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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Simple is some times best thats for shure , we had perch the other night and ran out of the beer batter for the last dozen fillets and done them with abit of oil , they were thte ones i enjoyed the best ...... just like the perch rolls we get when down home . P.S with every that went on here today the bass is still in the fridge , maybe tomorrow night .
  2. Now maybe i left there to soon ...lol... , 1972 when i came this way , now its just back there for visits , still all the family is there but yes you will never get anything to eat that taste bad from there right back to Quebec city , are you a Riverside P**** guy Mike ?
  3. Yices!!!!!!! i know the way it needs to be done now after you explain it ,to much lost of control over my content i always thought before to give that way a try . If its not simpler then that guess i'll remain photoless for now . Thank you tho FM .
  4. Well all great starts to a day on the water , mine not so good ,and they did come in three , if you were at the Tiffin launch yesterday morning then you know who i am , i was up in the parking lot with the pickup parked behind the boat charging the batterys , yes the "two"batterys , even the back up was dead . Seems this is going to happen if i don't rememberto shute the master kill switch off when i park the boat thru the week , in and out of the water four times in one day , did'nt fine the perch holes , and gave my set up to a fellow who was trying to catch and tag perch for nexts weeks festival , three things ..lol . I did in the end come home with some nice bass , a boat that started , and a new freind .
  5. I've tryed and can't make it work , keep getting this box pop up with " hptt........."and clicking on it nothhing happens . I am not newbie when it comes to computers but maybe with this new notebook and fourm site am just not getting it yet . Thanks in advance every one .
  6. Honey ! put the Bass back in the fridge , Billys got some real nice perch he wants to share ............. lol ....lol . They sure are nice , if thats how my day would have went yesterday but i just could'nt land on 'em no where it seemed . Great catch of fish boys .
  7. Sorry every one for not being here to anwser your post last night , after the long day yesterday out on the water sleep got me early and knocked me down til just now . Thank you Billy Bob for helping to cut our choices down to two , but waste not want not ...lol , i just have to give'm a try . Hey! MercMan & Rod Caster thinking we three are from the same cloth if you know what i mean , if not in , then from along its border , i know the cuisine is always the best from over that way . I'll show them both to Beverly and let her decide . Thank you Guys
  8. Going to try some of my Bass for the first time tomorrow , instead of going thru the books or the net for a recipe i thought i would ask on here , i am sure some one will have something better to try and Beverly and i are all ears and are looking forward to giving it a try.................
  9. lol ....another person who knows how to get the most of a day out fishing ..........
  10. Sorry i missed you post Billy Bob , must of been on my way to the water when it came on ..........
  11. Guess i was on the water RIZZO when you posted this , i'll have to ask her , thanks for the tip ...........
  12. Hi Terry your dam right it was cold out there this morning , i left home north of the city at 5 and had to scrape the windshield off on the truck , i was up at the north end of noname bay for a while this morning but spent the rest of the day in noname bay out of the wind , just came back in a few minutes ago , glad to be home. For me it seemed the perch were no where to be found today but like you the bass were hitting real good , i took the camera with me and when i had a good fish to take a picture of the dam batterys were dead in the thing , the best one i caught to day for a Bass had his nose toughing the bottom of a five gallon pail while his tail hung over the top of it , sorry with out having a picture to show this is the best way i can tell how big it was . All in all it was not to bad of a day ........................... i better go clean dem fish .
  13. Good luck out there today Dan , i am ready to load up my Tims in the boat and get a fish on !
  14. That reminds me , got to find out where the guys are buying minnows over my way .
  15. Iwish you luck , heading out my self here shortly on Lake Simcoe
  16. Ok ....who's making the coffee on here tonight , i see i am not the only one who is unable to sleep ....... lol
  17. Merci MercMan................
  18. Hi & welcome , i was a newbie the other day too , you'll see , time flys in here .......lol , enjoy your self and hold on to your hat
  20. Dont think i'll go this year , being the only gun i have it cost too much at the body shop every year when i get one to fix the truck after ........... lol .
  21. For me i think its more about being the only one out there and to do that its got to be at 5:00 in the morning , its to late now for that now so i'll leave it and go to work and perhapes try at 4 or 5 tonight when i get back .
  22. .CCMT try the new Dodge with the built in jake brake , it helps big time , been waiting to get rear ended tho cause with it you'll never see any brake lights come on .........
  23. Theres some good remarks here now and there right , nobody wants to be told out on the road that they are the dink , but what it all boils down too is to many people on the road don't know what they should be doing while driving in traffic , seams its more importen to be consendrating on their phone ,drinking Tims,how loud they can get the music to play , waiting for the gps to tell them what to do next ect then consendrating on the driving part of what they are doing . I know , i just bought my first new truck last fall with all the toys , thease things were'nt my choice but i needed a truck right away to be able to keep moving my equipment and this is the only way they come now , no more bare bones as they dont make enough money selling that kind of stuff . To me the thing is nothing but a death trap out on the road with all its buildt in features that try to distrac you from what you realy should be consendrating on , and that at all times should be the driving , some of us who can't let our selves be distracted know you can never take your eyes off the driving for a second . It shure would be nice if we were all on the same team but i've lived long enough to know thats never gona happen .
  24. Dam it , i slept in its 6 :15 , the Barrie web cam for the bay looks good but ya it looks cold , i better check the marine forcast .... man its late .
  25. checked the forcast and things look good for the morning , guess i;ll go perch'en at 5 , hope i wake up in time , good night every one
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