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Posts posted by blaque

  1. The amount of Canadians that don't understand hockey is embarrassing. :wallbash:

    probably too busy trying to dial in the sport of fishing, afterall......this is a fishing board and not a Hockey board :)


    Either way.......I didnt get to watch either the US or CANADA game as this whole work thing is getting in the way. And multiple online streams were awefully sticky today.


    May just have to take a half day Friday to watch this match up

  2. If you want a humbling experience take a trip to see them from ground level. I saw them as a teen and the memories still are strong on the sights,sounds and feel of the awesome scenery that nature has made.






    I can only imagine, im humbled just seeing the little baby gorges here in NY (letchworth, zoar valley, watkins glen). I could only imagine the feeling one would get standing in the middle of this behemoth

  3. www.flickr.com/photos/stromesphotos/sets/72157615776285133/


    Here are my pics


    Very cool, your sno-caps turned out way better than mine.......you appear to be further north than I traveled as well based on the size of the mountain range.


    What amazed me the most, was i was the only one on both of my trips out there that was gawking out the window the entire flight taking hundreds of pics. Everyone else was plucking away at their i-pads or had their face buried in a book or a pillow

  4. Guess ill weigh in here.


    I believe in God.......but in my own little vacuum lol


    I dont belong to any church, or consider myself a part of any denomination. I dont find myself in any steepled buildings on sundays. Ive never read the bible. I know but a few prayers. Ive never preached to someone or even talked to someone about what i believe. I just DO. In my mind, i truly believe theres something/someone higher than us. Same as i believe space is never ending, and time is absolutely eternal. (which is a whole other topic that messes up my brain completely when i sit and think about it)


    Theres also a small part of me that wonders if, whatever you believe happens to you in the afterlife, is what happens to you.


    This topic is way too deep for a thursday afternoon

  5. Lindner has as much right to express his opinion as you or I. We also have the choice of listening to his opinion or not.Whether you like it or not, he is merely trying to live by the tenets of his faith. Evangelism/ spreading the "Good News", is a fundamental pillar of Christianity. Good for him in professing his faith and practicing what he preaches. A lot more sincere than the millions who are "Christians" only at Christmas, baptisms and weddings.

    Agreed......out of all the things I see aired on a daily basis on the boobtube, Al Lindners wrap up is among the VERY LEAST of my objections

  6. I think a day with Johnny Knoxville would be hilarious, musically I've already met my favourite band (from Sweden In Flames) but I also think meeting the tragically hip or Gord Downie would be awesome


    Lucky you! Great and original band.........."Soundtrack to your escape" has spent many an hour blaring thru my trucks speakers!! Cant tell you how many times ive listened to "My Sweet Shadow" on repeat lol


    While were on musicians of this genre (sort of)........You may be the only one to recognize my picks:


    Mark Morton (Lamb of God lead guitar)

    Davey Havok (unusual frontman of AFI)

    Adam D (Killswitch guitarist)

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