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Posts posted by fishnsled

  1. My dad had an outdoor furnace/AC unit installed in his old place. Not the unit that you have the link for, not sure which make or model. In the time they used it before selling the house (5 years I believe) there were no issues with it at all. The plus side for them was the lack of space (no basement) in the house and this was a good and efficient way to heat and cool their home. Down side being a bit of a eye sore for some outside the house.

  2. I find pike to be incredibly easy to fillet. I actually like filleting them better than I do walleye.


    Same here.


    I'd ask him if it knows how to clean one and if not show him how. Or tell him to give you the fish before he throws it in the fire.



    or this way


  3. Tried to put together a group but between surgery for one, family commitments, work etc, just not happening. A great opportunity to learn from one of masters of Lake Ontario. Don't miss out!!


    I may have to put the boat in and stalk you guys on Saturday. lol! Have a great time gents!

  4. Anything and I do mean anything except trolling unless downriggers are in use. ;)


    They still got lots of dust on them?? :whistling::D


    I love doing it all but topwater for any fish is pretty exciting. Flippin' and pitchin', casting spinnerbaits and cranks, ripping bucktails, finesse fishing, trolling....they all have a time and a place throughout the year. I should break out the fly gear this year, it's been a while since that's been used.

  5. It's not just Balsam either being affected by the pike. Careless anglers have been throwing them over the dam at Coby into the head waters. Reports of them being caught on Cameron and from the report that MJL posted it is much wider spread. (Pigeon and Scugog) Worth a read.




    I've been told by the MNR when stopped on Balsam in the past to kill all pike caught. Now I haven't been stopped in few years out there so I'm not sure what they would say today.


    Too bad your original post got off topic, and congrats on a great day. There are some very good points being brought up on this invasive species though.

  6. That would drive me crazy at this time of the year. I was upset when we launched the first weekend in April and saw a skim of ice at the launch. At least you got out and found a few fish, can't ask for much more than that given the conditions. Hope that ice is gone soon for ya Dan.

  7. Thanks for doing up the report Cliff. Good company, lots of laughs and talks of future adventures scattered with interruptions of fish biting our lines sure makes for a great day on the water. One that was long over do.....well it have been 6 days since I had been on the water and I was having withdrawals. lol!!



    Awesome on the fish'n mission.
    Attire to be desired.

    We are do soon for a fish with Will & Phil
    I have a shirt for Cliff too.


    Attire was thought of but just to damn cold to consider. lol! Let me know how your schedule is Phil and we'll plan for something soon.


    Nice job guys... Will you get extra kudos from knowingly bringing the skunk on board and still catching fish!
    Well done lads!


    Thanks Joe....LOL!


    Hey doods! Any ify weather day you can catch what was intended and make a good time of things, well it's a bonus.


    Good shooting Cliff and Will.


    So true Bunk and thanks.

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