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  1. Well ... this was definitely a bucket list item ... and " A THRILL" doesnt even come close to describing it ... what a great bunch of fellas ... A couple of pics for the wall of fame !!! Yours Truly and Johnny Bower laying down in front Front Left : Mike Palmateer, Darryl Sittler, Darcy Tucker, Mark laForest, Gary Leeman, Bill Derlago Back Left : Greg Hotham. Lou Franceschetti, Rick Natress, Kevin Maguire, Jack Valiquette, Dave McLlwain, Mark Osborne I even managed to find the back of the net
  2. On my way into Alliston today I spotted 2 bald eagles in a tree , went back home to grab the camera and to my surprise they were still there . Couldn't get close at all but managed a couple pictures . I'm not to sure if you can spot them but there are two bald eagles in this picture below , surprisingly they are quite easy to spot in the wild due to there size and colour They were pretty big with a wing span of at least 6 feet , a real beautiful creature to say the least . Location was 20km NW of Alliston in Dufferin county , I will keep my eyes open for the next couple months and try to get more pictures.
  3. And the GTA has two winners!!!!!!
  4. Hi there can anyone help with info on a frabil ice cruiser 300, does it come with seats, price , thanks Blizz
  5. i decided to try out the "slim jim" recipe from rytek kutas' book (bible?) on processing meat. 10 deboned domestic rabbits + pork = 25lbs of goodness this: went into: 6 minutes later it looked like this: before stuffing into: which resulted in: what is the term used for blue thing mounted above the motor? any idea what oil should be used in it to keep heat to a minimum?
  6. while out for a walk with the dogs i came upon this and was wondering how long it would take for this to happen. i've seen trees grow round thing's before, but nothing like this...
  7. I guess we can all have the right to disrupt road and rail traffic if we have issues with the government after watching the news today. Forget going to your local elected officials. If I have an issue with gov't I do not have the right to inconvenience others. And yes my grandfather and uncle died fighting for the rights of all Canadians. What are your thoughts.
  8. i changed form nancur373 for those of you who know me
  9. Strange timing , wonder what happened ? Happy new year leaf fans !
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