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Posts posted by blaque

  1. Warm coffee at my desk, and a vicarious alaskan adventure. What better way to end a miserable work week................hmmm lemme think, DOING IT MYSELF SOMEDAY :)


    I dont think i could concentrate on fishing knowing there could be a brown bear lurking behind any tree lol

  2. +1! we'll hear another article of Ted Nolan ripping his team a new one tomorrow! what did they have 10-11 shots?


    Too late lol, one of the players did that for him right after the game :)


    Jorges went on a little rant of his own........doesnt mean much to me however. The usual "gotta be better", "thats just not good enough", "gotta hold ourselves accountable" kinda Bull

  3. I will add that i am completely tired of reading reviews on anything on the internet.


    For any given product........i can find 10 reviews that completely praise an item up and down, and go to another site/forum and read 10 reviews on the same product completely bashing it in every way.


    Its almost as if manufacturers have reps portraying themselves as ordinary consumers on review sites, to flood the internet and promote the product. And the competition does the same, to write "badmouth" reviews

  4. Ya i hear ya, but i think im covered with what i want to do with the camera based on the lens selections ive seen. I dont THINK its a deal breaker for me unless i become fanatical about the hobby.


    You can also get adapters to fit other manufacturers lenses, understanding that you are a bit handcuffed however as you can only use those lenses "wide open" without the ability to adjust aperture etc within the lens......


    I dunno, eventually im gonna have to shart or get off the pot.......:) and just go with it. If whatever i choose isnt what i was lookin for, sell and start over :)

  5. Always good to know all the options before diving in head first.


    Glad to help.


    Looking hard into this mirrorless market Roebag. The strange thing about it.......is that the two big players in the DSLR market (Nikon and canon), have the most mediocre offerings lol. Kinda strange. Or maybe its by design lol


    Anyway, ive looked into many mirrorless models and reviewed them all to death.


    Seems the SONY A6000 and Samsung NX300M are high in the standings. (in my price range anyway) With samsung getting ready to release an NX400 in Q1 of 2015. May have to wait a couple months and see what that one is all about. Only reason being, is it is said that the lens line up for the NX is a bit more plentiful


    Anyway, local photographer shop gurus are also suggesting getting into the mirrorless cams if one is starting from scratch..... as they are definitely the next wave.


    Let the research continue :)


    Want to add to the confusion?

    Take a look at the mirrorless system cameras.

    Sony A6000 produces amazing images straight out of the box. (no post processing)

    24 megapixels. Same size sensor as DX format DSLR's.


    Interchangeable lense sas well as optional Zeiss lenses.


    I recently sold my Nikon D7000/16-85 lens because the images from my new Sony are better.


    Convenient. Small bag. Zeiss 16-70 f4 zoom.


    I strongly suspect that in the not too distant future DSLR's will go the way of the dinosaur.

    A few examples:

    Sony A6000 with 16-50 kit lens. Straight out of the box.








    Have since purchased the Zeiss 16-70 for slightly more zoom range in a walk around lens.

    Been too busy to test drive it yet.


    Well what'd ya have to go and do that for :)

  7. Any brand of camera will do the job these days. As many have mentioned, the glass will be the biggest investment. Beyond that, post processing in photoshop or other post processing software is the biggest deal breaker. I've often seen shots from very expensive equipment that look sub par because of lack of post processing skills. Buy something within your budget and practice your photo editing. When you learn this, your pictures will look as good as any, no matter what brand you are using.


    Thanks.........now that you bring it up, are there any other post processing software favorites out there besides photoshop

  8. Im not a tattoo guy myself........just doesnt fit me or my personality. But i think they "work" really well on others........theres tattoo guys, and non tattoo guys i guess (and girls). I dig the concept of this one.........but think it will reallly shine when you continue to fill it into a finished sleeve.


    I also think the preconceived notions of tattoos are starting to fade, as they should. I know alot of people with tats.........same people they were before the tattoos, crazy right?? :)

  9. Ive read up on it, and priced it from your earlier advice on it.........love the price lol, and definitely something im going to try.


    As far as the body.......the 70D is wireless is it not?


    Ahhhh yes......the hmmm'ing and hawww'ing continues :)

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