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Posts posted by blaque

  1. This guy was probably a whiney little turd, always miserable and feeling sorry for himself and his life.



    Wait till he gets a load of whats in store on the other side........for eternity, with no option for an easy gutless exit

  2. I was up to nippissing a few years back at Promiseland Camp on South Bay. It took a day or two to figure things out but we did and did just fine the rest of the week. It certainly wasnt fast and furious, but it was a great week of R&R and we didnt have any problems having a few fish for dinner a couple times.


    We did notice an abandoned camp near ours while coming in and out of the bay, and i know shortly after our stay at promiseland that the owners sold it to another couple as well.

  3. Actually Russ only owns the Steak House...his son owns the original Salvatore's Italian Restaurant....he gave ownership to his son who then threw him out...so he started Russell's Steak House...since then Salvatore's Italian Restaurant SERVICE has declined along with some of it's food...our Fire Department no longer uses them for our events.



    Hmmm, Sounds like the tuttles......How did Discovery miss this oppurtunity!!

  4. OK ... I suggest we poll ALL the juniors (and the players)...NOT the UNION ... and ask them if they wanna play Hockey for a living ... get their shot at fame and fortune ... play for 5 years (with an option for another 5 if they perform) ... ask them if they could live on a million a year plus expenses (plus endorsements) .... first/best 1000 to sign up get in ... best 500 get to play ... other 500 play for 50% in the minors ... best 50 performers get 2 Million, next best 250 get 1.5 million ... lowest 10 percent get bumped down to the minors to give the next crop a chance ... stop screwing around and get on the ice ... or get to the back of the line - or go do something else for a living - so the other 1,000,000 hopefuls get their shot.


    Let's face it .. the guys who finally 'make it' ARE getting THEIR dreams fulfilled ... and a very lucrative (if short) career ... they're not doing it for us or for the owners ... come on - these guys come and they go ... and we always take whoever comes along next (and have been for generations)


    On the flip-side its up to the owners to figure out how to make that financially sustainable ... its NOT a partnership ... its not a negotiation ... and if some of the players have become THAT rich that they can afford to buy a team (or shares in a Team) and are prepared to take the RISK (by the way it would be interesting to ask the few players who have done so whether it was a such great investment) - ONLY THEN would they have the right to their share of the profits (or Losses) ... getting to play is an opportunity at fame and fortune for a very fortunate few... and I'll bet ya most would do it just for the fame if thats all there was on the table


    IMHO it's time for everyone to get off their high-horse and get back to reality.


    GO LEAFS !!!!! (or should I say .. COME BACK LEAFS !!!)



  5. Ive used them, and no doubt....they are incredible for doing small prototyping jobs.


    But they print using a composite material, with a binder to harden it. End result being a plastic type material.


    You cant print a metal wrench, or an apple to eat lol


    I think retail stores, the truckin industry and others are safe for a while

  6. Are you saying because other life forms most probably aren't like us, that we shouldn't be interested in finding them? huh.gif


    I dont know if thats what hes saying......but it sure as heck is what i'm sayin!!


    Im perfectly fine walking around thinking theres no such thing as aliens, squatches, werewolves, vampires......Oblivion is bliss as far as im concerned in this case

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