done that, me with my little 15 foot boat ended up towing a much larger bassboat in cause all the big power boats that drove right pass me were deaf.

  6. What the heck do weapons of war have to do with fishing, hunting and outdoor sports!!! I don't think they are permitted for use during the deer or moose seasons. :rolleyes:


    The Wedding and Baby show was full :dunno: If not at the Outdoor show where else. Don't think the public gets to attend the Military weapons show.. :lol: but it would be cool to look at.



    ALL the "shows" are just places for people to try and sell you stuff.. I figured I saved more than the $15 entrace fee on what I bought + got to see boats, ATV's etc.


    These shows are just a place to pass the time and dream of spring.

  7. I went over Wed to see how the new place looked. WOW much brighter, I think there were a few less tackle sellers but it could have been just due to the size.


    The Canadian Forces both was THE BEST!! how often do you get to see a Mark 46 torpeedo !! and a sniper rifle at the same time.


    I have been in the market for a new fish finder, picked up the HD7 + Gold maps for 1350 after taxes from Radio World.. sorry BassPro you need to update your prices in-line with the CDN $$$


    Radio world had the best price that I could find anywhere. Cheaper than even the Online cost.


    Also met fellow OFNER Henry Nguyen at the Legend boats.. man after showing me the new models I think I have to start saving my pennies for an upgrade. Don't you hate sales people that show you want you want to see@!!

  8. Does anyone have an estimate of the number of sunfish in Rice Lake? Probably in the millions would be my guess.


    So there are a handful of our brothers to the south who are taking occasional trips up here and taking a couple of thousand sunfish (which none of us up here really fish for anyway) - They are pumping money into our economy (during a recession), and we're gonna start imposing limits - on sunfish? :wacko:


    I say heck, come on up and go nuts on the sunfish! Drop a grand or 2 $ during your stay. The local businesses will thank you for it.


    A few bad apples CANNOT destroy the sunfish fishery! (it feels weird even saying "sunfish fishery"). It would take an army of thousands of people fishing night and day for years to fish 'em out. Even then, I would guess the sunfish population would bounce right back in a couple of years.


    To me this is a non issue.



    LOL, Were you the fisherman from the COD industry in the 70's

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