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John Glynn

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Everything posted by John Glynn

  1. I was a big fan of FC leaders but not anymore. Two weeks ago on a recent pike trip my boat fishing partner had a pike bite clean through a 80 FC leader at the boat. Cut completely through like a hot knife through butter. I am back to using steel. That has been my experience. Not worth a dead fish or possible lost trophy.
  2. Beautiful rig Mike. What hp is the engine.
  3. This is the real story about this fish. http://www.pacgb.co.uk/articles/blomedit.htm
  4. Congrads My first muskie was 20 inches. I have not caught one since after about 80 hours on the water, but I will keep on trying.
  5. Connie. Where is the report. How did you do.? John
  6. I did the procedure 3 years ago. Had no problems.
  7. Connie Are you going up there in the Fall?
  8. GRTi How is the Pike fishing on Stormer Lake.? Is it a trophy lake? What size and numbers are to be expected there. Thanks John
  9. Great stuff Clive. Keep it coming
  10. Great Report Guys
  11. Great fish Sandy and Adam. We just got back from there on Thursday after a five day trip . We will be posting a report very shortly. The fishing was good. Clive ,we also caught all our fish shallow. Most were in 3 feet of water. I was surprised how good the fishing is there considering all the pressure it gets. Brett was great. Great service. A report will be following.
  12. Great fish guys. How do you get internet connections ? We will be there next week
  13. How is it looking guys?
  14. Esox Angler.
  15. How is it looking guys?
  16. Actually I was more interested in the Red Lake area as I will be on Little Vermillion on June 8th. I was hoping for a normal/later Ice out. But we will see. I still hope it works out OK for you Connie when you get there.
  17. Hey Guys. How does it look this year for Ice out in the Red Lake area? Will it be as early as last year? Thanks John
  18. Yes, It has to be the largest pike caught in recent history anywhere.
  19. Check out this site for picture and details for a giant Pike caught in Italy. www.esoxhunter.com
  20. Check out this site for a giant 50 lb pike caught this week in Italy. http://www.esoxhunter.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=741
  21. I pulled up a tire in Greenwood Lake in NJ. For a while I thought I caught Jimmy Hoffa.
  22. Mepps Did you guys get one off the dock?
  23. Guys Thanks for all the responses. Cant wait to get there. Great looking fish. I love the one with the suick hanging out of her mouth.
  24. Just wondering if any of you guys ever fished at Sportsman lodge. Is the pike fishing good there. I am looking to do some trophy pike fishing in NW Ontario next spring. Thanks in Advance John
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