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Posts posted by blaque

  1. Well, i cant upload any images as im having some computer glitches at the moment But.............


    To me the product was a bit of good news/bad news


    The good news is it works, with water ...........Bad news, is i tried it with oils........and did not get the same results. I treated a corrugated board half and half, and ran water over it and the treated side couldnt hold a drop.....just like the videos youve seen it ran off like water off a ducks back. The oil somehow still stuck like the board wasnt treated. .


    Regardless, the worse news.......to me........was how the product coated whatever you spray it on. Its actually pretty aweful, as it leaves whatever you spray Frosted...........literally think of a frosty beer mug. That alone erased a ton of applications away from its possibilities. Appearance will be destroyed and transparency goes bye bye on anything you spray this on


    The spray has two steps.........FIrst step is basically just like spraying a can of clear coat, and the second you can see the chemical reaction take place and the frosted look appear.


    Either way, I thought of returning it but i think ill keep it around in case i want to waterproof something that i dont give a hoot about its appearance.


    Im gonna give it 3 out of 10 stars lol, it works..........with water anyway, but i cant think of many uses for it as aesthetics is out the window once sprayed

  2. Too bad it's not this fall. We've already made plans to go to another Bills game. First thing I did when I heard about this new one was see where it is in relation to Rich stadium and the Sabre's rink.


    Agreed, sooner the better. And you should only be about 15-20 minutes to the new cabelas from either the stadium or the FN center. Thats one of the upsides here, you can get just about anywhere in about 15-20 minutes lol.

  3. Fires me up everytime........Truly appreciate the time taken to not only upload all the photos and vids, but the time and effort that goes into documenting the trip while your there is a bunch of work as well. Pulling out the camera in some of the conditions i see you fishing in can truly be a pain in the arse, and when theres fish like this waiting for your next cast......it can be easy to want to give the camera a rest.


    So again, .....MUCH appreciated


    P.S. Friends shouldnt let friends pike fish with bare feet, ........And yes i speak from experience........YEOOOOW! Husky Jerk right between the toes

  4. Well that's strange. The Cabelas store that I most frequent in Owatanna Minnesota just added a buffalo to their early America mounted animal display. So I guess that I can say that there's a new Buffalo in Cabelas. How weird is that??

    That there is pretty clever :)

  5. Thanks guys, some of the shots i regret not getting, or regret not being able to get i should say, were the 3 bald eagles we saw......and the beavers that were working one evening swimming back and forth gathering "building materials" lol. The eagles were just not close enough to get a good image and the beavers, i was too focused on the rising fish to care about getting a pic lol. I can tell you thats its a bit disconcerting wading balls deep and watching a beaver go under right in front of you for what seemed like minutes CHOMP :)

  6. Sounds like a good trip even if you couldn't fish everywhere you wanted. At least you ended up finding some nice water to fish. Nice fish and pics. On the list of places I'd like to fish.


    Oh absolutely,.......I felt very lucky to be on the water at all, and it made it that much sweeter after thinking we were pooched lol


    I'm jealous, just like I was last year when you posted a similar report :)


    That was actually 2 years ago believe it or not lol, time flies man. Seems like a year ago though. We had a packed vehicle and 4 guys this year, if theres ever an opening though ill be sure to give you a heads up.


    Everyone who fly fishes should fish the Catskills at least once.


    Its become my favorite destination honestly, whenever i go.......i dont want to leave


    some nice scenery for sure Blaque, you got skills with the camera. I love the trickling water shots


    Gigs up, those are all just taken on my iphone lol

  7. Just spent a few days in the catskills for "bug week" and thought I'd share some scenery and a couple fish.


    Our goal was to fish the West Branch of the Delaware in search of some beefier fish, but that was quickly squashed upon our arrival as a massive storn dumped a ton of rain north of Hancock which filled the reservoir and in-turn, swelled the river right before our eyes. The delaware never did come down in the few days we were there. We were pretty bummed as we thought all was lost. After checking all the flow meters for the other area streams.......every hour on the hour, we were relieved to find out that the Beaverkill was quickly on its way back down, and would probably be wadeable and fishable if we were willing to take a ride. We were ecstatic after taking the 20 minute drive east, to find clear water, bugs coming off......and rising fish. Heres just a couple pics of my surroundings























  8. The story behind my wallpaper is somewhat "deep" :)


    My dad passed last year in the spring, and one of the father/son things we still found time to do, was play in our golf league every summer. Well, it was only a few weeks that had gone by since i lost him and it was time to make the decision whether or not to play on without him, as i knew it would be tough getting out on the course without dad by my side.


    So day one of the league was upon me and i had decided he wouldnt want me to just pack it in. Sooooo, as i headed to the course that day, i literally drove thru terrential downpours on the way. Knowing we probably would be forfitting the first outing to weather. (we had to show up regardless to pay dues for the season) The rain slowed as i got closer to the course, and by the time i got out of my truck, there was a break in the clouds and within a few minutes more i was presented with blue patches of sky, and a rainbow from dad. Ive never been a very spiritual guy, but this blew me away and Im sure it was a sign from my dad who was looking down, and with a little help.........shed this amazing backdrop on myself and the rest of the group. We all kinda soaked it in for a minute, looked at each other knowing what we were all thinking........and headed toward the first tee box. Its a moment and an image that will never leave me



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