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Posts posted by blaque

  1. I was all over the fishing show thing many years ago.......Not so much these days.


    My favorites were the old In-fisherman and Babe Winkelman........and we use to have a local show down here in NY called Outdoor Scene with Joe Ognibene that was pretty sweet. He would do fishing shows from Burt Dam LMAO! Those were the days


    Nowadays, turning on the Lindners seems more like im attending Sunday mass. Not that theres anything wrong with that.......but its not why i tune into a fishing show. The In-fisherman family must be multi-millionaires at this point with the amount of media they pump out

  2. I was all gung-ho to get a waterproof case when i first got my smartphone.......the desire has since faded. I just got my first smartphone about a year and a half ago......and the honeymoon stage has run its course. I admit, i was connected to this thing at the hip but its slowly becoming less of a distraction.


    Having said that, I can openly admit that i wouldnt want to go without one from here on out. Its like when i made the switch from cars to pick-up trucks, ohhhhh 17 years ago or so........i can never drive a car again!!

  3. Alot of people here were soured on millers verbal diarreah last season and prior. But i can tell you that after his rant post penguins game this past weekend,,,,,,alot of fans actually took it for what it was worth and supported his comments. Feeling it was good to see a player actually showing frustration and quite frankly, i agree. It was good to see him call some guys out. i get sick and tired of the same old pominville robot post game comments. "We gotta be better" or "thats just not good enough".


    Im sad to see lindy go as i wanted a" buffalo guy" to win it here someday, but it was loooooooong overdue and proven that he wasnt going to be that guy. Glad they let him go, but sorry it had to come to that


    As far as Nolan......this city LOVED that guy. Dominik Hasek however........didnt exactly have a warm and fuzzy relationship with him. His wife on the other hand..........that may or may not be a different story lol

  4. Same here......my area is currently a mess lol. Thats why i placed it strategically in a inconspicuous area of the basement. Nobody sees it but me.


    On a side note......Ya got me thinking


    Wonder if static cling would be a good tool. Blow up a ballon, rub it up all good and get it charged, and just hover it over the desktop. It would pick up just the light feather waste and scrap threads, but wouldnt suck up any beads or other desirables that you dont want thrown away, like a vacuum would.


    Take it outside and pop the balloon, disgard said balloon waste lol

  5. http://i1135.photobucket.com/albums/m639/Ratz2/0gdiG93DA0nNthMfpJ.jpg






    So after all I did end up buying this cute little (for now) newfie. But when I got there I got to see the mom and dad, dad was just a big newfie, then I saw the mom and her face looked exactly like a lab, turns out shes a newfie/lab mix! Perfect, a beautiful mutt :) Named him boomer, quite excited for this guy, and thanks for all the input today guys! :D

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