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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2024 in Posts

  1. I take an ol' fella out with me occasionally that uses nothing but mooching reels for rigging. He doesnt own a level wind at all. As you know, there are limitless options for rods, but I have this stuck in my wee brain for now. It has to be resolved. lol I have experienced very little line twist using the run feature on the reels over the last 10 years or so. Maybe because I face into the wind and cast out a long lead?
    2 points
  2. I know, not a rod any self respecting seasoned angler would give a second look but I bought one I believe back in the late 80's maybe early 90's? It was an Omni "Ten Four" Twist. Trophy XL Rigger Rod. It stayed in the boat as a backup and I had to resort to it one day as my Fenwick Stiks got left behind. I fell in love on the first hookup. Rated at 10-25lb and spooled with Ande green 15lb it handled 30lb+ chinooks like butter. I later had the rod redone with straight guides for river run salmon on the Sydenham River. Some of you may remember the heydays. Insane amounts of big Chinooks. I used it for years with 10lb test until it vanished do due to my carelessnes. Of all the rigger rods I have owned over the years, it's my favorite. I have only found 3 since then and recently sent one down the road with a friend. Forward to these days and I cant find any info on Omni rods. I currently fish Chinooks with Fenwick Legacy spinning rods and Okuma baitrunner reels spooled with 8lb floro. If it's crowded, I break out the Ten Fours. I normally stay away from the crowd of boats because I like to fish lighter gear. I prefer a good battle over numbers. So my question is, did they build spinning rods in the 9-10 foot range? I've seen a couple old 7' that were nice soft rods, but too short. Nothing I put my hands on that comes off the rack now days feels right to me. Even my old River Runner, Wild River, Canadian Northern all seem to be better rods than anything I can buy now. There has to some hanging in a shed somewhere, or in the forgotten corner of a basement?
    1 point
  3. Congrats...looks like a great deal !
    1 point
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